const express = require('express') const db = require ('../dbio') const router = express.Router() router.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true })) router.get('/contacts', function (req, res) { db.getContacts().then(function(table) { res.send(table) }); });'/login', async function(req, res) { var loginInfo = req.body; var login = loginInfo.login; var pwd = loginInfo.password; let rows = []; // Query the database tbl_login with login and hashed password db.query(login, pwd).then(function(rows) { // Provided there is no error, and the results set is assigned to a variable named rows: if (rows.length >= 1) {// the length should be 0 or 1, but this will work for now //success, set the session, return success req.session.user = login; res.json({ status: 'success' }); } else { res.json({ status: 'fail' }); } }); }); router.get('/logout', function(req, res) { if(!req.session.user) { res.send('Session not started, can not logout!'); } else { req.session.destroy(); res.redirect('/login'); } });'/addContact', function(req, res) { var contact = req.body; db.addContact(contact).then(function(r) { res.send({flag: r}); }).catch(function() { }) });'/updateContact', function(req, res) { var edit = req.body; db.editContact(edit).then(function(f) { res.send({flag:f}); }); })'/deleteContact', function(req, res) { var contact =; db.deleteContact(contact).then(function(r) { res.send({flag: r}); }) }) module.exports = router;