#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 """ dotsandboxesagent.py Template for the Machine Learning Project course at KU Leuven (2017-2018) of Hendrik Blockeel and Wannes Meert. Copyright (c) 2018 KU Leuven. All rights reserved. """ import sys import argparse import logging import asyncio import websockets import json from collections import defaultdict import random logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) games = {} agentclass = None class DotsAndBoxesAgent: """Example Dots and Boxes agent implementation base class. It returns a random next move. A DotsAndBoxesAgent object should implement the following methods: - __init__ - add_player - register_action - next_action - end_game This class does not necessarily use the best data structures for the approach you want to use. """ def __init__(self, player, nb_rows, nb_cols, timelimit): """Create Dots and Boxes agent. :param player: Player number, 1 or 2 :param nb_rows: Rows in grid :param nb_cols: Columns in grid :param timelimit: Maximum time allowed to send a next action. """ self.player = {player} self.timelimit = timelimit self.ended = False self.nb_rows = nb_rows self.nb_cols = nb_cols rows = [] for ri in range(nb_rows + 1): columns = [] for ci in range(nb_cols + 1): columns.append({"v": 0, "h": 0}) rows.append(columns) self.cells = rows def add_player(self, player): """Use the same agent for multiple players.""" self.player.add(player) def register_action(self, row, column, orientation, player): """Register action played in game. :param row: :param columns: :param orientation: "v" or "h" :param player: 1 or 2 """ self.cells[row][column][orientation] = player def next_action(self): """Return the next action this agent wants to perform. In this example, the function implements a random move. Replace this function with your own approach. :return: (row, column, orientation) """ logger.info("Computing next move (grid={}x{}, player={})"\ .format(self.nb_rows, self.nb_cols, self.player)) # Random move free_lines = [] for ri in range(len(self.cells)): row = self.cells[ri] for ci in range(len(row)): cell = row[ci] if ri < (len(self.cells) - 1) and cell["v"] == 0: free_lines.append((ri, ci, "v")) if ci < (len(row) - 1) and cell["h"] == 0: free_lines.append((ri, ci, "h")) if len(free_lines) == 0: # Board full return None movei = random.randint(0, len(free_lines) - 1) r, c, o = free_lines[movei] return r, c, o def end_game(self): self.ended = True ## MAIN EVENT LOOP async def handler(websocket, path): logger.info("Start listening") game = None # msg = await websocket.recv() try: async for msg in websocket: logger.info("< {}".format(msg)) try: msg = json.loads(msg) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err: logger.error(err) return False game = msg["game"] answer = None if msg["type"] == "start": # Initialize game if msg["game"] in games: games[msg["game"]].add_player(msg["player"]) else: nb_rows, nb_cols = msg["grid"] games[msg["game"]] = agentclass(msg["player"], nb_rows, nb_cols, msg["timelimit"]) if msg["player"] == 1: # Start the game nm = games[game].next_action() print('nm = {}'.format(nm)) if nm is None: # Game over logger.info("Game over") continue r, c, o = nm answer = { 'type': 'action', 'location': [r, c], 'orientation': o } else: # Wait for the opponent answer = None elif msg["type"] == "action": # An action has been played r, c = msg["location"] o = msg["orientation"] games[game].register_action(r, c, o, msg["player"]) if msg["nextplayer"] in games[game].player: # Compute your move nm = games[game].next_action() if nm is None: # Game over logger.info("Game over") continue nr, nc, no = nm answer = { 'type': 'action', 'location': [nr, nc], 'orientation': no } else: answer = None elif msg["type"] == "end": # End the game games[msg["game"]].end_game() answer = None else: logger.error("Unknown message type:\n{}".format(msg)) if answer is not None: print(answer) await websocket.send(json.dumps(answer)) logger.info("> {}".format(answer)) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as err: logger.info("Connection closed") logger.info("Exit handler") def start_server(port): server = websockets.serve(handler, 'localhost', port) print("Running on ws://{}".format(port)) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever() ## COMMAND LINE INTERFACE def main(argv=None): global agentclass parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start agent to play Dots and Boxes') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0, help='Verbose output') parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='count', default=0, help='Quiet output') parser.add_argument('port', metavar='PORT', type=int, help='Port to use for server') args = parser.parse_args(argv) logger.setLevel(max(logging.INFO - 10 * (args.verbose - args.quiet), logging.DEBUG)) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)) agentclass = DotsAndBoxesAgent start_server(args.port) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())