path: root/dev/MinGfx/src/matrix4.h
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diff --git a/dev/MinGfx/src/matrix4.h b/dev/MinGfx/src/matrix4.h
index 4abf29f..337f8bd 100644
--- a/dev/MinGfx/src/matrix4.h
+++ b/dev/MinGfx/src/matrix4.h
@@ -1,260 +1,260 @@
- This file is part of the MinGfx Project.
- Copyright (c) 2017,2018 Regents of the University of Minnesota.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Original Author(s) of this File:
- Dan Keefe, 2017, University of Minnesota
- Author(s) of Significant Updates/Modifications to the File:
- ...
- */
-#ifndef SRC_MATRIX4_H_
-#define SRC_MATRIX4_H_
-#include <iostream>
-#include "point3.h"
-#include "vector3.h"
-#include "ray.h"
-namespace mingfx {
-/** A 4x4 transformation matrix stored internally as an array of floats in
- column-major order so as to be compatible with OpenGL. Examples:
- ~~~
- // constructing various matrices:
- Matrix4 T = Matrix4::Translation(Vector3(1,0,0));
- Matrix4 S = Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(2,2,2));
- Matrix4 R = Matrix4::RotateX(GfxMath::toRadians(45.0));
- // compose matrices together by multiplication
- Matrix4 M = T * R * S;
- Matrix4 Minv = M.Inverse();
- // transforming points, vectors, etc.
- Point3 p1(1,1,1);
- Point3 p2 = M * p1;
- Vector3 v1(1,1,1);
- Vector3 v2 = M * v1;
- Ray r1(p1, v1);
- Ray r2 = M * r1;
- ~~~
- */
-class Matrix4 {
- /// The default constructor creates an identity matrix:
- Matrix4();
- /// Constructs a matrix given from an array of 16 floats in OpenGL matrix format
- /// (i.e., column major).
- Matrix4(const float* a);
- /// Constructs a matrix given from a vector of 16 floats in OpenGL matrix format
- /// (i.e., column major).
- Matrix4(const std::vector<float> &a);
- /// Copy constructor
- Matrix4(const Matrix4& m2);
- /// Destructor
- virtual ~Matrix4();
- /// Check for "equality", taking floating point imprecision into account
- bool operator==(const Matrix4& m2) const;
- /// Check for "inequality", taking floating point imprecision into account
- bool operator!=(const Matrix4& m2) const;
- /// Matrix assignment operator
- Matrix4& operator=(const Matrix4& m2);
- /// Returns a pointer to the raw data array used to store the matrix. This
- /// is a 1D array of 16-elements stored in column-major order.
- const float * value_ptr() const;
- /// Accesses the ith element of the raw data array used to store the matrix.
- /// This is a 1D array of 16-elements stored in column-major order.
- float operator[](const int i) const;
- /// Accesses the ith element of the raw data array used to store the matrix.
- /// This is a 1D array of 16-elements stored in column-major order.
- float& operator[](const int i);
- /// Access an individual element of the array using the syntax:
- /// Matrix4 mat; float row1col2 = mat(1,2);
- float operator()(const int row, const int col) const;
- /// Access an individual element of the array using the syntax:
- /// Matrix4 mat; mat(1,2) = 1.0;
- float& operator()(const int row, const int col);
- /// Returns the c-th column of the matrix as a Vector type, e.g.,:
- /// Vector3 xAxis = mat.getColumnAsVector3(0);
- /// Vector3 yAxis = mat.getColumnAsVector3(1);
- /// Vector3 zAxis = mat.getColumnAsVector3(2);
- Vector3 ColumnToVector3(int c) const;
- /// Returns the c-th column of the matrix as a Vector type, e.g.,:
- /// Point3 pos = mat.getColumnAsPoint3(3);
- Point3 ColumnToPoint3(int c) const;
- std::vector<float> ToVector() const;
- // --- Static Constructors for Special Matrices ---
- /** Returns a matrix constructed from individual elements passed in row major
- order so that the matrix looks "correct" on the screen as you write this
- constructor on 4 lines of code as below. Note the that internally the
- matrix constructed will be stored in a 16 element column major array to
- be consistent with OpenGL.
- */
- static Matrix4 FromRowMajorElements(
- const float r1c1, const float r1c2, const float r1c3, const float r1c4,
- const float r2c1, const float r2c2, const float r2c3, const float r2c4,
- const float r3c1, const float r3c2, const float r3c3, const float r3c4,
- const float r4c1, const float r4c2, const float r4c3, const float r4c4
- );
- // --- Model Transformations ---
- /// Returns the scale matrix described by the vector
- static Matrix4 Scale(const Vector3 &v);
- /// Returns the translation matrix described by the vector
- static Matrix4 Translation(const Vector3 &v);
- /// Returns the rotation matrix about the x axis by the specified angle
- static Matrix4 RotationX(const float radians);
- /// Returns the rotation matrix about the y axis by the specified angle
- static Matrix4 RotationY(const float radians);
- /// Returns the rotation matrix about the z axis by the specified angle
- static Matrix4 RotationZ(const float radians);
- /// Returns the rotation matrix around the vector v placed at point p, rotate by angle a
- static Matrix4 Rotation(const Point3 &p, const Vector3 &v, const float a);
- /// Creates a transformation matrix that maps a coordinate space, *a*, defined
- /// one point, *a_p*, and two vectors, *a_v1* and *a_v2*, to a new coordinate
- /// space, *b*, also defined by one point, *b_p*, and two vectors, *b_v1* and
- /// *b_v2*. The transformation will thus include both some rotation and some
- /// translation. Pseudocode example of aligning a billboard defined in the
- /// XY plane with a normal in the +Z direction and that rotates around the Y
- /// axis with a camera:
- /// ~~~
- /// // define a coordiante space for a canonical billboard geometry defined
- /// // right at the origin.
- /// Point3 a_p = Point3(0,0,0); // billboard's initial base position
- /// Vector3 a_v1 = Vector3(0,1,0); // billboard's initial up direction
- /// Vector3 a_v2 = Vector3(0,0,1); // billboard's initial normal direction
- ///
- /// // define a coordinate space for where we want this billboard to go and
- /// // the direction it should be facing
- /// Point3 b_p = desired_base_pos; // new position for the billboard
- /// Vector3 b_v1 = Vector3(0,1,0); // +Y is still up, doesn't change
- /// Vector3 b_v2 = (camera.eye() - desired_base_pos); // the normal should point toward the camera
- /// b_v2[1] = 0.0; // with 0 change in Y so the billboard does not tilt
- /// b_v2.Normalize(); // convert to a unit vector
- ///
- /// Matrix4 billboard_model_matrix = Matrix4::Align(a_p, a_v1, a_v2, b_p, b_v1, b_v2);
- /// ~~~
- static Matrix4 Align(const Point3 &a_p, const Vector3 &a_v1, const Vector3 &a_v2,
- const Point3 &b_p, const Vector3 &b_v1, const Vector3 &b_v2);
- // --- View Matrices ---
- /** Returns a view matrix that centers the camera at the 'eye' position and
- orients it to look at the desired 'target' point with the top of the
- screen pointed as closely as possible in the direction of the 'up' vector.
- */
- static Matrix4 LookAt(Point3 eye, Point3 target, Vector3 up);
- // --- Projection Matrices ---
- /// Returns a perspective projection matrix equivalent to the one gluPerspective
- /// creates.
- static Matrix4 Perspective(float fov_y_in_degrees, float aspect_ratio, float near_plane_dist, float far_plane_dist);
- /// Returns a projection matrix equivalent the one glFrustum creates
- static Matrix4 Frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_plane_dist, float far_plane_dist);
- // --- Inverse, Transposeand Other General Matrix Functions ---
- /// Returns the inverse of the 4x4 matrix if it is nonsingular. If it is
- /// singular, then returns the identity matrix.
- Matrix4 Inverse() const;
- /** Returns an orthonormal version of the matrix, i.e., guarantees that the
- rotational component of the matrix is built from column vectors that are
- all unit vectors and orthogonal to each other.
- */
- Matrix4 Orthonormal() const;
- /// Returns the transpose of the matrix
- Matrix4 Transpose() const;
- /// Returns the determinant of the 3x3 matrix formed by excluding the specified
- /// row and column from the 4x4 matrix.
- float SubDeterminant(int exclude_row, int exclude_col) const;
- /// Returns the cofactor matrix.
- Matrix4 Cofactor() const;
- /// Returns the determinant of the 4x4 matrix
- float Determinant() const;
- float m[16];
-// ---------- Operator Overloads for Working with Points, Vectors, & Matrices ----------
-// --- Matrix multiplication for Points, Vectors, & Matrices ---
-/// Multiply matrix and scalar, returns the new matrix
-Matrix4 operator*(const Matrix4& m, const float& s);
-/// Multiply matrix and scalar, returns the new matrix
-Matrix4 operator*(const float& s, const Matrix4& m);
-/// Multiply matrix and point, returns the new point
-Point3 operator*(const Matrix4& m, const Point3& p);
-/// Multiply matrix and vector, returns the new vector
-Vector3 operator*(const Matrix4& m, const Vector3& v);
-/// Multiply two matrices, returns the result
-Matrix4 operator*(const Matrix4& m1, const Matrix4& m2);
-/// Multiply matrix and the point and vector portions of the ray, returns the new ray
-Ray operator*(const Matrix4& m, const Ray& r);
-// --- Stream operators ---
-std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &os, const Matrix4 &m);
-std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &is, Matrix4 &m);
-} // end namespace
+ This file is part of the MinGfx Project.
+ Copyright (c) 2017,2018 Regents of the University of Minnesota.
+ All Rights Reserved.
+ Original Author(s) of this File:
+ Dan Keefe, 2017, University of Minnesota
+ Author(s) of Significant Updates/Modifications to the File:
+ ...
+ */
+#ifndef SRC_MATRIX4_H_
+#define SRC_MATRIX4_H_
+#include <iostream>
+#include "point3.h"
+#include "vector3.h"
+#include "ray.h"
+namespace mingfx {
+/** A 4x4 transformation matrix stored internally as an array of floats in
+ column-major order so as to be compatible with OpenGL. Examples:
+ ~~~
+ // constructing various matrices:
+ Matrix4 T = Matrix4::Translation(Vector3(1,0,0));
+ Matrix4 S = Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(2,2,2));
+ Matrix4 R = Matrix4::RotateX(GfxMath::toRadians(45.0));
+ // compose matrices together by multiplication
+ Matrix4 M = T * R * S;
+ Matrix4 Minv = M.Inverse();
+ // transforming points, vectors, etc.
+ Point3 p1(1,1,1);
+ Point3 p2 = M * p1;
+ Vector3 v1(1,1,1);
+ Vector3 v2 = M * v1;
+ Ray r1(p1, v1);
+ Ray r2 = M * r1;
+ ~~~
+ */
+class Matrix4 {
+ /// The default constructor creates an identity matrix:
+ Matrix4();
+ /// Constructs a matrix given from an array of 16 floats in OpenGL matrix format
+ /// (i.e., column major).
+ Matrix4(const float* a);
+ /// Constructs a matrix given from a vector of 16 floats in OpenGL matrix format
+ /// (i.e., column major).
+ Matrix4(const std::vector<float> &a);
+ /// Copy constructor
+ Matrix4(const Matrix4& m2);
+ /// Destructor
+ virtual ~Matrix4();
+ /// Check for "equality", taking floating point imprecision into account
+ bool operator==(const Matrix4& m2) const;
+ /// Check for "inequality", taking floating point imprecision into account
+ bool operator!=(const Matrix4& m2) const;
+ /// Matrix assignment operator
+ Matrix4& operator=(const Matrix4& m2);
+ /// Returns a pointer to the raw data array used to store the matrix. This
+ /// is a 1D array of 16-elements stored in column-major order.
+ const float * value_ptr() const;
+ /// Accesses the ith element of the raw data array used to store the matrix.
+ /// This is a 1D array of 16-elements stored in column-major order.
+ float operator[](const int i) const;
+ /// Accesses the ith element of the raw data array used to store the matrix.
+ /// This is a 1D array of 16-elements stored in column-major order.
+ float& operator[](const int i);
+ /// Access an individual element of the array using the syntax:
+ /// Matrix4 mat; float row1col2 = mat(1,2);
+ float operator()(const int row, const int col) const;
+ /// Access an individual element of the array using the syntax:
+ /// Matrix4 mat; mat(1,2) = 1.0;
+ float& operator()(const int row, const int col);
+ /// Returns the c-th column of the matrix as a Vector type, e.g.,:
+ /// Vector3 xAxis = mat.getColumnAsVector3(0);
+ /// Vector3 yAxis = mat.getColumnAsVector3(1);
+ /// Vector3 zAxis = mat.getColumnAsVector3(2);
+ Vector3 ColumnToVector3(int c) const;
+ /// Returns the c-th column of the matrix as a Vector type, e.g.,:
+ /// Point3 pos = mat.getColumnAsPoint3(3);
+ Point3 ColumnToPoint3(int c) const;
+ std::vector<float> ToVector() const;
+ // --- Static Constructors for Special Matrices ---
+ /** Returns a matrix constructed from individual elements passed in row major
+ order so that the matrix looks "correct" on the screen as you write this
+ constructor on 4 lines of code as below. Note the that internally the
+ matrix constructed will be stored in a 16 element column major array to
+ be consistent with OpenGL.
+ */
+ static Matrix4 FromRowMajorElements(
+ const float r1c1, const float r1c2, const float r1c3, const float r1c4,
+ const float r2c1, const float r2c2, const float r2c3, const float r2c4,
+ const float r3c1, const float r3c2, const float r3c3, const float r3c4,
+ const float r4c1, const float r4c2, const float r4c3, const float r4c4
+ );
+ // --- Model Transformations ---
+ /// Returns the scale matrix described by the vector
+ static Matrix4 Scale(const Vector3 &v);
+ /// Returns the translation matrix described by the vector
+ static Matrix4 Translation(const Vector3 &v);
+ /// Returns the rotation matrix about the x axis by the specified angle
+ static Matrix4 RotationX(const float radians);
+ /// Returns the rotation matrix about the y axis by the specified angle
+ static Matrix4 RotationY(const float radians);
+ /// Returns the rotation matrix about the z axis by the specified angle
+ static Matrix4 RotationZ(const float radians);
+ /// Returns the rotation matrix around the vector v placed at point p, rotate by angle a
+ static Matrix4 Rotation(const Point3 &p, const Vector3 &v, const float a);
+ /// Creates a transformation matrix that maps a coordinate space, *a*, defined
+ /// one point, *a_p*, and two vectors, *a_v1* and *a_v2*, to a new coordinate
+ /// space, *b*, also defined by one point, *b_p*, and two vectors, *b_v1* and
+ /// *b_v2*. The transformation will thus include both some rotation and some
+ /// translation. Pseudocode example of aligning a billboard defined in the
+ /// XY plane with a normal in the +Z direction and that rotates around the Y
+ /// axis with a camera:
+ /// ~~~
+ /// // define a coordiante space for a canonical billboard geometry defined
+ /// // right at the origin.
+ /// Point3 a_p = Point3(0,0,0); // billboard's initial base position
+ /// Vector3 a_v1 = Vector3(0,1,0); // billboard's initial up direction
+ /// Vector3 a_v2 = Vector3(0,0,1); // billboard's initial normal direction
+ ///
+ /// // define a coordinate space for where we want this billboard to go and
+ /// // the direction it should be facing
+ /// Point3 b_p = desired_base_pos; // new position for the billboard
+ /// Vector3 b_v1 = Vector3(0,1,0); // +Y is still up, doesn't change
+ /// Vector3 b_v2 = (camera.eye() - desired_base_pos); // the normal should point toward the camera
+ /// b_v2[1] = 0.0; // with 0 change in Y so the billboard does not tilt
+ /// b_v2.Normalize(); // convert to a unit vector
+ ///
+ /// Matrix4 billboard_model_matrix = Matrix4::Align(a_p, a_v1, a_v2, b_p, b_v1, b_v2);
+ /// ~~~
+ static Matrix4 Align(const Point3 &a_p, const Vector3 &a_v1, const Vector3 &a_v2,
+ const Point3 &b_p, const Vector3 &b_v1, const Vector3 &b_v2);
+ // --- View Matrices ---
+ /** Returns a view matrix that centers the camera at the 'eye' position and
+ orients it to look at the desired 'target' point with the top of the
+ screen pointed as closely as possible in the direction of the 'up' vector.
+ */
+ static Matrix4 LookAt(Point3 eye, Point3 target, Vector3 up);
+ // --- Projection Matrices ---
+ /// Returns a perspective projection matrix equivalent to the one gluPerspective
+ /// creates.
+ static Matrix4 Perspective(float fov_y_in_degrees, float aspect_ratio, float near_plane_dist, float far_plane_dist);
+ /// Returns a projection matrix equivalent the one glFrustum creates
+ static Matrix4 Frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_plane_dist, float far_plane_dist);
+ // --- Inverse, Transposeand Other General Matrix Functions ---
+ /// Returns the inverse of the 4x4 matrix if it is nonsingular. If it is
+ /// singular, then returns the identity matrix.
+ Matrix4 Inverse() const;
+ /** Returns an orthonormal version of the matrix, i.e., guarantees that the
+ rotational component of the matrix is built from column vectors that are
+ all unit vectors and orthogonal to each other.
+ */
+ Matrix4 Orthonormal() const;
+ /// Returns the transpose of the matrix
+ Matrix4 Transpose() const;
+ /// Returns the determinant of the 3x3 matrix formed by excluding the specified
+ /// row and column from the 4x4 matrix.
+ float SubDeterminant(int exclude_row, int exclude_col) const;
+ /// Returns the cofactor matrix.
+ Matrix4 Cofactor() const;
+ /// Returns the determinant of the 4x4 matrix
+ float Determinant() const;
+ float m[16];
+// ---------- Operator Overloads for Working with Points, Vectors, & Matrices ----------
+// --- Matrix multiplication for Points, Vectors, & Matrices ---
+/// Multiply matrix and scalar, returns the new matrix
+Matrix4 operator*(const Matrix4& m, const float& s);
+/// Multiply matrix and scalar, returns the new matrix
+Matrix4 operator*(const float& s, const Matrix4& m);
+/// Multiply matrix and point, returns the new point
+Point3 operator*(const Matrix4& m, const Point3& p);
+/// Multiply matrix and vector, returns the new vector
+Vector3 operator*(const Matrix4& m, const Vector3& v);
+/// Multiply two matrices, returns the result
+Matrix4 operator*(const Matrix4& m1, const Matrix4& m2);
+/// Multiply matrix and the point and vector portions of the ray, returns the new ray
+Ray operator*(const Matrix4& m, const Ray& r);
+// --- Stream operators ---
+std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &os, const Matrix4 &m);
+std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &is, Matrix4 &m);
+} // end namespace