path: root/python/dotsandboxes/dotsandboxescompete.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'python/dotsandboxes/dotsandboxescompete.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/python/dotsandboxes/dotsandboxescompete.py b/python/dotsandboxes/dotsandboxescompete.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ee2aee8..0000000
--- a/python/dotsandboxes/dotsandboxescompete.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# encoding: utf-8
-Template for the Machine Learning Project course at KU Leuven (2017-2018)
-of Hendrik Blockeel and Wannes Meert.
-Copyright (c) 2018 KU Leuven. All rights reserved.
-import sys
-import argparse
-import logging
-import asyncio
-import websockets
-import json
-from collections import defaultdict
-import random
-import uuid
-import time
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def start_competition(address1, address2, nb_rows, nb_cols, timelimit):
- asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(connect_agent(address1, address2, nb_rows, nb_cols, timelimit))
-async def connect_agent(uri1, uri2, nb_rows, nb_cols, timelimit):
- cur_game = str(uuid.uuid4())
- winner = None
- cells = []
- cur_player = 1
- points = [0, 0, 0]
- timings = [None, [], []]
- for ri in range(nb_rows + 1):
- columns = []
- for ci in range(nb_cols + 1):
- columns.append({"v":0, "h":0, "p":0})
- cells.append(columns)
- logger.info("Connecting to {}".format(uri1))
- async with websockets.connect(uri1) as websocket1:
- logger.info("Connecting to {}".format(uri2))
- async with websockets.connect(uri2) as websocket2:
- logger.info("Connected")
- # Start game
- msg = {
- "type": "start",
- "player": 1,
- "timelimit": timelimit,
- "game": cur_game,
- "grid": [nb_rows, nb_cols]
- }
- await websocket1.send(json.dumps(msg))
- msg["player"] = 2
- await websocket2.send(json.dumps(msg))
- # Run game
- while winner is None:
- ask_time = time.time()
- logger.info("Waiting for player {}".format(cur_player))
- if cur_player == 1:
- msg = await websocket1.recv()
- else:
- msg = await websocket2.recv()
- recv_time = time.time()
- diff_time = recv_time - ask_time
- timings[cur_player].append(diff_time)
- logger.info("Message received after (s): {}".format(diff_time))
- try:
- msg = json.loads(msg)
- except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err:
- logger.debug(err)
- continue
- if msg["type"] != "action":
- logger.error("Unknown message: {}".format(msg))
- continue
- r, c = msg["location"]
- o = msg["orientation"]
- next_player = user_action(r, c, o, cur_player,
- cells, points,
- nb_rows, nb_cols)
- if points[1] + points[2] == nb_cols * nb_rows:
- # Game over
- winner = 1
- if points[2] == points[1]:
- winner = 0
- if points[2] > points[1]:
- winner = 2
- else:
- msg = {
- "type": "action",
- "game": cur_game,
- "player": cur_player,
- "nextplayer": next_player,
- "score": [points[1], points[2]],
- "location": [r, c],
- "orientation": o
- }
- await websocket1.send(json.dumps(msg))
- await websocket2.send(json.dumps(msg))
- cur_player = next_player
- # End game
- logger.info("Game ended: points1={} - points2={} - winner={}".format(points[1], points[2], winner))
- msg = {
- "type": "end",
- "game": cur_game,
- "player": cur_player,
- "nextplayer": 0,
- "score": [points[1], points[2]],
- "location": [r, c],
- "orientation": o,
- "winner": winner
- }
- await websocket1.send(json.dumps(msg))
- await websocket2.send(json.dumps(msg))
- # Timings
- for i in [1, 2]:
- logger.info("Timings: player={} - avg={} - min={} - max={}"\
- .format(i,
- sum(timings[i])/len(timings[i]),
- min(timings[i]),
- max(timings[i])))
- logger.info("Closed connections")
-def user_action(r, c, o, cur_player, cells, points, nb_rows, nb_cols):
- logger.info("User action: player={} - r={} - c={} - o={}".format(cur_player, r, c, o))
- next_player = cur_player
- won_cell = False
- cell = cells[r][c]
- if o == "h":
- if cell["h"] != 0:
- return cur_player
- cell["h"] = cur_player
- # Above
- if r > 0:
- if cells[r - 1][c]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r - 1][c + 1]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r - 1][c]["h"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c]["h"] != 0:
- won_cell = True
- points[cur_player] += 1
- cells[r - 1][c]["p"] = cur_player
- # Below
- if r < nb_rows:
- if cells[r][c]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c + 1]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c]["h"] != 0 \
- and cells[r + 1][c]["h"] != 0:
- won_cell = True
- points[cur_player] += 1
- cells[r][c]["p"] = cur_player
- if o == "v":
- if cell["v"] != 0:
- return cur_player
- cell["v"] = cur_player;
- # Left
- if c > 0:
- if cells[r][c - 1]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c - 1]["h"] != 0 \
- and cells[r + 1][c - 1]["h"] != 0:
- won_cell = True
- points[cur_player] += 1
- cells[r][c - 1]["p"] = cur_player
- # Right
- if c < nb_cols:
- if cells[r][c]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c + 1]["v"] != 0 \
- and cells[r][c]["h"] != 0 \
- and cells[r + 1][c]["h"] != 0:
- won_cell = True
- points[cur_player] += 1
- cells[r][c]["p"] = cur_player
- if not won_cell:
- next_player = 3 - cur_player
- else:
- next_player = cur_player
- print("Update points: player1={} - player2={}".format(points[1], points[2]))
- return next_player
-def main(argv=None):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start agent to play Dots and Boxes')
- parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0, help='Verbose output')
- parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='count', default=0, help='Quiet output')
- parser.add_argument('--cols', '-c', type=int, default=2, help='Number of columns')
- parser.add_argument('--rows', '-r', type=int, default=2, help='Number of rows')
- parser.add_argument('--timelimit', '-t', type=float, default=0.5, help='Time limit per request in seconds')
- parser.add_argument('agents', nargs=2, metavar='AGENT', help='Websockets addresses for agents')
- args = parser.parse_args(argv)
- logger.setLevel(max(logging.INFO - 10 * (args.verbose - args.quiet), logging.DEBUG))
- logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout))
- start_competition(args.agents[0], args.agents[1], args.rows, args.cols, args.timelimit)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- sys.exit(main())