/* * CSci-4611 Assignment #1 Text Rain */ /* Note: if Processing's video library does not support your particular combination of webcam and operating system, then the Sketch may hang in the setup() routine when the list of available image capture devices is requestd with "Capture.list()". If this happens, you can skip all of the camera initilization code and just run in movie mode by setting the following global variable to true. If you having trouble accessing the cameara on a mac laptop due to a security issue. Some students found this post helpful: https://github.com/processing/processing-video/issues/134#issuecomment-664778394 */ boolean forceMovieMode = false; // Global vars used to access video frames from either a live camera or a prerecorded movie file import processing.video.*; String[] cameraModes; Capture cameraDevice; Movie inputMovie; boolean initialized = false; int threshhold = 128; // Both modes of input (live camera and movie) will update this same variable with the lastest // pixel data each frame. Use this variable to access the new pixel data each frame! PImage inputImage; PFont f; // Called automatically by Processing, once when the program starts up void setup() { size(1280, 720); inputImage = createImage(width, height, RGB); y = new int [width * height]; for (int k=0;k// updatePixels(); int x=0; // DRAW THE TEXT RAIN, ETC. // TODO: Much of your implementation code should go here. At this point, the latest pixel data from the // live camera or movie file will have been copied over to the inputImage variable. So, if you access // the pixel data from the inputImage variable, your code should always work, no matter which mode you run in. //String message = "TEXT AND THINGS AND TEXT AND THINGS"; String message = "Let's go for a drive / And see the town tonight / There's nothing to do / But I don't mind when I'm with you"; for(int i=0; i < message.length(); i++){ fill(255, 0, 0); int rainlength = int(random(1,5)); x += 11; y[x] = (y[x]+rainlength)%inputImage.height; if (red(pixels[x+y[x]*inputImage.width]) < threshhold) { y[x] = (y[x]-rainlength*2)%inputImage.height; if (y[x] <= 0) y[x]=1; if (y[x] >= inputImage.height) y[x]=inputImage.height-1; } text(message.charAt(i),x,y[x]); } } } // Called automatically by Processing once per frame void keyPressed() { if (!initialized) { // CHECK FOR A NUMBER KEY PRESS ON THE MENU SCREEN if ((key >= '0') && (key <= '9')) { int input = key - '0'; if (input == 0) { initializeMovieMode(); } else if ((input >= 1) && (input <= 9)) { initializeLiveCameraMode(input); } } } else { // CHECK FOR KEYPRESSES DURING NORMAL OPERATION // TODO: Fill in your code to handle keypresses here.. if (key == CODED) { if (keyCode == UP) { // up arrow key pressed threshhold+=5; if (threshhold > 255) threshhold=255; println("New threshhold: ",threshhold); } else if (keyCode == DOWN) { // down arrow key pressed println("DOWN"); threshhold-=5; if (threshhold < 0) threshhold=5; println("New threshhold: ",threshhold); } } else if (key == ' ') { // spacebar pressed println("DEBUG TOGGLED"); debug = !debug; } } } // Loads a movie from a file to simulate camera input. void initializeMovieMode() { String movieFile = "TextRainInput.mov"; println("Simulating camera input using movie file: " + movieFile); inputMovie = new Movie(this, movieFile); inputMovie.loop(); initialized = true; } // Starts up a webcam to use for input. void initializeLiveCameraMode(int cameraMode) { println("Activating camera mode #" + cameraMode + ": " + cameraModes[cameraMode-1]); cameraDevice = new Capture(this, cameraModes[cameraMode-1]); cameraDevice.start(); initialized = true; } // Draws a quick text-based menu to the screen void drawMenuScreen() { int y=10; text("Press a number key to select an input mode", 20, y); y += 40; text("O: Offline mode, test with TextRainInput.mov movie file instead of live camera feed.", 20, y); y += 40; for (int i = 0; i < min(9,cameraModes.length); i++) { text(i+1 + ": " + cameraModes[i], 20, y); y += 40; } }