float t = 0.0; void setup() { size(600, 310); smooth(); } void draw() { background(255); drawFloor(); drawRobot(); t += 0.05; } void drawRobot() { } // HELPER ROUTINES FOR DRAWING THE ROBOT'S BODY PARTS // 50x65 rectangle with origin at bottom center (pelvis area) void drawTorso() { noStroke(); fill(38, 38, 200); rect(-25, -65, 50, 65); // body } // 38x30 rectangle with origin at bottom center void drawHead() { noStroke(); fill(38, 38, 200); rect(-19, -30, 38, 30); fill(222, 222, 249); ellipse(-8, -18, 12, 12); // left eye ellipse( 8, -18, 12, 12); // right eye } // 12x26 rectangle with origin at top center void drawArmPart() { noStroke(); fill(38, 38, 200); rect(-6, 0, 12, 26); } // 12x20 ellipse with origin at the top center void drawHand() { noStroke(); fill(122, 122, 249); ellipse(0, 10, 12, 20); } // 16x40 rectangle with origin at top center void drawLegPart() { noStroke(); fill(38, 38, 200); rect(-8, 0, 16, 40); } // 26x12 ellipse with origin at top center void drawFoot() { noStroke(); fill(122, 122, 249); ellipse(0, 6, 26, 12); } void drawFloor() { noStroke(); fill(100, 255, 100); rect(0, 300, 600, 10); }