from Algorithm import * from DotsNBoxes import * from Board import * from Nodes import * def main(): while True: print("\t\t!! Welcome to the game of Dots and Boxes !!\n\n Be prepared to be crushed by the power of Artificial Intelligence ... !!\n\n\ Kidding! You totally can beat it!\n\n\n") x = input("Press 1 to start the game or press 2 to escape from the inevitable doom!!\n\n") if x == "1": Board_Xdim = int(input("\nPlease enter the number of rows for the board: \n")) * 2 + 1 if Board_Xdim < 5: print("\nthe number of rows should atleast be 2\n") exit() Board_Ydim = int(input("\nPlease enter the number of columns for the board: \n")) * 2 + 1 if Board_Ydim < 5: print("\nthe number of columns should atleast be 2\n") exit() Ply_num = int(input("\nPlease enter the number of plies used by the AI: \n")) if Ply_num < 2: print("\nThe number of plies should be higher than 1\n") exit() Match = DotsNBoxes(Board_Xdim, Board_Ydim, Ply_num) Match.start() else: print ("\n\nEscape it is!") exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()