#include using namespace std; string requestName(); double requestHeight(string fullName); int requestNumberOfPartners(); void NotinMain(string fullName[], const int length1, double height[], const int length2); int main() { string fullName[2]; //fullName1, fullName2; double height[2]; //height1, height2; fullName[0] = requestName(); height[0] = requestHeight(fullName[0]); fullName[1] = requestName(); height[1] = requestHeight(fullName[1]); NotinMain(fullName, 2, height, 2); } string requestName() { string name; cout << "Please enter full name: "; getline(cin, name); return name; } double requestHeight(string fullName) { double height; cout << "Please enter " << fullName << "'s height: "; cin >> height; cin.ignore(2, '\n'); // gets rid of \n in the buffer return height; } int requestNumberOfPartners() { int numberOfPartners; cout << "How many partners are there?"; cin >> numberOfPartners; return numberOfPartners; } void NotinMain(string fullName[], const int length1, double height[], const int length2) { cout << "If " << fullName[0] << " and " << fullName[1] << " form a human tower, their combined height will be " << (height[0] + height[1]) << endl; }