/* Date: April 4 2019 Name: Matthew Strapp Student ID number: 5449340 Course number: EE 1301 Term: Spring 2019 Lab/assignment number: HW 5C Short Program Description: Pixel Averaging */ #include #include #include using namespace std; #define SIZE 100 int maxRow = -1, maxColumn = 0; void getInput(int input[SIZE][SIZE]); void makeNewArray(int oldArray[SIZE][SIZE], int newArray[SIZE][SIZE]); void pixelAverage(int inArray[SIZE][SIZE], int outArray[SIZE][SIZE]); void printArray(int array[SIZE][SIZE]); int main() { int inputArray[SIZE][SIZE] = {0}, outputArray[SIZE][SIZE] = {0}; getInput(inputArray); makeNewArray(inputArray, outputArray); pixelAverage(inputArray, outputArray); printArray(outputArray); } // Function: getInput // --------------------------- // Takes the stream of stdin, puts that into a stringsream and puts that stringsteam into an integer array // input: an empty array of SIZE, as defined in line 15. void getInput(int input[SIZE][SIZE]) { string test, temp1; int temp2=0; //I would mainly like to thank whatever user on StackOverflow solved my problem while (getline(cin,test)) { temp2 = -2; istringstream ss(test); while(getline(ss,temp1,' ')) { temp2++; input[maxRow][temp2] = stoi(temp1); } if (temp2>maxColumn) { maxColumn = temp2+2; //2 is added to make the math work. } maxRow++; } maxRow++; } // Function: makeNewArray // --------------------------- // Takes the array made in getInput and puts that same array into a new array to manipulate // oldArray: Array generated in getInput of SIZE // newArray: Array of same dimensions and data void makeNewArray(int oldArray[SIZE][SIZE], int newArray[SIZE][SIZE]) { for (int row = 0; row < SIZE-1; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < SIZE-1; column++) { newArray[row][column] = oldArray[row-1][column-1]; } } } // Function: pixelAverage // --------------------------- // The meat of the program, taking the surrounding values, adding them, and divides by the number of surrounding values // inArray: Generated in getInput // outArray: Generated in makeNewArray void pixelAverage(int inArray[SIZE][SIZE], int outArray[SIZE][SIZE]) { int sum = 0, n = 0, average; //n is the number of surrounding pixels for (int row = -1; row < maxRow-1; row++) { for (int column = -1; column < maxColumn-1; column++) { sum=0; n=0; //Sum and n are reset every loop if ( !((row)<0) ) { //True when array is in lower bounds row-wise sum += inArray[row-1][column]; n++; } if ( (row+1)