

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉 We welcome all sorts of contributions, from bug reports to feature requests to code contributions.

How to contribute

The main ways to can contribute are:

Requesting a new language

If you'd like to request a new language to be added to the repository, please open an issue with the new language label. Please include the following information:

  • The name of the language
  • A brief description of the language
  • The language's website, if any exist
  • Any relevant documentation on how to build, test, and publish libraries in the language
  • Any CI information
  • Any other relevant information

Adding a new language

If you'd like to add a new language to the repository, please follow these guidelines:

  • The language MUST have some way of publishing and consuming libraries (ie. a package manager).
  • Your PR MUST include a GitHub Actions pipeline to build, run tests, and potentially publish the library to the library location.
  • See any of the existing language workflows for examples.
  • Your PR MUST include a LANGUAGE.md file in the docs directory with the following information:
  • A basic way to add the library as a dependency
  • An example of how to use the library
  • A link on the README.md to the new language documentation