Copyright (c) 2017,2018 Regents of the University of Minnesota.
All Rights Reserved.
See corresponding header file for details.
#include "unicam.h"
#include "gfxmath.h"
namespace mingfx {
UniCam::UniCam() : state_(UniCamState::START), defaultDepth_(4.0), boundingSphereRad_(1.0),
dollyFactor_(1.0), dollyInitialized_(false), elapsedTime_(0.0), hitGeometry_(false),
rotAngularVel_(0.0), rotInitialized_(false), rotLastTime_(0.0), showIcon_(false)
UniCam::UniCam(const Matrix4 &initialViewMatrix) :
state_(UniCamState::START), defaultDepth_(4.0), V_(initialViewMatrix), boundingSphereRad_(1.0),
dollyFactor_(1.0), dollyInitialized_(false), elapsedTime_(0.0), hitGeometry_(false),
rotAngularVel_(0.0), rotInitialized_(false), rotLastTime_(0.0), showIcon_(false)
void UniCam::recalc_angular_vel() {
// update angular velocity
float cutoff = (float)elapsedTime_ - 0.2f; // look just at the last 0.2 secs
while ((rotAngularVelBuffer_.size()) && (rotAngularVelBuffer_[0].first < cutoff)) {
rotAngularVel_ = 0.0;
if (rotAngularVelBuffer_.size()) {
for (int i=0; i<rotAngularVelBuffer_.size(); i++) {
rotAngularVel_ += rotAngularVelBuffer_[i].second;
rotAngularVel_ /= rotAngularVelBuffer_.size();
//std::cout << rotAngularVelBuffer_.size() << " " << rotAngularVel_ << std::endl;
void UniCam::OnButtonDown(const Point2 &mousePos, float mouseZ) {
if (state_ == UniCamState::START) {
initialClickPos_ = mousePos;
mouseLast_ = mousePos;
elapsedTime_ = 0.0;
rotInitialized_ = false;
dollyInitialized_ = false;
hitGeometry_ = (mouseZ < 1.0);
if (hitGeometry_) {
hitPoint_ = GfxMath::ScreenToWorld(V_, Pdraw_, mousePos, mouseZ);
else {
hitPoint_ = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, Point2(0,0), defaultDepth_);
showIcon_ = true;
state_ = UniCamState::PAN_DOLLY_ROT_DECISION;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::ROT_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_CLICK) {
// we have the second click now, and we will start the trackball rotate interaction
state_ = UniCamState::ROT;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::SPINNING) {
// this click is to "catch" the model, stopping it from spinning.
state_ = UniCamState::START;
else {
std::cerr << "UniCam::OnButtonDown() unexpected state." << std::endl;
void UniCam::OnDrag(const Point2 &mousePos) {
if (state_ == UniCamState::PAN_DOLLY_ROT_DECISION) {
const double panMovementThreshold = 0.01;
const double dollyMovementThreshold = 0.01;
if (fabs(mousePos[0] - initialClickPos_[0]) > panMovementThreshold) {
// already lots of horizontal movement, we can go right to pan
state_ = UniCamState::PAN;
showIcon_ = false;
else if (fabs(mousePos[1] - initialClickPos_[1]) > dollyMovementThreshold) {
// already lots of vertical movement, we can go right to dolly
state_ = UniCamState::DOLLY;
showIcon_ = false;
else if (elapsedTime_ > 1.0) {
// timeout, this was not a quick click to set a center of rotation,
// so there is no intent to rotate. instead we will be doing either
// pan or dolly.
state_ = UniCamState::PAN_DOLLY_DECISION;
showIcon_ = false;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::PAN_DOLLY_DECISION) {
const double panMovementThreshold = 0.01;
const double dollyMovementThreshold = 0.01;
if (fabs(mousePos[0] - initialClickPos_[0]) > panMovementThreshold) {
// lots of horizontal movement, go to pan
state_ = UniCamState::PAN;
else if (fabs(mousePos[1] - initialClickPos_[1]) > dollyMovementThreshold) {
// lots of vertical movement, go to dolly
state_ = UniCamState::DOLLY;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::PAN) {
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
Point3 eye = camMat.ColumnToPoint3(3);
Vector3 look = -camMat.ColumnToVector3(2);
float depth = (hitPoint_ - eye).Dot(look);
Point3 pWorld1 = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, mouseLast_, depth);
Point3 pWorld2 = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, mousePos, depth);
V_ = V_ * Matrix4::Translation(pWorld2 - pWorld1);
else if (state_ == UniCamState::DOLLY) {
if (!dollyInitialized_) {
// Setup dollyFactor so that if you move the mouse to the bottom of the screen, the point
// you clicked on will be right on top of the camera.
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
Point3 eye = camMat.ColumnToPoint3(3);
Vector3 look = -camMat.ColumnToVector3(2);
float depth = (hitPoint_ - eye).Dot(look);
float deltaYToBottom = initialClickPos_[1] + 1;
dollyFactor_ = depth / deltaYToBottom;
dollyInitialized_ = true;
Vector3 d(0, 0, -dollyFactor_ * (mousePos[1] - mouseLast_[1]));
V_ = Matrix4::Translation(d) * V_ ;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::ROT) {
if (!rotInitialized_) {
float depth = 0.0;
if (hitGeometry_) {
// if we hit some geometry, then make that the center of rotation
boundingSphereCtr_ = hitPoint_;
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
Point3 eye = camMat.ColumnToPoint3(3);
Vector3 look = -camMat.ColumnToVector3(2);
depth = (hitPoint_ - eye).Dot(look);
else {
// if we did not hit any geometry, then center the bounding sphere in front of
// the camera at a distance that can be configured by the user.
boundingSphereCtr_ = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, Point2(0,0), defaultDepth_);
depth = defaultDepth_;
// determine the size of the bounding sphere by projecting a screen-space
// distance of 0.75 units to the depth of the sphere center
Point3 pWorld1 = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, Point2(0,0), depth);
Point3 pWorld2 = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, Point2(0.75,0), depth);
boundingSphereRad_ = (pWorld2-pWorld1).Length();
rotLastTime_ = elapsedTime_;
rotInitialized_ = true;
else {
// Do a trackball rotation based on the mouse movement and the bounding sphere
// setup earlier.
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
Point3 eye = camMat.ColumnToPoint3(3);
// last mouse pos
bool hit1 = false;
Point3 mouse3D1 = GfxMath::ScreenToNearPlane(V_, Pdraw_, mouseLast_);
Ray ray1(eye, mouse3D1 - eye);
float t1;
Point3 iPoint1;
if (ray1.IntersectSphere(boundingSphereCtr_, boundingSphereRad_, &t1, &iPoint1)) {
hit1 = true;
// current mouse pos
bool hit2 = false;
Point3 mouse3D2 = GfxMath::ScreenToNearPlane(V_, Pdraw_, mousePos);
Ray ray2(eye, mouse3D2 - eye);
float t2;
Point3 iPoint2;
if (ray2.IntersectSphere(boundingSphereCtr_, boundingSphereRad_, &t2, &iPoint2)) {
hit2 = true;
rotLastIPoint_ = iPoint2;
if (hit1 && hit2) {
Vector3 v1 = (iPoint1 - boundingSphereCtr_).ToUnit();
Vector3 v2 = (iPoint2 - boundingSphereCtr_).ToUnit();
rotAxis_ = v1.Cross(v2).ToUnit();
float angle = std::acos(v1.Dot(v2));
if (std::isfinite(angle)) {
Matrix4 R = Matrix4::Rotation(boundingSphereCtr_, rotAxis_, angle);
R = R.Orthonormal();
V_ = V_ * R;
//V_ = V_.orthonormal();
// add a sample to the angular vel vector
double dt = elapsedTime_ - rotLastTime_;
double avel = angle / dt;
if (std::isfinite(avel)) {
rotAngularVelBuffer_.push_back(std::make_pair(elapsedTime_, avel));
rotLastTime_ = elapsedTime_;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::START) {
// picked up a little mouse movement after "catching" a spinning model
// nothing to do, just wait for the button up.
else {
std::cerr << "UniCam::OnDrag() unexpected state." << std::endl;
mouseLast_ = mousePos;
void UniCam::OnButtonUp(const Point2 &mousePos) {
if (state_ == UniCamState::PAN_DOLLY_ROT_DECISION) {
// here, we got a quick click of the mouse to indicate a center of rotation
// so we now go into a mode of waiting for a second click to start rotating
// around that point.
state_ = UniCamState::ROT_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_CLICK;
else if (state_ == UniCamState::ROT) {
showIcon_ = false;
// if we are leaving the rotation state and the angular velocity is
// greater than some thresold, then the user has "thrown" the model
// keep rotating the same way by entering the spinning state.
//std::cout << "check for spin: " << n-start << " " << rotAngularVel_ << " " << avel2 << std::endl;
const float threshold = 0.2f;
if (std::fabs(rotAngularVel_) > threshold) {
state_ = UniCamState::SPINNING;
else {
state_ = UniCamState::START;
else {
showIcon_ = false;
// all other cases go back to the start state
state_ = UniCamState::START;
void UniCam::AdvanceAnimation(double dt) {
elapsedTime_ += dt;
if (state_ == UniCamState::SPINNING) {
double deltaT = elapsedTime_ - rotLastTime_;
rotLastTime_ = elapsedTime_;
double angle = (double)rotAngularVel_ * deltaT;
Matrix4 R = Matrix4::Rotation(boundingSphereCtr_, rotAxis_, (float)angle);
//R = R.orthonormal();
V_ = V_ * R;
void UniCam::Draw(const Matrix4 &projectionMatrix) {
Pdraw_ = projectionMatrix;
if (showIcon_) {
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
Point3 eye = camMat.ColumnToPoint3(3);
Vector3 look = -camMat.ColumnToVector3(2);
float depth = (hitPoint_ - eye).Dot(look);
Point3 pWorld1 = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, Point2(0.f,0.f), depth);
Point3 pWorld2 = GfxMath::ScreenToDepthPlane(V_, Pdraw_, Point2(0.015f,0.f), depth);
float rad = (pWorld2 - pWorld1).Length();
Matrix4 M = Matrix4::Translation(hitPoint_ - Point3::Origin()) * Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(rad, rad, rad));
quickShapes_.DrawSphere(M, V_, Pdraw_, Color(0,0,0));
Matrix4 UniCam::view_matrix() {
return V_;
void UniCam::set_view_matrix(Matrix4 viewMatrix) {
V_ = viewMatrix;
void UniCam::set_default_depth(float d) {
defaultDepth_ = d;
Point3 UniCam::eye() {
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
return camMat.ColumnToPoint3(3);
Vector3 UniCam::look() {
Matrix4 camMat = V_.Inverse();
return -camMat.ColumnToVector3(2);
} // end namespace