const http = require('http'); const url = require('url'); const fs = require('fs'); const qs = require('querystring'); const port = 9001; http.createServer(function (req, res) { var q = url.parse(req.url, true); var filename = "." + q.pathname; if(req.url === '/'){ res.writeHead(301, { 'Location': 'index.html' }); return res.end("301 Permanent Redirect"); } else if (req.url === '/index.html') { indexPage(req, res, '/index.html'); } else if (req.url === '/contacts.html') { indexPage(req, res, '/contacts.html'); } else if (req.url === '/addContact.html') { indexPage(req, res, '/addContact.html'); } else if (req.url === '/stock.html') { indexPage(req, res, '/stock.html'); } else if (req.url === '/contacts.json') { jsonSock(req, res, 'contacts.json') } else if (req.url === "/postContactEntry") { POST(req, res); res.writeHead(302, { 'Location': 'contacts.html' }); return res.end("302 Temporary Redirect"); } else{ res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); return res.end("404 Not Found"); } }).listen(port); function indexPage(req, res, file) { fs.readFile('client' + file, function(err, html) { if(err) { throw err; } res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/html'); res.write(html); res.end(); }); } function jsonSock(req, res, file) { fs.readFile(file, function (err, json) { if (err) { throw err; } res.statusCode = 200; res.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/json'); res.write(json); res.end(); }); } function POST(req, res) { var reqBody = ''; // server starts receiving the form data req.on('data', function(data) { reqBody+= data; });// server has received all the form data req.on('end', function() { var jsonO = {} var postObj = qs.parse(reqBody); jsonO["name"] =; jsonO["category"] = postObj.category; jsonO["location"] = postObj.location; jsonO["contact"] =; jsonO["email"] =; jsonO["website_name"] = postObj.website_name; jsonO["website_url"] = postObj.website_url; fs.readFile('./contacts.json', 'utf8', function(err, data) { var file = JSON.parse(data); file.contacts.push(jsonO); var string = JSON.stringify(file); fs.writeFile('./contacts.json', string, function(err, data) { console.log(string); }); //Write clojure }); //Read clojure }); //req clojure }