path: root/dev/a6-harold/harold_app.cc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/dev/a6-harold/harold_app.cc b/dev/a6-harold/harold_app.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index abf5c4d..0000000
--- a/dev/a6-harold/harold_app.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-/** CSci-4611 Assignment 6: Harold
- */
-#include "harold_app.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-HaroldApp::HaroldApp() : GraphicsApp(1024,768, "Harold"),
- drawing_state_(DRAWING_NONE),
- sky_color_(1,1,1), ground_color_(0.25, 0, 0.25), crayon_color_(0.5,0,0.5)
- // Define a search path for finding data files (images and shaders)
- search_path_.push_back(".");
- search_path_.push_back("./data");
- search_path_.push_back("./shaders");
- search_path_.push_back(DATA_DIR_INSTALL);
- search_path_.push_back(DATA_DIR_BUILD);
- search_path_.push_back(SHADERS_DIR_INSTALL);
- search_path_.push_back(SHADERS_DIR_BUILD);
-HaroldApp::~HaroldApp() {
-void HaroldApp::InitNanoGUI() {
- // Setup the GUI window
- nanogui::Window *window = new nanogui::Window(screen(), "Harold's Crayons");
- window->setPosition(Eigen::Vector2i(10, 10));
- window->setSize(Eigen::Vector2i(200,100));
- window->setLayout(new nanogui::GroupLayout());
- new nanogui::Label(window, "Crayon Color", "sans-bold");
- auto cp1 = new nanogui::ColorPicker(window,
- nanogui::Color((int)(255.0*crayon_color_[0]),
- (int)(255.0*crayon_color_[1]),
- (int)(255.0*crayon_color_[2]), 255)
- );
- cp1->setFixedSize({100, 20});
- cp1->setFinalCallback([this](const nanogui::Color &c) {
- crayon_color_ = Color(c.r(), c.g(), c.b(), c.w());
- });
- new nanogui::Label(window, "Sky Color", "sans-bold");
- auto cp2 = new nanogui::ColorPicker(window,
- nanogui::Color((int)(255.0*sky_color_[0]),
- (int)(255.0*sky_color_[1]),
- (int)(255.0*sky_color_[2]), 255)
- );
- cp2->setFixedSize({100, 20});
- cp2->setFinalCallback([this](const nanogui::Color &c) {
- sky_color_ = Color(c.r(), c.g(), c.b(), c.w());
- });
- new nanogui::Label(window, "Ground Color", "sans-bold");
- auto cp3 = new nanogui::ColorPicker(window,
- nanogui::Color((int)(255.0*ground_color_[0]),
- (int)(255.0*ground_color_[1]),
- (int)(255.0*ground_color_[2]), 255)
- );
- cp3->setFixedSize({100, 20});
- cp3->setFinalCallback([this](const nanogui::Color &c) {
- ground_color_ = Color(c.r(), c.g(), c.b(), c.w());
- });
- screen()->performLayout();
-void HaroldApp::InitOpenGL() {
- // Set up the camera in a good position to see the entire field
- cam_.set_view_matrix(Matrix4::LookAt(Point3(0,2,10), Point3(0,2,0), Vector3(0,1,0)));
- proj_matrix_ = Matrix4::Perspective(60, aspect_ratio(), 0.1f, 1600.0f);
- glClearColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f);
- stroke2d_shaderprog_.AddVertexShaderFromFile(Platform::FindFile("stroke2d.vert", search_path_));
- stroke2d_shaderprog_.AddFragmentShaderFromFile(Platform::FindFile("stroke2d.frag", search_path_));
- stroke2d_shaderprog_.LinkProgram();
- stroke3d_shaderprog_.AddVertexShaderFromFile(Platform::FindFile("stroke3d.vert", search_path_));
- stroke3d_shaderprog_.AddFragmentShaderFromFile(Platform::FindFile("stroke3d.frag", search_path_));
- stroke3d_shaderprog_.LinkProgram();
- ground_.Init(search_path_);
- sky_.Init(&stroke3d_shaderprog_);
- billboards_.Init(&stroke3d_shaderprog_);
-void HaroldApp::AddToStroke(const Point2 &normalized_screen_pt) {
- // the stroke2d_ array stores the raw 2D screen coordinates of the
- // centerline of the stroke
- stroke2d_.push_back(normalized_screen_pt);
- // the mesh is a triangle strip that follows the centerline
- // we need at least 2 samples before we can create triangles
- if (stroke2d_.size() >= 2) {
- const float half_stroke_width = 0.01f;
- std::vector<Point3> verts;
- std::vector<unsigned int> indices;
- Point3 last_pt = Point3(stroke2d_[0][0], stroke2d_[0][1], 0);
- Point3 pt = Point3(stroke2d_[1][0], stroke2d_[1][1], 0);
- Vector3 tangent = (pt - last_pt).ToUnit();
- Vector3 cotangent = tangent.Cross(Vector3::UnitZ());
- verts.push_back(last_pt - half_stroke_width*cotangent);
- verts.push_back(last_pt + half_stroke_width*cotangent);
- for (int i=1; i<stroke2d_.size(); i++) {
- pt = Point3(stroke2d_[i][0], stroke2d_[i][1], 0);
- tangent = (pt - last_pt).ToUnit();
- cotangent = tangent.Cross(Vector3::UnitZ());
- verts.push_back(pt - half_stroke_width*cotangent);
- verts.push_back(pt + half_stroke_width*cotangent);
- indices.push_back((int)verts.size()-4);
- indices.push_back((int)verts.size()-3);
- indices.push_back((int)verts.size()-2);
- indices.push_back((int)verts.size()-3);
- indices.push_back((int)verts.size()-1);
- indices.push_back((int)verts.size()-2);
- last_pt = pt;
- }
- stroke2d_mesh_.SetVertices(verts);
- stroke2d_mesh_.SetIndices(indices);
- stroke2d_mesh_.UpdateGPUMemory();
- }
-// This function is called at the start of each new crayon stroke
-void HaroldApp::OnLeftMouseDown(const Point2 &mouse_in_pixels) {
- // Add to the stroke_mesh_, which is a 2D triangle strip used to draw the user's
- // crayon stroke on the screen.
- Point2 mouse_in_ndc = PixelsToNormalizedDeviceCoords(mouse_in_pixels);
- AddToStroke(mouse_in_ndc);
- // Next, try to figure out what we are drawing based on where the stroke originated.
- Point3 i_point;
- edit_billboard_id_ = billboards_.IntersectBillboard(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, mouse_in_ndc);
- if (edit_billboard_id_ >= 0) {
- // If the mouse starts on an existing billboard, then we are editing the billboard.
- drawing_state_ = DrawingState::DRAWING_BILLBOARD_EDIT;
- }
- else if (ground_.ScreenPtHitsGround(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, mouse_in_ndc, &i_point)) {
- // If the mouse starts on the ground, then we could be about to edit the
- // ground, OR we might be creating a new billboard. We won't know for sure
- // until the user releases the mouse and we can check to see whether the
- // stroke also ends on the ground.
- drawing_state_ = DrawingState::DRAWING_GROUND_OR_BILLBOARD;
- }
- else {
- // Otherwise, we must be drawing a stroke in the sky.
- drawing_state_ = DrawingState::DRAWING_SKY;
- }
-// This function is called once each frame while the user is drawing with the crayon
-void HaroldApp::OnLeftMouseDrag(const Point2 &mouse_in_pixels, const Vector2 &delta_in_pixels) {
- // Add to the stroke_mesh_, which is a 2D triangle strip used to draw the user's
- // crayon stroke on the screen.
- Point2 mouse_in_ndc = PixelsToNormalizedDeviceCoords(mouse_in_pixels);
- AddToStroke(mouse_in_ndc);
-// This function is called at the end of each stroke
-void HaroldApp::OnLeftMouseUp(const Point2 &mouse_in_pixels) {
- // If we are in the temporary drawing_ground_or_billboard state, then we need
- // to do a final check now to see if the stroke ended on the ground or not.
- // If it did, then we interpret the stroke as drawing_ground. Otherwise, we
- // treat it as creating a new billboard.
- if (drawing_state_ == DrawingState::DRAWING_GROUND_OR_BILLBOARD) {
- // The stroke was started on the ground, does it also end on the ground?
- Point2 mouse_in_ndc = PixelsToNormalizedDeviceCoords(mouse_in_pixels);
- Point3 i_point;
- if (ground_.ScreenPtHitsGround(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, mouse_in_ndc, &i_point)) {
- drawing_state_ = DrawingState::DRAWING_GROUND;
- }
- else {
- drawing_state_ = DrawingState::DRAWING_BILLBOARD;
- }
- }
- // Now, the action to take in terms of what geometry to add or modify in
- // the scene depends entirely on the drawing state:
- if (drawing_state_ == DrawingState::DRAWING_SKY) {
- sky_.AddSkyStroke(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, stroke2d_mesh_, crayon_color_);
- }
- else if (drawing_state_ == DrawingState::DRAWING_BILLBOARD) {
- billboards_.AddBillboardStroke(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, stroke2d_, stroke2d_mesh_, crayon_color_, &ground_);
- }
- else if (drawing_state_ == DrawingState::DRAWING_BILLBOARD_EDIT) {
- billboards_.AddToBillboard(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, edit_billboard_id_, stroke2d_mesh_, crayon_color_);
- }
- else if (drawing_state_ == DrawingState::DRAWING_GROUND) {
- if (stroke2d_.size() < 6) {
- std::cout << "Stroke is too short, try again." << std::endl;
- }
- else {
- ground_.ReshapeGround(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, stroke2d_);
- }
- }
- // Done with this stroke. Clear the 2d stroke and its mesh and reset the drawing state
- stroke2d_.clear();
- stroke2d_mesh_ = Mesh();
- drawing_state_ = DrawingState::DRAWING_NONE;
-// You can look around, like in minecraft, by dragging with the right mouse button.
-void HaroldApp::OnRightMouseDrag(const Point2 &mouse_in_pixels, const Vector2 &delta_in_pixels) {
- Vector2 delta_in_ndc = PixelsToNormalizedDeviceCoords(delta_in_pixels);
- cam_.OnMouseMove(delta_in_ndc);
-void HaroldApp::UpdateSimulation(double dt) {
- if (drawing_state_ == DrawingState::DRAWING_NONE) {
- // When walking around using the arrow keys we need to adjust the height
- // of the virtual camera when we walk up a hill. To do that, we shoot
- // a ray straight down from the eye point to the ground, find the point
- // of intersection on the ground, and then set the camera height to be
- // 2.0 meters above this.
- Ray ray(cam_.eye(), -Vector3::UnitY());
- float i_time;
- Point3 i_pt;
- int i_tri;
- if (ray.FastIntersectMesh(ground_.mesh_ptr(), &i_time, &i_pt, &i_tri)) {
- float height = 2.0f + i_pt[1]; // 2 meters above the gound
- cam_.UpdateHeight(height);
- }
- cam_.UpdateSimulation(dt, window());
- // The billboards also need to be updated to face the current camera
- billboards_.UpdateBillboardRotations(cam_.eye());
- }
-void HaroldApp::DrawUsingOpenGL() {
- // Clear the screen using the current sky color
- glClearColor(sky_color_[0], sky_color_[1], sky_color_[2], 1);
- // Draw the sky strokes
- sky_.Draw(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_);
- // Draw the ground mesh
- ground_.Draw(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_, ground_color_);
- // Draw the billboards
- billboards_.Draw(cam_.view_matrix(), proj_matrix_);
- // If we are currently drawing (indicated by the stroke mesh containing >0
- // triangles), then draw the 2D triangle strip mesh for the crayon stroke
- if (stroke2d_mesh_.num_triangles() > 0) {
- stroke2d_shaderprog_.UseProgram();
- stroke2d_shaderprog_.SetUniform("strokeColor", crayon_color_);
- stroke2d_mesh_.Draw();
- stroke2d_shaderprog_.StopProgram();
- }