/** CSci-4611 Assignment 2: Car Soccer */ #include "car_soccer.h" #include "config.h" CarSoccer::CarSoccer() : GraphicsApp(1024,768, "Car Soccer") { // Define a search path for finding data files (images and shaders) searchPath_.push_back("."); searchPath_.push_back("./data"); searchPath_.push_back(DATA_DIR_INSTALL); searchPath_.push_back(DATA_DIR_BUILD); } CarSoccer::~CarSoccer() { } Vector2 CarSoccer::joystick_direction() { Vector2 dir; if (IsKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) dir[0]--; if (IsKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) dir[0]++; if (IsKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_UP)) dir[1]++; if (IsKeyDown(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) dir[1]--; return dir; } void CarSoccer::OnSpecialKeyDown(int key, int scancode, int modifiers) { if (key == GLFW_KEY_SPACE) { // Here's where you could call some form of launch_ball(); } } void CarSoccer::UpdateSimulation(double timeStep) { // Here's where you shound do your "simulation", updating the positions of the // car and ball as needed and checking for collisions. Filling this routine // in is the main part of the assignment. } void CarSoccer::InitOpenGL() { // Set up the camera in a good position to see the entire field projMatrix_ = Matrix4::Perspective(60, aspect_ratio(), 1, 1000); modelMatrix_ = Matrix4::LookAt(Point3(0,60,70), Point3(0,0,10), Vector3(0,1,0)); // Set a background color for the screen glClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f); // Load some image files we'll use fieldTex_.InitFromFile(Platform::FindFile("pitch.png", searchPath_)); crowdTex_.InitFromFile(Platform::FindFile("crowd.png", searchPath_)); } void CarSoccer::DrawUsingOpenGL() { // Draw the crowd as a fullscreen background image quickShapes_.DrawFullscreenTexture(Color(1,1,1), crowdTex_); // Draw the field with the field texture on it. Color col(16.0f/255.0f, 46.0f/255.0f, 9.0f/255.0f); Matrix4 M = Matrix4::Translation(Vector3(0.0f, -0.201f, 0.0f)) * Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(50.0f, 1.0f, 60.0f)); quickShapes_.DrawSquare(modelMatrix_ * M, viewMatrix_, projMatrix_, col); M = Matrix4::Translation(Vector3(0.0f, -0.2f, 0.0f)) * Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(40.0f, 1.0f, 50.0f)); quickShapes_.DrawSquare(modelMatrix_ * M, viewMatrix_, projMatrix_, Color(1,1,1), fieldTex_); // Draw the car Color carcol(0.8f, 0.2f, 0.2f); Matrix4 Mcar = Matrix4::Translation(car_.position() - Point3(0,0,0)) * Matrix4::Scale(car_.size()) * Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); quickShapes_.DrawCube(modelMatrix_ * Mcar, viewMatrix_, projMatrix_, carcol); // Draw the ball Color ballcol(1,1,1); Matrix4 Mball = Matrix4::Translation(ball_.position() - Point3(0,0,0)) * Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(ball_.radius(), ball_.radius(), ball_.radius())); quickShapes_.DrawSphere(modelMatrix_ * Mball, viewMatrix_, projMatrix_, ballcol); // Draw the ball's shadow -- this is a bit of a hack, scaling Y by zero // flattens the sphere into a pancake, which we then draw just a bit // above the ground plane. Color shadowcol(0.2f, 0.4f, 0.15f); Matrix4 Mshadow = Matrix4::Translation(Vector3(ball_.position()[0], -0.1f, ball_.position()[2])) * Matrix4::Scale(Vector3(ball_.radius(), 0, ball_.radius())) * Matrix4::RotationX(90); quickShapes_.DrawSphere(modelMatrix_ * Mshadow, viewMatrix_, projMatrix_, shadowcol); // You should add drawing the goals and the boundary of the playing area // using quickShapes_.DrawLines() }