# CSCI 4061: Project 3 The third project in CSCI 4061: Intro to Operating Systems. ## Fall 2020 - **Test machine:** atlas.cselabs.umn.edu - **Date:** 11/15/2020 - **Name:** Andrea Smith, Matt Strapp - **x500:** smit9523, strap012 The purpose of this program is to create a multi-threaded web server by using POSIX threads. In this project, we wrote the mapper and reducer threads, a logging system #### Program structure ```dispatch():``` Repeatedly receives the client request and adds the requests to the queue. ```worker():``` Monitors the queue, retrieve new requests as they come in, and send the result back to the client. ## Extra Credit A ```dynamic_pool_size_update():``` Changes the worker thread pool dynamically depending on the number of requests ## Extra Credit B ```initCache():``` ```isInCache():``` ```readFromCache():``` ```addIntoCache():``` ```deleteCache():``` #### Team Contributions: For the first draft, Andrea primarily contributed to sendChunkData() and getChunkData() and Matt wrote shuffle() and getInterData(), but the debugging process (the majority of the work) was entirely a joint effort.