class RunnyStack { private int numRuns; private int numDepth; private Run top; //Constructors private class Run { private Base base; private int l; private Run next; private Run(Base base, Run next) { this.base=base; this.l=l+1;; } } public RunnyStack() { top=null; } //Methods private boolean isEqual(Run b1, Base b2){ if (b1 == null || b2 == null) { return b1 == b2; } else { return b1.base.equals(b2); } } public boolean isEmpty() { return top==null; } public int depth() { return numDepth; } public Base peek() { if (isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { return top.base; } } public void pop() { if (isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } else { top.l--; numDepth--; if (top.l == 0) {; numRuns--; } } } public void push(Base base) { numDepth++; if (isEqual(top, base)) { top.l++; } else { numRuns++; top=new Run(base, top); } } public int runs() { return numRuns; } } // // Tests for CSci 1913 Lab 8 // James Moen // 20 Mar 17 // // The TRY-CATCH statements catch exceptions thrown by RUNNY STACK's methods, // so that the program can continue to run even if a method fails. We still // haven't talked about TRY-CATCH'es in the lectures yet. // // Most tests have comments that show what they should print, and how many // points they are worth, for a total of 40 points. // // Camembert is a soft French cheese. It may be runny. It can be stacked. // class Camembert { public static void main(String[] args) { RunnyStack s = new RunnyStack(); System.out.println(s.isEmpty()); // true 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 0 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 0 1 point try { s.pop(); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { System.out.println("No pop"); // No pop 1 point } try { System.out.println(s.peek()); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { System.out.println("No peek"); // No peek 1 point } s.push("A"); System.out.println(s.peek()); // A 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 1 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 1 1 point System.out.println(s.isEmpty()); // false 1 point s.push("B"); System.out.println(s.peek()); // B 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 2 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 2 1 point s.push("B"); System.out.println(s.peek()); // B 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 3 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 2 1 point s.push("B"); System.out.println(s.peek()); // B 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 4 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 2 1 point s.push("C"); System.out.println(s.peek()); // C 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 5 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 3 1 point s.push("C"); System.out.println(s.peek()); // C 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 6 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 3 1 point s.pop(); System.out.println(s.peek()); // C 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 5 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 3 1 point s.pop(); System.out.println(s.peek()); // B 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 4 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 2 1 point s.pop(); System.out.println(s.peek()); // B 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 3 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 2 1 point s.pop(); s.pop(); System.out.println(s.peek()); // A 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 1 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 1 1 point s.pop(); System.out.println(s.isEmpty()); // true 1 point System.out.println(s.depth()); // 0 1 point System.out.println(s.runs()); // 0 1 point try { System.out.println(s.peek()); } catch (IllegalStateException ignore) { System.out.println("No peek"); // No peek 1 point } } }