from random import * import collections from Algorithm import * from Board import * from Nodes import * class DotsNBoxes: # A class for managing the moves made by the human and the computer def __init__(self, Board_Xdim, Board_Ydim, Ply_num): currentState = Game([], Board_Xdim, Board_Ydim) currentState.Initiate() self.State = Thing(currentState) self.Ply_num = Ply_num self.Score = 0 def Human(self): # Defining the Human player and his actions/Choices self.State.Draw() HumanX = int(input("Please enter the 'X' coordinate of your choice (an integer such as 4): ")) HumanY = int(input("Please enter the 'Y' coordinate of your choice (an integer such as 4): ")) if (HumanX, HumanY) not in self.State.children: self.State.Make(HumanX, HumanY, False) self.State = self.State.children[(HumanX, HumanY)] else: self.State = self.State.children[(HumanX, HumanY)] print("Current Score =====>> Your Score - AI Score = " + str(self.State.CurrentScore),end ="\n\n\n") self.Computer() def Computer(self): # Defining the Computer player and its actions/Choices self.State.Draw() move = Algo.miniMax(self.State, self.Ply_num) self.State = self.State.children[(move[0], move[1])] print("AI selected the following coordinates to play:\n" + "(" ,str(move[0]), ", " + str(move[1]), ")", end = "\n\n") print("Current Score =====>> Your Score - AI Score = " + str(self.State.CurrentScore), end = "\n\n\n") if len(self.State.children) == 0: self.State.Draw() self.Evaluation() return self.Human() def Evaluation(self): # Evaluation function for taking care of the final scores print("Stop this Madness!!!\n") if self.State.CurrentScore > 0: print("You won you crazy little unicorn!! You are the new hope for the mankind!") exit() elif self.State.CurrentScore < 0: print("!!! Inevitable Doom!!! You were crushed by the AI!! ") exit() else: print("Draw! Well Congratulations! you are as smart as the AI!") exit() def start(self): self.Human()