import pygame import numpy as np import sys class Game: def __init__(self): self.grid_size = 10 # default if len(sys.argv) > 1: self.grid_size = int(sys.argv[1]) # It turns out that there are nice structures when setting ~0.75 walls per slot self.start_walls = int(0.75 * self.grid_size ** 2) self.accept_clicks = True # variables for the boxes for each player (x would be computer) self.a_boxes = 0 self.b_boxes = 0 self.x_boxes = 0 self.turn = "X" self.caption = "'s turn " # 0 empty 1 is A 2 is B and 3 is X self.grid_status = np.zeros((self.grid_size, self.grid_size), self.upper_walls_set_flags = np.zeros((self.grid_size, self.grid_size), np.dtype(bool)) self.left_walls_set_flags = np.zeros((self.grid_size, self.grid_size), np.dtype(bool)) # set the outer walls for column in range(self.grid_size): for row in range(self.grid_size): if column == 0: self.left_walls_set_flags[column][row] = True if row == 0: self.upper_walls_set_flags[column][row] = True # initialize pygame pygame.init() # set the display size (one slot has 30x30 pixels; Walls: 4x26 Box: 26x26) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode([30 * self.grid_size + 4, 30 * self.grid_size + 4]) # load all images self.empty = pygame.image.load("pics/empty.png") self.A = pygame.image.load("pics/A.png") self.B = pygame.image.load("pics/B.png") self.X = pygame.image.load("pics/X.png") self.block = pygame.image.load("pics/block.png") self.lineX = pygame.image.load("pics/lineX.png") self.lineXempty = pygame.image.load("pics/lineXempty.png") self.lineY = pygame.image.load("pics/lineY.png") self.lineYempty = pygame.image.load("pics/lineYempty.png") tries = 0 # set the start walls randomly but do not create any opportunity to directly close boxes while self.start_walls > 0 and tries < 4*self.grid_size**2: x = np.random.randint(self.grid_size) y = np.random.randint(self.grid_size) up = np.random.randint(2) if up: if not self.upper_walls_set_flags[x][y] \ and self.get_number_of_walls(x, y) < 2 \ and self.get_number_of_walls(x, y - 1) < 2: self.upper_walls_set_flags[x][y] = True self.start_walls -= 1 else: if not self.left_walls_set_flags[x][y] \ and self.get_number_of_walls(x, y) < 2 \ and self.get_number_of_walls(x - 1, y) < 2: self.left_walls_set_flags[x][y] = True self.start_walls -= 1 tries += 1 # now it's the first players turn self.turn = "A" while True: # go through all events and check the types for event in pygame.event.get(): # quit the game when the player closes it if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit(0) # left click elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: if not self.accept_clicks: continue # get the current position of the cursor x = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] # check whether it was a not set wall that was clicked wall_x, wall_y = self.get_wall(x, y) if not (wall_x >= 0 and wall_y >= 0): continue upper_wall = wall_y % 30 == 0 if upper_wall: if not self.upper_walls_set_flags[wall_x//30][wall_y//30]: self.upper_walls_set_flags[wall_x//30][wall_y//30] = True self.screen.blit(self.lineX, (wall_x, wall_y)) else: continue else: if not self.left_walls_set_flags[wall_x//30][wall_y//30]: self.left_walls_set_flags[wall_x//30][wall_y//30] = True self.screen.blit(self.lineY, (wall_x, wall_y)) else: continue if not self.set_all_slots() > 0: if self.turn == "A": self.turn = "B" elif self.turn == "B": self.turn = "A" if self.won(): self.accept_clicks = False else: # set the display caption pygame.display.set_caption(self.turn + self.caption + " A:" + str( self.a_boxes) + " B:" + str(self.b_boxes)) # update the players screen pygame.display.flip() def get_number_of_walls(self, slot_column, slot_row): """ Get the number of set walls around the passed slot :param slot_column: x of the slot :param slot_row: y of the slot :return: number of set walls """ number_of_walls = 0 if slot_column == self.grid_size - 1: number_of_walls += 1 elif self.left_walls_set_flags[slot_column + 1][slot_row]: number_of_walls += 1 if slot_row == self.grid_size - 1: number_of_walls += 1 elif self.upper_walls_set_flags[slot_column][slot_row + 1]: number_of_walls += 1 if self.left_walls_set_flags[slot_column][slot_row]: number_of_walls += 1 if self.upper_walls_set_flags[slot_column][slot_row]: number_of_walls += 1 return number_of_walls @staticmethod def get_wall(pos_x, pos_y): rest_x = pos_x % 30 rest_y = pos_y % 30 wall_slot_x = pos_x//30 wall_slot_y = pos_y//30 # in a corner if rest_x < 4 and rest_y < 4: return -1, -1 if rest_x < 4: # is left wall of the slot return wall_slot_x*30, wall_slot_y*30 + 4 if rest_y < 4: # is upper wall of the slot return wall_slot_x*30 + 4, wall_slot_y*30 # inside the box => not a wall return -1, -1 def set_all_slots(self): """ Find all newly closed boxes and close them for the current player :return: number of closed boxes """ to_return = 0 for column_ in range(self.grid_size): for row_ in range(self.grid_size): if self.grid_status[column_][row_] != 0 or self.get_number_of_walls(column_, row_) < 4: continue if self.turn == "A": self.grid_status[column_][row_] = 1 self.screen.blit(self.A, (column_ * 30 + 4, row_ * 30 + 4)) self.a_boxes += 1 elif self.turn == "B": self.grid_status[column_][row_] = 2 self.screen.blit(self.B, (column_ * 30 + 4, row_ * 30 + 4)) self.b_boxes += 1 elif self.turn == "X": self.grid_status[column_][row_] = 3 self.screen.blit(self.X, (column_ * 30 + 4, row_ * 30 + 4)) self.x_boxes += 1 to_return += 1 return to_return def won(self): """ Check whether the game was finished If so change the caption to display the winner :return: won or not """ if self.a_boxes + self.b_boxes + self.x_boxes == self.grid_size ** 2: if self.a_boxes < self.b_boxes: won_caption = "Player B won! Congrats" elif self.b_boxes < self.a_boxes: won_caption = "Player A won! Congrats" else: won_caption = "It's a tie!" # set the display caption pygame.display.set_caption(won_caption) # update the players screen pygame.display.flip() return True else: return False def show(self): """ Reload the screen Use the current grid and wall information to update the players screen """ self.screen.fill(0) # loop over all slots for column in range(self.grid_size): for row in range(self.grid_size): x, y = column * 30, row * 30 self.screen.blit(self.block, (x, y)) x += 4 if not self.upper_walls_set_flags[column][row]: self.screen.blit(self.lineXempty, (x, y)) else: self.screen.blit(self.lineX, (x, y)) x -= 4 y += 4 if not self.left_walls_set_flags[column][row]: self.screen.blit(self.lineYempty, (x, y)) else: self.screen.blit(self.lineY, (x, y)) # calculate x and y in pixels x, y = column * 30 + 4, row * 30 + 4 if self.grid_status[column][row] == 0: self.screen.blit(self.empty, (x, y)) elif self.grid_status[column][row] == 1: self.screen.blit(self.A, (x, y)) elif self.grid_status[column][row] == 2: self.screen.blit(self.B, (x, y)) elif self.grid_status[column][row] == 3: self.screen.blit(self.X, (x, y)) pygame.display.set_caption(self.turn + self.caption + " A:" + str(self.a_boxes) + " B:" + str( self.b_boxes)) pygame.display.flip() game = Game() # start a game