path: root/csci5801/usecase-template.tex
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-%% Use Cases Template File
-%% Created by Tom Desair (http://www.tomdesair.com)
-%% Downloadable at: http://www.tomdesair.com/downloads/use-case-latex-template.zip
-%% Date Modified: 03/04/2012
-% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-% The latest version of this license is in
-% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt, oneside, draft]{article}
-%include the usecases package
-%Sometimes it is a good idea to put domain objects in \texttt{}
-%The template and the descriptions are based on the book Applying UML and Patterns:
-%An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development
-%(3rd Edition) by Craig Larman.
-\addtitle{Use Case 1}{Template test}
-%Scope: the system under design
-%Level: "user-goal" or "subfunction"
-%Primary Actor: Calls on the system to deliver its services.
-\addfield{Primary Actor:}{End-User}
-%Stakeholders and Interests: Who cares about this use case and what do they want?
-\additemizedfield{Stakeholders and Interests:}{
- \item Stakeholder 1 name: his interests
- \item Stakeholder 2 name: his interests
-%Preconditions: What must be true on start and worth telling the reader?
-%when multiple
-%Postconditions: What must be true on successful completion and worth telling the reader
-%when multiple
-%Main Success Scenario: A typical, unconditional happy path scenario of success.
-\addscenario{Main Success Scenario:}{
- \item The first action
- \item The second action
-%Extensions: Alternate scenarios of success or failure.
- \item[2.a] Invalid login data:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item[1.] System shows failure message
- \item[2.] User returns to step 1
- \end{enumerate}
- \item[5.a] Invalid subsriber data:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item[1.] System shows failure message
- \item[2.] User returns to step 2 and corrects the errors
- \end{enumerate}
-%Special Requirements: Related non-functional requirements.
-\additemizedfield{Special Requirements:}{
- \item first applicable non-functional requirement
- \item second applicable non-functional requirement
-%Technology and Data Variations List: Varying I/O methods and data formats.
-\addscenario{Technology and Data Variations List:}{
- \item[1a.] Alternative first action with other technology
-%Frequency of Occurrence: Influences investigation, testing and timing of implementation.
-\addfield{Frequency of Occurrence:}{}
-%Miscellaneous: Such as open issues/questions
-%\addfield{Open Issues:}{}