/* 13 March 2019 Matthew Strapp 5449340 EE1301 Spring 2019 Homework 4A Making the Grade */ #include #include std::ifstream fin; std::ofstream fout; int main () { int score, A, B, C, D, F; A = B = C = D = F = 0; std::string garbage; //Everything except the number is unneeded garbage. fin.open("input_files/grades.txt"); if (!fin.is_open() ) { std::cout << "File read failed!\n"; return -1; } while (fin >> garbage >> garbage >> score) { getline(fin, garbage); //Any decimals are not needed and will be culled if (score>90) { A++; } else if (score>80) { B++; } else if (score>70) { C++; } else if (score>60) { D++; } else { F++; } } std::cout << A << " A" << std::endl << B << " B" << std::endl << C << " C" << std::endl << D << " D" << std::endl << F << " F" << std::endl; fin.close(); fout.open("output_files/statistics.csv"); if (!fout.is_open()) { std::cout << "File write failed!\n"; return -2; } fout << "Grade, NumStudents" << std::endl << "A," << A << std::endl << "B," << B << std::endl << "C," << C << std::endl << "D," << D << std::endl << "F," << F; fout.close(); }