MinGfx Toolkit  1.0
A minimal library for writing cross-platform (Windows, OSX, linux) graphics programs.
mingfx::Matrix4 Member List

This is the complete list of members for mingfx::Matrix4, including all inherited members.

Align(const Point3 &a_p, const Vector3 &a_v1, const Vector3 &a_v2, const Point3 &b_p, const Vector3 &b_v1, const Vector3 &b_v2)mingfx::Matrix4static
Cofactor() constmingfx::Matrix4
ColumnToPoint3(int c) constmingfx::Matrix4
ColumnToVector3(int c) constmingfx::Matrix4
Determinant() constmingfx::Matrix4
FromRowMajorElements(const float r1c1, const float r1c2, const float r1c3, const float r1c4, const float r2c1, const float r2c2, const float r2c3, const float r2c4, const float r3c1, const float r3c2, const float r3c3, const float r3c4, const float r4c1, const float r4c2, const float r4c3, const float r4c4)mingfx::Matrix4static
Frustum(float left, float right, float bottom, float top, float near_plane_dist, float far_plane_dist)mingfx::Matrix4static
Inverse() constmingfx::Matrix4
LookAt(Point3 eye, Point3 target, Vector3 up)mingfx::Matrix4static
Matrix4(const float *a)mingfx::Matrix4
Matrix4(const std::vector< float > &a)mingfx::Matrix4
Matrix4(const Matrix4 &m2)mingfx::Matrix4
operator!=(const Matrix4 &m2) constmingfx::Matrix4
operator()(const int row, const int col) constmingfx::Matrix4
operator()(const int row, const int col)mingfx::Matrix4
operator=(const Matrix4 &m2)mingfx::Matrix4
operator==(const Matrix4 &m2) constmingfx::Matrix4
operator[](const int i) constmingfx::Matrix4
operator[](const int i)mingfx::Matrix4
Orthonormal() constmingfx::Matrix4
Perspective(float fov_y_in_degrees, float aspect_ratio, float near_plane_dist, float far_plane_dist)mingfx::Matrix4static
Rotation(const Point3 &p, const Vector3 &v, const float a)mingfx::Matrix4static
RotationX(const float radians)mingfx::Matrix4static
RotationY(const float radians)mingfx::Matrix4static
RotationZ(const float radians)mingfx::Matrix4static
Scale(const Vector3 &v)mingfx::Matrix4static
SubDeterminant(int exclude_row, int exclude_col) constmingfx::Matrix4
ToVector() constmingfx::Matrix4
Translation(const Vector3 &v)mingfx::Matrix4static
Transpose() constmingfx::Matrix4
value_ptr() constmingfx::Matrix4