path: root/papers
diff options
authorMatt Strapp <matt@mattstrapp.net>2022-10-06 17:41:16 -0500
committerMatt Strapp <matt@mattstrapp.net>2022-10-06 18:30:03 -0500
commit67157521d34931ce1dd499da251b08fc6d0a10e6 (patch)
tree5f795312750bdaa2d8a03e94398cd446efbb69cb /papers
parentGraduate (diff)
Hello darkness my old friend
Signed-off-by: Matt Strapp <matt@mattstrapp.net>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 95 deletions
diff --git a/papers/resume.tex b/papers/resume.tex
index 9023107..eef2fdd 100644
--- a/papers/resume.tex
+++ b/papers/resume.tex
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
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@@ -55,31 +55,31 @@
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- }
+ \item\small{
+ {#1 \vspace{-2pt}}
+ }
- \vspace{-2pt}\item
- \begin{tabular*}{0.97\textwidth}[t]{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
- \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
- \textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
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+ \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
+ \textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
+ \end{tabular*}\vspace{-7pt}
- \item
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- \textit{\small#1} & \textit{\small #2} \\
- \end{tabular*}\vspace{-7pt}
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+ \textit{\small#1} & \textit{\small #2} \\
+ \end{tabular*}\vspace{-7pt}
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- \small#1 & #2 \\
- \end{tabular*}\vspace{-7pt}
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+ \small#1 & #2 \\
+ \end{tabular*}\vspace{-7pt}
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
-%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -100,97 +100,86 @@
- \textbf{\Huge Matthew Strapp} \\ \vspace{1pt}
- \small (507)429-1743 $|$ \href{mailto:matt@mattstrapp.net}{\underline{matt@mattstrapp.net}} $|$
- \href{https://git.mattstrapp.net/RossTheRoss}{\underline{cutt.ly/MSGit}}
+ \textbf{\Huge Matthew Strapp} \\ \vspace{1pt}
+ \small (814)732-0836 \(|\) \href{mailto:matt@mattstrapp.net}{\underline{matt@mattstrapp.net}} \(|\)
+ \href{https://git.mattstrapp.net}{\underline{git.mattstrapp.net}}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubheading
- {University of Minnesota}{Minneapolis, MN}
- {Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Minor in History}{Expected May 2022}
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
+ \resumeSubHeadingListStart{}
+ \resumeSubheading{University of Minnesota}{Minneapolis, MN}{Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Minor in History}{September 2018 -- May 2022}
+ \resumeSubHeadingListEnd{}
+ \resumeSubHeadingListStart{}
+ \resumeSubheading{Web and Application Developer}{June 2022 -- Present}{RTP Company}{Winona, MN}
+ \resumeItemListStart{}
+ \resumeItem{Made an ASP.NET API that took a feedback form and added it to the CRM system}
+ \resumeItem{Made a C\# program that helped the company migrate CRM systems}
+ \resumeItem{Created a Go application allowing automated translation between ANSI X12 EDI and a proprietary format}
+ \resumeItemListEnd{}
+ \resumeSubheading{Computer Sales Associate}{October 2018 -- December 2021}{University of Minnesota Bookstores}{Minneapolis, MN}
+ \resumeItemListStart{}
+ \resumeItem{Recommended customers devices based on needs and budget}
+ \resumeItem{Helped stock shelves and stock computers as shipments arrive}
+ \resumeItem{Answered emails and phone calls of various customer queries on products and logistics}
+ \resumeItem{Read about the latest products being manufactured and sold to be able to answer questions}
+ \resumeItemListEnd{}
+ \resumeSubHeadingListEnd{}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{Student Senator} $|$ University of Minnesota University Senate}{April 2020 -- Present}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Elected as one of 4 undergradutes for the College of Science and Engineering in the University Senate}
- \resumeItem{Organized back end of campaign that allowed students to take classes Pass/Fail}
- \resumeItem{Hosted the Academic Affairs Committee meetings over Zoom}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
+ \resumeSubHeadingListStart{}
+ \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Student Senator} \(|\) University of Minnesota University Senate}{April 2020 -- May 2022}
+ \resumeItemListStart{}
+ \resumeItem{Elected as one of 4 undergraduates for the College of Science and Engineering in the University Senate}
+ \resumeItem{Organized back end of campaign that allowed students to take classes Pass/Fail in Spring 2020}
+ \resumeItem{Hosted the Academic Affairs Committee meetings over Zoom}
+ \resumeItemListEnd{}
+ \resumeSubHeadingListEnd{}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{Remotely Accessible Inverted Pendulum} $|$ \emph{Senior Design Project}}{January 2022 -- Present}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Utilized TypeScript to develop a web application that allows users to control lab equiptment remotely}
- \resumeItem{Designed, documented and implemented an API that would allow users to upload code and run code}
- \resumeItem{Integrated the application with the University's Single Sign-On system}
- \resumeItem{Wrote documentation for the existing system code so future users could easily understand the system}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{Differential Current Sensor} $|$ \emph{Circuits and Electronics Lab II}}{January -- May 2021}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Collaborated with others designing a circuit that senses current differences via magnetic fields}
- \resumeItem{Used Altium to design a PCB implementing the prototype}
- \resumeItem{Programmed microcontroller to log the voltage differential and convert it with an ADC}
- \resumeItem{Assisted in creating output of corresponding current differential to a screen over I2C}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{HTTP Server} $|$ \emph{Introduction to Operating Systems}}{November -- December 2020}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Created a server in C from scratch that processed and responded to HTTP 1.1 GET requests}
- \resumeItem{Interfaced with the Linux kernel to create and interface with sockets}
- \resumeItem{Implemented POSIX threads to allow multiple pages to be served}
- \resumeItem{Set up a fixed-sized FIFO cache to reduce needed disk I/O and increase speed}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{Internet of Things Door} $|$ \emph{Introduction to Computing Systems}} {March -- May 2019}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Built the framework for a door to operating using a pair of Particle Photon microcontrollers with C++}
- \resumeItem{Configured keypad and motion detector for security, logged with timestamps}
- \resumeItem{Drafted communication using Particle's API to allow the microcontrollers to share states}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubheading
- {Computer Sales Associate}{October 2018 -- December 2021}
- {University of Minnesota Bookstores}{Minneapolis, MN}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Recommended customers devices based on needs and budget}
- \resumeItem{Helped stock shelves and stock computers as shipments arrive}
- \resumeItem{Answered emails and phone calls of various customer queries on products and logistics}
- \resumeItem{Read about the latest products being manufactured and sold to be able to answer questions about them}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
+ \resumeSubHeadingListStart{}
+ \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Remotely Accessible Inverted Pendulum} \(|\) \emph{Senior Design Project}}{January -- May 2022}
+ \resumeItemListStart{}
+ \resumeItem{Utilized TypeScript to develop a web application that allows users to control lab equiptment remotely}
+ \resumeItem{Designed, documented and implemented an API that would allow users to upload and run Python code}
+ \resumeItem{Integrated the application with the University's Single Sign-On system}
+ \resumeItem{Wrote documentation for the existing system code so future users could have an easier time}
+ \resumeItemListEnd{}
+ \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{Differential Current Sensor} \(|\) \emph{Circuits and Electronics Lab II}}{January -- May 2021}
+ \resumeItemListStart{}
+ \resumeItem{Collaborated with others designing a circuit that senses current differences via magnetic fields}
+ \resumeItem{Used Altium to design a PCB implementing the prototype}
+ \resumeItem{Programmed microcontroller to log the voltage differential and convert it with an ADC}
+ \resumeItem{Assisted in creating output of corresponding current differential to a screen over I2C}
+ \resumeItemListEnd{}
+ \resumeProjectHeading{\textbf{HTTP Server} \(|\) \emph{Introduction to Operating Systems}}{November -- December 2020}
+ \resumeItemListStart{}
+ \resumeItem{Created a server in C from scratch that processed and responded to HTTP/1.1 GET requests}
+ \resumeItem{Interfaced with the Linux kernel to create and interface with sockets}
+ \resumeItem{Implemented POSIX threads to allow multiple pages to be served}
+ \resumeItem{Set up a fixed-sized FIFO cache to reduce needed disk I/O and increase speed}
+ \resumeItemListEnd{}
+ \resumeSubHeadingListEnd{}
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
- \small{
- \item{
- \textbf{Programming Languages}{: JavaScript/TypeScript, C/C++, Python, Java} \\
- \textbf{Operating Systems}{: Linux, Windows, Android} \\
- \textbf{Libraries}{: jQuery, Express} \\
- \textbf{CI/CD}{: Drone CI, GitLab} \\
- \textbf{Containerization}{: Docker, Docker Compose}
- }}
+ \small{
+ \item{
+ \textbf{Programming Languages}{: JavaScript/TypeScript, Go, C\#, Python, C/C++, Java, \LaTeX{}} \\
+ \textbf{Operating Systems}{: Linux, Windows, Android} \\
+ % \textbf{Libraries}{: jQuery, Express, } \\
+ % \textbf{CI/CD}{: Drone CI, GitLab} \\
+ % \textbf{Containerization}{: Docker, Docker Compose}
+ }}