MinGfx Toolkit  1.0
A minimal library for writing cross-platform (Windows, OSX, linux) graphics programs.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NmingfxNamespace for the MinGfx Toolkit
 CAABBA 3D axis-aligned bounding box defined by two corners (min and max)
 CBVHA Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) data structure that can be used to accelerate ray-object intersection tests by carving up space into a hierarchy of partitions represented in a tree
 CColorRepresents a 4-component (R,G,B,A) color, stored internally in a float array to be compatable with OpenGL
 CCraftCamThis implements a user interface for controlling the camera with the mouse
 CDefaultShaderA simple GLSL shader for textured per-fragment Phong shading with multiple light sources
 CLightPropertiesSmall data structure to hold per-light properties
 CMaterialPropertiesSmall data structure to hold properties of the material to be lit
 CGfxMathThis class holds a variety of static math functions that are useful to have defined with creating graphics programs
 CGraphicsAppThis is the main application base class for the MinGfx Toolkit
 CMatrix4A 4x4 transformation matrix stored internally as an array of floats in column-major order so as to be compatible with OpenGL
 CMeshA triangle mesh data structure that can be rendered with a ShaderProgram like DefaultShader
 CPlatformProvides access to the underlying file system and other platform-specific routines
 CPoint2A 2D Point with floating point coordinates, used for storing 2D texture coordinates, screen-space graphics, and mouse input
 CPoint3A 3D Point with floating point coordinates, used for storing vertices and all sorts of other 3D graphics operations
 CQuaternionA quaternion to represent rotations in 3D space
 CQuickShapesThis class provides a quick way to draw shapes for use in debugging or simple scenes
 CRayStores the mathematical object of a ray that begins at an origin (a 3D point) and points in a direction (a unit 3D vector)
 CShaderProgramA wrapper around GLSL shader programs
 CTexture2DA wrapper around a 2D texture that supports loading images from files or setting texture color data directly
 CUniCamThis implements a user interface for controlling the camera with the mouse
 CVector2A 2D Vector with floating point coordinates, used for storing 2D translations, mouse movements, and screen-space vectors
 CVector3A 3D Vector with floating point coordinates, used for storing normals and all sorts of other 3D graphics operations