import math from copy import deepcopy from time import perf_counter from random import choice from GameState import GameState class GameController(object): def get_next_move(self, state): # when you get a new move, it is assumed that the game is not ended yet assert state.get_moves() class ABNode(object): # A class for Node related operations def __init__(self, state): self.Current = state if state.player == 1: self.CurrentScore = self.Current.score[2]-self.Current.score[1] elif state.player ==2: self.CurrentScore = self.Current.score[1]-self.Current.score[2] self.children = {} def update_score(self): if self.Current.player == 2: self.CurrentScore = self.Current.score[1]-self.Current.score[2] elif self.Current.player == 1: self.CurrentScore = self.Current.score[2]-self.Current.score[1] def Make(self, r,c,o, player): # Function for generating a child node self.children[(r,c,o)] = ABNode(self.Current) move=(r,c,o) self.children[(r,c,o)].play_move(move) self.children[(r,c,o)].update_score() def Populate(self, r,c,o, Child): # Function for adding a node self.children[(r,c,o)] = Child def Draw(self): # function for drawing the board self.Current.Draw_mat() # A class for defining algorithms used (minimax and alpha-beta pruning) class AlphaBeta(object): def miniMax(State, Ply_num): # Function for the minimax algorithm for i in range(State.Current.dimY): for j in range(State.Current.dimX): if State.Current.Mat[i][j] == ' ' and (j, i) not in State.children: State.Make(j, i, True) if Ply_num < 2: return (i, j) Minimum_Score = 1000 i = 0 j = 0 for k, z in State.children.items(): Result = Algo.Maximum(z, Ply_num - 1, Minimum_Score) if Minimum_Score > Result: Minimum_Score = Result i = k[0] j = k[1] return (i, j) # Alpha-beta pruning function for taking care of Alpha values def Maximum(State, Ply_num, Alpha): if Ply_num == 0: return State.CurrentScore for i in range(State.Current.dimY): for j in range(State.Current.dimX): if State.Current.Mat[i][j] == ' ' and (j, i) not in State.children: State.Make(j, i, False) Maximum_Score = -1000 i = 0 j = 0 for k, z in State.children.items(): Result = Algo.Minimum(z, Ply_num - 1, Maximum_Score) if Maximum_Score < Result: Maximum_Score = Result if Result > Alpha: return Result return Maximum_Score def Minimum(State, Ply_num, Beta): # Alpha-beta pruning function for taking care of Beta values if Ply_num == 0: return State.CurrentScore for i in range(State.Current.dimY): for j in range(State.Current.dimX): if State.Current.Mat[i][j] == ' ' and (j, i) not in State.children: State.Make(j, i, True) Minimum_Score = 1000 i = 0 j = 0 for k, z in State.children.items(): Result = Algo.Maximum(z, Ply_num - 1, Minimum_Score) if Minimum_Score > Result: Minimum_Score = Result if Result < Beta: return Result return Minimum_Score