/* Date: 13 Feb 2019 Name: Matthew Strapp Student ID number: 5449340 Course number: EE1301 Term: Spring 2019 Lab/assignment number: Stretch 1 Short Program Description: Basal Metabolic Rate calculator */ #include using namespace std; int main () { int age,height,weight,chocolate; double BMR; char s; cout << "Enter weight in pounds:"; cin >> weight; cout << "Enter height in inches:"; cin >> height; cout << "Enter age in years:"; cin >> age; cout << "Enter Sex(M/F)"; cin >> s; if (s=='M' || s=='m'){ BMR = 66 + (6.3 * weight) + (12.9 * height) - (6.8 * age); cout << "Your BMR is: " << BMR; } if (s=='F' || s=='f'){ BMR = 655 + (4.3 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age); cout << "Your BMR is: " << BMR; } chocolate = BMR/230; cout << endl << "Number of 230 Calories bars you can have is: " << chocolate << endl; return 0; }