# Locusts: A universal library We here at Locusts-R-Us have developed a series of libraries for all sorts of programming languages to introduce locusts in all sorts of codebases. ## FAQ ### Why Locusts? The punchline of [XKCD 797](https://xkcd.com/797/). (Pictured below) [![XKCD 797 "DEBIAN-MAIN"](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/debian_main.png)](https://xkcd.com/797/) ### Why would you do this? It's funny. ### Do any of these libraries serve any purpose? No. ### How do I add these to my projects? See the documentation below. ### Can I contribute? Yes! Please do! We welcome all contributions. See the [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) file for more information. ## Currently Supported Languages - [C/C++](./docs/C.md) - [Go](./docs/Go.md) - [Rust](./docs/Rust.md) - [Python](./docs/Python.md) - [C#/F#](./docs/.NET.md) ### Not a language but - [Docker](./docs/Docker.md) ## License Every locust library in this repository is licensed under the [0 Clause BSD License](./LICENSE).