\documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{times} \begin{document} \begin{center} CSci 5271 Fall 2021 Exercise Set 3 answers template \end{center} Please use this document as a template for submitting your answers to exercise set 3. (This template is available from the course web site in either LaTeX or Google Doc formats). Type your answers on each page after the question prompt (you can use additional pages, though that we expect that would rarely be required). If you can write all your answers electronically, please do so and export to a PDF to submit. If you would prefer to hand-draw figures, you can also submit a scan. Please ensure that the names and UMN email addresses of all of your group members are recorded on Gradescope, and also confirm them below: \vspace{10pt} \begin{tabular}{|p{2.6in}|p{2.6in}|}\hline Name & UMN email address\\\hline Matt Strapp & strap012@umn.edu\\\hline \end{tabular} \vspace{10pt} Question 1 (Caesar's block cipher, 30 pts): Part 1(a), CCEA2 $>$ CCEA1? No. An 8-bit block size can be easily broken, regardless of key size. \vspace{0.5in} Part 1(b), any 8-bit-block block cipher \newpage Part 1(c), ECB mode \vspace{1.5in} Part 1(d), CTR mode \vspace{1.5in} Part 1(e), CBC mode \vspace{1.5in} Part 1(f), OFB mode \newpage Part 1(g), weakness of CCEA3 \newpage Question 2 ((Mis-)using message authentication codes, 26 pts): Part 2(a), CBC-MAC \vspace{3in} Part 2(b), hashing and AES-CTR \newpage Question 3 (Protocol (an)droids, 24 pts): Part 3(a), simpler attack \vspace{3in} Part 3(b), second attack \newpage Question 4 (Hashing and signing, 20 pts): \end{document}