path: root/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 866 deletions
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/mipspipe.v b/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/mipspipe.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d244d..0000000
--- a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/mipspipe.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-// Incomplete behavioral model of MIPS pipeline
-module mipspipe(clock);
- // in_out
- input clock;
- // Instruction opcodes
- parameter LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ = 6'b000100, nop = 32'b00000_100000, ALUop = 6'b0;
- reg [31:0] PC, // Program counter
- Regs[0:31], // Register file
- IMemory[0:1023], DMemory[0:1023], // Instruction and data memories
- EXMEMALUOut, MEMWBValue, MEMWBIR; // pipeline latches
- wire [4:0] IDEXrs, IDEXrt, EXMEMrd, MEMWBrd, MEMWBrt; // fields of pipeline latches
- wire [5:0] EXMEMop, MEMWBop, IDEXop; // opcodes
- wire [31:0] Ain, Bin; // ALU inputs
- // Define fields of pipeline latches
- assign IDEXrs = IDEXIR[25:21]; // rs field
- assign IDEXrt = IDEXIR[20:16]; // rt field
- assign EXMEMrd = EXMEMIR[15:11]; // rd field
- assign MEMWBrd = MEMWBIR[15:11]; // rd field
- assign MEMWBrt = MEMWBIR[20:16]; // rt field -- for loads
- assign EXMEMop = EXMEMIR[31:26]; // opcode
- assign MEMWBop = MEMWBIR[31:26]; // opcode
- assign IDEXop = IDEXIR[31:26]; // opcode
- // Inputs to the ALU come directly from the ID/EX pipeline latches
- assign Ain = IDEXA;
- assign Bin = IDEXB;
- reg [5:0] i; //used to initialize registers
- reg [10:0] j,k; //used to initialize registers
- initial begin
- PC = 0;
- IFIDIR = nop;
- IDEXIR = nop;
- EXMEMIR = nop;
- MEMWBIR = nop; // no-ops placed in pipeline latches
- // test some instructions
- for (i=0;i<=31;i=i+1) Regs[i] = i; // initialize registers
- IMemory[0] = 32'h00412820; // ADD OPCODE: 000000 00010 00001 00101 00000 100000
- IMemory[1] = nop;
- IMemory[2] = nop;
- IMemory[3] = nop;
- IMemory[4] = 32'h8CA30004; // First LW: 100011 00101 00011 00000 00000 000100
- IMemory[5] = 32'h8C420000; // Second LW: 100011 00010 00010 00000 00000 000000
- IMemory[6] = nop;
- IMemory[7] = nop;
- IMemory[8] = 32'h00A31825; // OR OPCODE: 000000 00101 00011 00011 00000 100101
- IMemory[9] = nop;
- IMemory[10] =nop;
- IMemory[11] = nop;
- IMemory[12] = 32'hACA30000; // SW: 101011 00101 00011 00000 00000 000000
- for (j=13;j<=1023;j=j+1) IMemory[j] = nop;
- DMemory[0] = 32'h00000000;
- DMemory[1] = 32'hffffffff;
- for (k=2;k<=1023;k=k+1) DMemory[k] = 0;
- end
- always @ (posedge clock)
- begin
- // FETCH: Fetch instruction & update PC
- IFIDIR <= IMemory[PC>>2];
- PC <= PC + 4;
- // DECODE: Read registers
- IDEXA <= Regs[IFIDIR[25:21]];
- IDEXB <= Regs[IFIDIR[20:16]]; // get two registers
- IDEXIR <= IFIDIR; // pass along IR
- // EX: Address calculation or ALU operation
- if ((IDEXop==LW) |(IDEXop==SW)) // address calculation
- EXMEMALUOut <= IDEXA +{{16{IDEXIR[15]}}, IDEXIR[15:0]};
- else if (IDEXop==ALUop) begin // ALU operation
- case (IDEXIR[5:0]) // R-type instruction
- 32: EXMEMALUOut <= Ain + Bin; // add operation
- 37: EXMEMALUOut <= Ain | Bin; //or
- default: ; // other R-type operations [to be implemented]
- endcase
- end
- EXMEMIR <= IDEXIR; EXMEMB <= IDEXB; //pass along the IR & B
- // MEM
- if (EXMEMop==ALUop) MEMWBValue <= EXMEMALUOut; //pass along ALU result
- else if (EXMEMop == LW) MEMWBValue <= DMemory[EXMEMALUOut>>2]; // load
- else if (EXMEMop == SW) DMemory[EXMEMALUOut>>2] <=EXMEMB; // store
- MEMWBIR <= EXMEMIR; //pass along IR
- // WB
- if ((MEMWBop==ALUop) & (MEMWBrd != 0)) // update registers if ALU operation and destination not 0
- Regs[MEMWBrd] <= MEMWBValue; // ALU operation
- else if ((MEMWBop == LW)& (MEMWBrt != 0)) // Update registers if load and destination not 0
- Regs[MEMWBrt] <= MEMWBValue;
- end
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/out b/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/out
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bb25bb..0000000
--- a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/vvp
-:ivl_version "10.3 (stable)";
-:ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL";
-:vpi_time_precision + 0;
-:vpi_module "system";
-:vpi_module "vhdl_sys";
-:vpi_module "v2005_math";
-:vpi_module "va_math";
-S_0x55b4011cce40 .scope module, "test_mipspipe" "test_mipspipe" 2 8;
- .timescale 0 0;
-v0x55b401210350_0 .var "clock", 0 0;
-v0x55b4012103f0_0 .var "clock_cycle", 3 0;
-E_0x55b4011e0f80 .event negedge, v0x55b40120ffb0_0;
-S_0x55b4011cc9a0 .scope module, "u_mipspipe" "mipspipe" 2 14, 3 3 0, S_0x55b4011cce40;
- .timescale 0 0;
- .port_info 0 /INPUT 1 "clock"
-P_0x55b4011cd2e0 .param/l "ALUop" 0 3 8, C4<000000>;
-P_0x55b4011cd320 .param/l "BEQ" 0 3 8, C4<000100>;
-P_0x55b4011cd360 .param/l "LW" 0 3 8, C4<100011>;
-P_0x55b4011cd3a0 .param/l "SW" 0 3 8, C4<101011>;
-P_0x55b4011cd3e0 .param/l "nop" 0 3 8, C4<00000000000000000000000000100000>;
-L_0x55b4011a7a40 .functor BUFZ 32, v0x55b40120f2d0_0, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>;
-L_0x55b4011a7820 .functor BUFZ 32, v0x55b40120f3b0_0, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>;
-v0x55b4011d6de0_0 .net "Ain", 31 0, L_0x55b4011a7a40; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120eca0_0 .net "Bin", 31 0, L_0x55b4011a7820; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120ed80 .array "DMemory", 1023 0, 31 0;
-v0x55b40120ee20_0 .var "EXMEMALUOut", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120ef00_0 .var "EXMEMB", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f030_0 .var "EXMEMIR", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f110_0 .net "EXMEMop", 5 0, L_0x55b401210910; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120f1f0_0 .net "EXMEMrd", 4 0, L_0x55b4012105f0; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120f2d0_0 .var "IDEXA", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f3b0_0 .var "IDEXB", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f490_0 .var "IDEXIR", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f570_0 .net "IDEXop", 5 0, L_0x55b401210ae0; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120f650_0 .net "IDEXrs", 4 0, L_0x55b4012104b0; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120f730_0 .net "IDEXrt", 4 0, L_0x55b401210550; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120f810_0 .var "IFIDIR", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f8f0 .array "IMemory", 1023 0, 31 0;
-v0x55b40120f9b0_0 .var "MEMWBIR", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120fa90_0 .var "MEMWBValue", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120fb70_0 .net "MEMWBop", 5 0, L_0x55b401210a40; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120fc50_0 .net "MEMWBrd", 4 0, L_0x55b4012106c0; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120fd30_0 .net "MEMWBrt", 4 0, L_0x55b4012107f0; 1 drivers
-v0x55b40120fe10_0 .var "PC", 31 0;
-v0x55b40120fef0 .array "Regs", 31 0, 31 0;
-v0x55b40120ffb0_0 .net "clock", 0 0, v0x55b401210350_0; 1 drivers
-v0x55b401210070_0 .var "i", 5 0;
-v0x55b401210150_0 .var "j", 10 0;
-v0x55b401210230_0 .var "k", 10 0;
-E_0x55b4011e1270 .event posedge, v0x55b40120ffb0_0;
-L_0x55b4012104b0 .part v0x55b40120f490_0, 21, 5;
-L_0x55b401210550 .part v0x55b40120f490_0, 16, 5;
-L_0x55b4012105f0 .part v0x55b40120f030_0, 11, 5;
-L_0x55b4012106c0 .part v0x55b40120f9b0_0, 11, 5;
-L_0x55b4012107f0 .part v0x55b40120f9b0_0, 16, 5;
-L_0x55b401210910 .part v0x55b40120f030_0, 26, 6;
-L_0x55b401210a40 .part v0x55b40120f9b0_0, 26, 6;
-L_0x55b401210ae0 .part v0x55b40120f490_0, 26, 6;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cc9a0;
-T_0 ;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b40120fe10_0, 0, 32;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b40120f810_0, 0, 32;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b40120f490_0, 0, 32;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b40120f030_0, 0, 32;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b40120f9b0_0, 0, 32;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 6;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210070_0, 0, 6;
-T_0.0 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210070_0;
- %pad/u 32;
- %cmpi/u 31, 0, 32;
- %flag_or 5, 4;
- %jmp/0xz T_0.1, 5;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210070_0;
- %pad/u 32;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210070_0;
- %pad/u 7;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120fef0, 4, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210070_0;
- %addi 1, 0, 6;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210070_0, 0, 6;
- %jmp T_0.0;
-T_0.1 ;
- %pushi/vec4 4270112, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 0, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 1, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 2, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 3, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 2359492612, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 4, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 2353135616, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 5, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 6, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 7, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 10688549, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 8, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 9, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 10, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 11, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 2896363520, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 12, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 13, 0, 11;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210150_0, 0, 11;
-T_0.2 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210150_0;
- %pad/u 32;
- %cmpi/u 1023, 0, 32;
- %flag_or 5, 4;
- %jmp/0xz T_0.3, 5;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210150_0;
- %pad/u 12;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210150_0;
- %addi 1, 0, 11;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210150_0, 0, 11;
- %jmp T_0.2;
-T_0.3 ;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 0, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120ed80, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 4294967295, 0, 32;
- %ix/load 4, 1, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120ed80, 4, 0;
- %pushi/vec4 2, 0, 11;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210230_0, 0, 11;
-T_0.4 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210230_0;
- %pad/u 32;
- %cmpi/u 1023, 0, 32;
- %flag_or 5, 4;
- %jmp/0xz T_0.5, 5;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210230_0;
- %pad/u 12;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %store/vec4a v0x55b40120ed80, 4, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210230_0;
- %addi 1, 0, 11;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210230_0, 0, 11;
- %jmp T_0.4;
-T_0.5 ;
- %end;
- .thread T_0;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cc9a0;
-T_1 ;
- %wait E_0x55b4011e1270;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fe10_0;
- %ix/load 5, 2, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %shiftr 5;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4a v0x55b40120f8f0, 4;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120f810_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fe10_0;
- %addi 4, 0, 32;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120fe10_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f810_0;
- %parti/s 5, 21, 6;
- %pad/u 7;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4a v0x55b40120fef0, 4;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120f2d0_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f810_0;
- %parti/s 5, 16, 6;
- %pad/u 7;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4a v0x55b40120fef0, 4;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120f3b0_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f810_0;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120f490_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f570_0;
- %pushi/vec4 35, 0, 6;
- %cmp/e;
- %flag_get/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f570_0;
- %pushi/vec4 43, 0, 6;
- %cmp/e;
- %flag_get/vec4 4;
- %or;
- %flag_set/vec4 8;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.0, 8;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f2d0_0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f490_0;
- %parti/s 1, 15, 5;
- %replicate 16;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f490_0;
- %parti/s 16, 0, 2;
- %concat/vec4; draw_concat_vec4
- %add;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120ee20_0, 0;
- %jmp T_1.1;
-T_1.0 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f570_0;
- %cmpi/e 0, 0, 6;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.2, 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f490_0;
- %parti/s 6, 0, 2;
- %dup/vec4;
- %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 6;
- %cmp/u;
- %jmp/1 T_1.4, 6;
- %dup/vec4;
- %pushi/vec4 37, 0, 6;
- %cmp/u;
- %jmp/1 T_1.5, 6;
- %jmp T_1.7;
-T_1.4 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b4011d6de0_0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120eca0_0;
- %add;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120ee20_0, 0;
- %jmp T_1.7;
-T_1.5 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b4011d6de0_0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120eca0_0;
- %or;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120ee20_0, 0;
- %jmp T_1.7;
-T_1.7 ;
- %pop/vec4 1;
-T_1.2 ;
-T_1.1 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f490_0;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120f030_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f3b0_0;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120ef00_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f110_0;
- %cmpi/e 0, 0, 6;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.8, 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120ee20_0;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120fa90_0, 0;
- %jmp T_1.9;
-T_1.8 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f110_0;
- %cmpi/e 35, 0, 6;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.10, 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120ee20_0;
- %ix/load 5, 2, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %shiftr 5;
- %ix/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4a v0x55b40120ed80, 4;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120fa90_0, 0;
- %jmp T_1.11;
-T_1.10 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f110_0;
- %cmpi/e 43, 0, 6;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.12, 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120ef00_0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120ee20_0;
- %ix/load 4, 2, 0;
- %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
- %shiftr 4;
- %ix/vec4 3;
- %ix/load 4, 0, 0; Constant delay
- %assign/vec4/a/d v0x55b40120ed80, 0, 4;
-T_1.12 ;
-T_1.11 ;
-T_1.9 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120f030_0;
- %assign/vec4 v0x55b40120f9b0_0, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fb70_0;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 6;
- %cmp/e;
- %flag_get/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fc50_0;
- %pad/u 32;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
- %cmp/e;
- %flag_get/vec4 4;
- %inv;
- %and;
- %flag_set/vec4 8;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.14, 8;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fa90_0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fc50_0;
- %pad/u 7;
- %ix/vec4 3;
- %ix/load 4, 0, 0; Constant delay
- %assign/vec4/a/d v0x55b40120fef0, 0, 4;
- %jmp T_1.15;
-T_1.14 ;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fb70_0;
- %pushi/vec4 35, 0, 6;
- %cmp/e;
- %flag_get/vec4 4;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fd30_0;
- %pad/u 32;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
- %cmp/e;
- %flag_get/vec4 4;
- %inv;
- %and;
- %flag_set/vec4 8;
- %jmp/0xz T_1.16, 8;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fa90_0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b40120fd30_0;
- %pad/u 7;
- %ix/vec4 3;
- %ix/load 4, 0, 0; Constant delay
- %assign/vec4/a/d v0x55b40120fef0, 0, 4;
-T_1.16 ;
-T_1.15 ;
- %jmp T_1;
- .thread T_1;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cce40;
-T_2 ;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 1;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210350_0, 0, 1;
- %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 4;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b4012103f0_0, 0, 4;
- %delay 160, 0;
- %vpi_call 2 20 "$finish" {0 0 0};
- %end;
- .thread T_2;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cce40;
-T_3 ;
- %delay 5, 0;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b401210350_0;
- %inv;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b401210350_0, 0, 1;
- %jmp T_3;
- .thread T_3;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cce40;
-T_4 ;
- %wait E_0x55b4011e1270;
- %load/vec4 v0x55b4012103f0_0;
- %addi 1, 0, 4;
- %store/vec4 v0x55b4012103f0_0, 0, 4;
- %jmp T_4;
- .thread T_4;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cce40;
-T_5 ;
- %wait E_0x55b4011e0f80;
- %vpi_call 2 36 "$display", "\012\012clock cycle = %d", v0x55b4012103f0_0, " (time = %1.0t)", $time {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 37 "$display", "IF/ID registers\012\011 IF/ID.PC+4 = %h, IF/ID.IR = %h \012", v0x55b40120fe10_0, v0x55b40120f810_0 {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 38 "$display", "ID/EX registers\012\011 ID/EX.rs = %d, ID/EX.rt = %d", v0x55b40120f650_0, v0x55b40120f730_0, "\012\011 ID/EX.A = %h, ID/EX.B = %h", v0x55b40120f2d0_0, v0x55b40120f3b0_0 {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 39 "$display", "\011 ID/EX.op = %h\012", v0x55b40120f570_0 {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 40 "$display", "EX/MEM registers\012\011 EX/MEM.rs = %d, EX/MEM.rt = %d", v0x55b40120f650_0, v0x55b40120f730_0, "\012\011 EX/MEM.ALUOut = %h, EX/MEM.ALUout = %h", v0x55b40120ee20_0, v0x55b40120ef00_0 {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 41 "$display", "\011 EX/MEM.op = %h\012", v0x55b40120f110_0 {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 42 "$display", "MEM/WB registers\012\011 MEM/WB.rd = %d, MEM/WB.rt = %d", v0x55b40120fc50_0, v0x55b40120fd30_0, "\012\011 MEM/WB.value = %h", v0x55b40120fa90_0 {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 43 "$display", "\011 EX/MEM.op = %h\012", v0x55b40120fb70_0 {0 0 0};
- %jmp T_5;
- .thread T_5;
- .scope S_0x55b4011cce40;
-T_6 ;
- %vpi_call 2 49 "$dumpfile", "test_mipspipe.vcd" {0 0 0};
- %vpi_call 2 50 "$dumpvars" {0 0 0};
- %end;
- .thread T_6;
-# The file index is used to find the file name in the following table.
-:file_names 4;
- "N/A";
- "<interactive>";
- "test_mipspipe.v";
- "./mipspipe.v";
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/test_mipspipe.v b/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/test_mipspipe.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 24576ec..0000000
--- a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/test_mipspipe.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Test bench for the mipspipe
-// Boram Lee
-`include "mipspipe.v"
-module test_mipspipe;
- reg clock;
- reg [3:0] clock_cycle;
-// instantiate pipeline module
- mipspipe u_mipspipe(clock);
-// initialize clock and cycle counter
- initial begin
- clock = 0;
- clock_cycle=4'h0;
- #160 $finish;
- end
-// 10 unit clock cycle
- always
- #5 clock = ~clock;
- always @(posedge clock)
- begin
- clock_cycle=clock_cycle+1;
- end
-// display contents of pipeline latches at the end of each clock cycle
- always @(negedge clock)
- begin
- $display("\n\nclock cycle = %d",clock_cycle," (time = %1.0t)",$time);
- $display("IF/ID registers\n\t IF/ID.PC+4 = %h, IF/ID.IR = %h \n", u_mipspipe.PC, u_mipspipe.IFIDIR);
- $display("ID/EX registers\n\t ID/EX.rs = %d, ID/EX.rt = %d",u_mipspipe.IDEXrs,u_mipspipe.IDEXrt,"\n\t ID/EX.A = %h, ID/EX.B = %h",u_mipspipe.IDEXA,u_mipspipe.IDEXB);
- $display("\t ID/EX.op = %h\n",u_mipspipe.IDEXop);
- $display("EX/MEM registers\n\t EX/MEM.rs = %d, EX/MEM.rt = %d",u_mipspipe.IDEXrs,u_mipspipe.IDEXrt,"\n\t EX/MEM.ALUOut = %h, EX/MEM.ALUout = %h",u_mipspipe.EXMEMALUOut,u_mipspipe.EXMEMB);
- $display("\t EX/MEM.op = %h\n",u_mipspipe.EXMEMop);
- $display("MEM/WB registers\n\t MEM/WB.rd = %d, MEM/WB.rt = %d",u_mipspipe.MEMWBrd,u_mipspipe.MEMWBrt,"\n\t MEM/WB.value = %h",u_mipspipe.MEMWBValue);
- $display("\t EX/MEM.op = %h\n",u_mipspipe.MEMWBop);
- end
-// log to a vcd (variable change dump) file
- initial
- begin
- $dumpfile("test_mipspipe.vcd");
- $dumpvars;
- end
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/test_mipspipe.vcd b/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/test_mipspipe.vcd
deleted file mode 100644
index d70b8fd..0000000
--- a/OLD/ee4363/mp1/mp12/test_mipspipe.vcd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
- Thu Dec 3 19:41:59 2020
- Icarus Verilog
- 1s
-$scope module test_mipspipe $end
-$var reg 1 ! clock $end
-$var reg 4 " clock_cycle [3:0] $end
-$scope module u_mipspipe $end
-$var wire 32 # Ain [31:0] $end
-$var wire 32 $ Bin [31:0] $end
-$var wire 1 ! clock $end
-$var wire 5 % MEMWBrt [4:0] $end
-$var wire 5 & MEMWBrd [4:0] $end
-$var wire 6 ' MEMWBop [5:0] $end
-$var wire 5 ( IDEXrt [4:0] $end
-$var wire 5 ) IDEXrs [4:0] $end
-$var wire 6 * IDEXop [5:0] $end
-$var wire 5 + EXMEMrd [4:0] $end
-$var wire 6 , EXMEMop [5:0] $end
-$var reg 32 - EXMEMALUOut [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 . EXMEMB [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 / EXMEMIR [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 0 IDEXA [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 1 IDEXB [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 2 IDEXIR [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 3 IFIDIR [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 4 MEMWBIR [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 5 MEMWBValue [31:0] $end
-$var reg 32 6 PC [31:0] $end
-$var reg 6 7 i [5:0] $end
-$var reg 11 8 j [10:0] $end
-$var reg 11 9 k [10:0] $end
-$upscope $end
-$upscope $end
-$enddefinitions $end
-b10000000000 9
-b10000000000 8
-b100000 7
-b0 6
-bx 5
-b100000 4
-b100000 3
-b100000 2
-bx 1
-bx 0
-b100000 /
-bx .
-bx -
-b0 ,
-b0 +
-b0 *
-b0 )
-b0 (
-b0 '
-b0 &
-b0 %
-bx $
-bx #
-b0 "
-b0 $
-b0 1
-b0 #
-b0 0
-b100 6
-b10000010010100000100000 3
-b1 "
-b10 )
-b1 (
-b0 .
-b0 -
-b10000010010100000100000 2
-b1 $
-b1 1
-b10 #
-b10 0
-b1000 6
-b100000 3
-b10 "
-b101 +
-b0 )
-b0 (
-b0 5
-b1 .
-b10000010010100000100000 /
-b11 -
-b100000 2
-b0 $
-b0 1
-b0 #
-b0 0
-b1100 6
-b11 "
-b101 &
-b1 %
-b0 +
-b10000010010100000100000 4
-b11 5
-b0 .
-b100000 /
-b0 -
-b10000 6
-b100 "
-b0 &
-b0 %
-b100000 4
-b0 5
-b10100 6
-b10001100101000110000000000000100 3
-b101 "
-b101 )
-b11 (
-b100011 *
-b10001100101000110000000000000100 2
-b11 $
-b11 1
-b11 #
-b11 0
-b11000 6
-b10001100010000100000000000000000 3
-b110 "
-b100011 ,
-b10 )
-b10 (
-b11 .
-b10001100101000110000000000000100 /
-b111 -
-b10001100010000100000000000000000 2
-b10 $
-b10 1
-b10 #
-b10 0
-b11100 6
-b100000 3
-b111 "
-b11 %
-b100011 '
-b0 )
-b0 (
-b0 *
-b10001100101000110000000000000100 4
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 5
-b10 .
-b10001100010000100000000000000000 /
-b10 -
-b100000 2
-b0 $
-b0 1
-b0 #
-b0 0
-b100000 6
-b1000 "
-b10 %
-b0 ,
-b10001100010000100000000000000000 4
-b0 5
-b0 .
-b100000 /
-b0 -
-b100100 6
-b101000110001100000100101 3
-b1001 "
-b0 %
-b0 '
-b101 )
-b11 (
-b100000 4
-b101000110001100000100101 2
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 $
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 1
-b11 #
-b11 0
-b101000 6
-b100000 3
-b1010 "
-b11 +
-b0 )
-b0 (
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 .
-b101000110001100000100101 /
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 -
-b100000 2
-b0 $
-b0 1
-b0 #
-b0 0
-b101100 6
-b1011 "
-b11 &
-b11 %
-b0 +
-b101000110001100000100101 4
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 5
-b0 .
-b100000 /
-b0 -
-b110000 6
-b1100 "
-b0 &
-b0 %
-b100000 4
-b0 5
-b110100 6
-b10101100101000110000000000000000 3
-b1101 "
-b101 )
-b11 (
-b101011 *
-b10101100101000110000000000000000 2
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 $
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 1
-b11 #
-b11 0
-b111000 6
-b100000 3
-b1110 "
-b101011 ,
-b0 )
-b0 (
-b0 *
-b11111111111111111111111111111111 .
-b10101100101000110000000000000000 /
-b11 -
-b100000 2
-b0 $
-b0 1
-b0 #
-b0 0
-b111100 6
-b1111 "
-b11 %
-b101011 '
-b0 ,
-b10101100101000110000000000000000 4
-b0 .
-b100000 /
-b0 -
-b1000000 6
-b0 "