Dots and Boxes application ========================== Live demo: ![Screenshot of Dots and Boxes]( This setup is part of the course "Machine Learning: Project" (KU Leuven, Faculty of engineering, Department of Computer Science, [DTAI research group]( Installation ------------ The example agent is designed for Python 3.6 and requires the [websockets]( package. Dependencies can be installed using pip: $ pip install -r requirements.txt Start the game GUI ------------------ This program shows a web-based GUI to play the Dots and Boxes game. This supports human-human, agent-human and agent-agent combinations. It is a simple Javascript based application that runs entirely in the browser. You can start it by opening the file `static/dotsandboxes.html` in a browser. Or alternatively, you can start the app using the included simple server: $ ./ 8080 The game can then be played by directing your browser to Start the agent client ---------------------- This is the program that runs a game-playing agent. This application listens to [websocket]( requests that communicate game information and sends back the next action it wants to play. Starting the agent client is done using the following command: $ ./dotsandboxesagent This starts a websocket on the given port that can receveive JSON messages. The JSON messages given below should be handled by your agent. Take into account the maximal time allowed to reply. ### Initiate the game Both players get a message that a new game has started: { "type": "start", "player": 1, "timelimit", 0.5, "grid": [5, 5], "game": "123456" } where `player` is the number assigned to this agent, `timelimit` is the time in seconds in which you need to send your action back to the server, and `grid` is the grid size in rows and columns. If you are player 1, reply with the first action you want to perform: { "type": "action", "location": [1, 1], "orientation": "v" } The field `location` is expressed as row and column (zero-based numbering) and `orientation` is either "v" (vertical) or "h" (horizontal). ### Action in the game When an action is played, the message sent to both players is: { "type": "action", "game": "123456", "player": 1, "nextplayer": 2, "score": [0, 0], "location": [1, 1], "orientation": "v" } If it is your turn you should answer with a message that states your next move: { "type": "action", "location": [1, 1], "orientation": "v" } ### Game end When the game ends after an action, the message is slightly altered: { "type": "end", "game": "123456", "player": 1, "nextplayer": 0, "score": [3, 1], "location": [1, 1], "orientation": "v", "winner": 1 } The `type` field becomes `end` and a new field `winner` is set to the player that has won the game. Contact information ------------------- - Wannes Meert, - Hendrik Blockeel, - Arne De Brabandere, - Sebastijan Dumančić, - Pieter Robberechts,