path: root/dev/a4-dance/skeleton.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 355 deletions
diff --git a/dev/a4-dance/skeleton.cc b/dev/a4-dance/skeleton.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index f7d8c45..0000000
--- a/dev/a4-dance/skeleton.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-#include "skeleton.h"
-#include "amc_util.h"
-Skeleton::Skeleton() : using_degrees_(false) {
-Skeleton::~Skeleton() {
-int Skeleton::num_root_bones() const {
- return (int)root_bones_.size();
-std::string Skeleton::root_bone(int i) const {
- return root_bones_[i];
-int Skeleton::num_children(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- if (children_.find(bone_name) == children_.end()) {
- return 0;
- }
- else {
- return (int)children_.find(bone_name)->second.size();
- }
-std::string Skeleton::child_bone(const std::string &bone_name, int i) const {
- return children_.find(bone_name)->second[i];
-bool Skeleton::rx_dof(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return rx_dof_.find(bone_name)->second;
-Vector2 Skeleton::rx_limits(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return rx_limits_.find(bone_name)->second;
-bool Skeleton::ry_dof(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return ry_dof_.find(bone_name)->second;
-Vector2 Skeleton::ry_limits(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return ry_limits_.find(bone_name)->second;
-bool Skeleton::rz_dof(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return rz_dof_.find(bone_name)->second;
-Vector2 Skeleton::rz_limits(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return rz_limits_.find(bone_name)->second;
-int Skeleton::degrees_of_freedom(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return (int)rx_dof(bone_name) + (int)ry_dof(bone_name) + (int)rz_dof(bone_name);
-Vector3 Skeleton::BoneDirectionAndLength(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return lengths_.find(bone_name)->second * directions_.find(bone_name)->second;
-Matrix4 Skeleton::BoneSpaceToRotAxesSpace(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return bone_to_rot_axes_.find(bone_name)->second;
-Matrix4 Skeleton::RotAxesSpaceToBoneSpace(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return rot_axes_to_bone_.find(bone_name)->second;
-Matrix4 Skeleton::BoneSpaceToChildrenSpace(const std::string &bone_name) const {
- return bone_to_children_.find(bone_name)->second;
-const bool ABORT_ON_ERROR=true;
-void assume(bool b) {
- if (!b && ABORT_ON_ERROR) {
- std::abort();
- }
-void Skeleton::LoadFromASF(const std::string &asf_filename) {
- std::ifstream in(asf_filename.c_str());
- SimpleParser parser(&in);
- while (parser.Good()) {
- if (parser.Expect("#")) {
- //std::cerr << "Ignoring comment line" << std::endl;
- parser.SwallowLine();
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":version")) {
- parser.SwallowLine();
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":name")) {
- //std::cerr << "Swallowing name" << std::endl;
- parser.SwallowLine();
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":units")) {
- //std::cerr << "Reading units" << std::endl;
- ParseUnits(&parser);
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":documentation")) {
- //std::cerr << "Reading documentation" << std::endl;
- while (parser.Good() && !parser.Peek(":")) {
- parser.SwallowLine();
- }
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":root")) {
- //std::cerr << "Reading root" << std::endl;
- ParseRoot(&parser);
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":bonedata")) {
- //std::cerr << "Reading bonedata" << std::endl;
- ParseBonedata(&parser);
- }
- else if (parser.Expect(":hierarchy")) {
- //std::cerr << "Reading hierarchy" << std::endl;
- ParseHierarchy(&parser);
- }
- else {
- std::string tok;
- parser.ReadToken(tok);
- if (!parser.Good()) {
- break;
- }
- std::cerr << "Encountered unknown token" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "'" << tok << "'" << std::endl;
- std::abort();
- }
- } // end while (looping over file)
-void Skeleton::ParseUnits(SimpleParser *parser) {
- bool cont;
- do {
- cont = false;
- if (parser->Expect("mass")) {
- float trash;
- parser->ReadFloat(trash);
- cont = true;
- }
- if (parser->Expect("length")) {
- float trash;
- parser->ReadFloat(trash);
- cont = true;
- }
- if (parser->Expect("angle")) {
- std::string token;
- parser->ReadToken(token);
- if (token == "deg") {
- using_degrees_ = true;
- }
- }
- } while (cont);
-void Skeleton::ParseRoot(SimpleParser *parser) {
- bool cont;
- do {
- cont = false;
- if (parser->Expect("order")) {
- cont = true;
- if (!parser->Expect("TX TY TZ RX RY RZ")) {
- std::cerr << "'order' not in order expected" << std::endl;
- std::abort();
- }
- }
- if (parser->Expect("axis")) {
- cont = true;
- if (!parser->Expect("XYZ")) {
- std::cerr << "'axis' not in order expected" << std::endl;
- std::abort();
- }
- }
- if (parser->Expect("position")) {
- cont = true;
- parser->ReadFloat(root_position_[0]);
- parser->ReadFloat(root_position_[1]);
- parser->ReadFloat(root_position_[2]);
- root_position_ = amc2meter(root_position_);
- }
- if (parser->Expect("orientation")) {
- cont = true;
- parser->ReadFloat(root_orientation_[0]);
- parser->ReadFloat(root_orientation_[1]);
- parser->ReadFloat(root_orientation_[2]);
- }
- } while (cont);
-void Skeleton::ParseBonedata(SimpleParser *parser) {
- while (parser->Expect("begin")) {
- int id = -1;
- std::string name;
- Vector3 direction;
- float length = 0.0;
- Matrix4 bone_to_rot_axes;
- Matrix4 rot_axes_to_bone;
- bool rx_dof = false;
- bool ry_dof = false;
- bool rz_dof = false;
- Vector2 rx_limits;
- Vector2 ry_limits;
- Vector2 rz_limits;
- while (!parser->Expect("end")) {
- if (parser->Expect("id")) {
- parser->ReadInt(id);
- }
- if (parser->Expect("name")) {
- parser->ReadToken(name);
- }
- if (parser->Expect("direction")) {
- parser->ReadFloat(direction[0]);
- parser->ReadFloat(direction[1]);
- parser->ReadFloat(direction[2]);
- }
- if (parser->Expect("length")) {
- parser->ReadFloat(length);
- length = amc2meter(length);
- }
- if (parser->Expect("axis")) {
- float ax, ay, az;
- std::string axis_type;
- parser->ReadFloat(ax);
- parser->ReadFloat(ay);
- parser->ReadFloat(az);
- if (using_degrees_) {
- ax = GfxMath::ToRadians(ax);
- ay = GfxMath::ToRadians(ay);
- az = GfxMath::ToRadians(az);
- }
- parser->ReadToken(axis_type);
- if (axis_type == "XYZ") {
- rot_axes_to_bone = Matrix4::RotationZ(az) *
- Matrix4::RotationY(ay) *
- Matrix4::RotationX(ax);
- bone_to_rot_axes = rot_axes_to_bone.Inverse();
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "'axis type' not in order expected" << std::endl;
- std::abort();
- }
- }
- if (parser->Expect("dof")) {
- rx_dof = parser->Expect("rx");
- ry_dof = parser->Expect("ry");
- rz_dof = parser->Expect("rz");
- }
- if (parser->Expect("limits")) {
- int ndof = (int)rx_dof + (int)ry_dof + (int)rz_dof;
- for (int dof=0; dof < ndof; dof++) {
- assume(parser->Expect("("));
- float min, max;
- parser->ReadFloat(min);
- parser->ReadFloat(max);
- assume(parser->Expect(")"));
- if (dof == 0) {
- if (rx_dof) rx_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else if (ry_dof) ry_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else if (rz_dof) rz_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else abort();
- }
- else if (dof == 1) {
- if (rx_dof && ry_dof) ry_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else if (rx_dof && rz_dof) rz_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else if (ry_dof && rz_dof) rz_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else abort();
- }
- else if (dof == 2) {
- if (rx_dof && ry_dof && rz_dof) rz_limits = Vector2(min, max);
- else abort();
- }
- else {
- std::cerr << "bad dof limits" << std::endl;
- abort();
- }
- }
- }
- } // read "end" token
- // save the bone to the skeleton data structure
- ids_[name] = id;
- directions_[name] = direction;
- lengths_[name] = length;
- rx_dof_[name] = rx_dof;
- ry_dof_[name] = ry_dof;
- rz_dof_[name] = rz_dof;
- rx_limits_[name] = rx_limits;
- ry_limits_[name] = ry_limits;
- rz_limits_[name] = rz_limits;
- bone_to_rot_axes_[name] = bone_to_rot_axes;
- rot_axes_to_bone_[name] = rot_axes_to_bone;
- bone_to_children_[name] = Matrix4::Translation(length * direction);
- }
-void Skeleton::ParseHierarchy(SimpleParser *parser) {
- if (!parser->Expect("begin")) {
- std::cerr << "Reading hierarchy, expected 'begin', not found" << std::endl;
- std::abort();
- }
- while (!parser->Expect("end")) {
- std::string line;
- std::string parent;
- parser->ReadToken(parent);
- parser->ReadLine(line);
- std::stringstream ss(line);
- std::string child;
- ss >> child;
- while (ss) {
- if (parent == "root") {
- root_bones_.push_back(child);
- }
- else {
- children_[parent].push_back(child);
- }
- ss >> child;
- }
- }