t=[0:2:100] t = Columns 1 through 11 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Columns 12 through 22 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Columns 23 through 33 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 Columns 34 through 44 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 Columns 45 through 51 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 clear t=[0:2:100]; x=10+exp(-0.2618*t) x = Columns 1 through 6 11.0000 10.5924 10.3509 10.2079 10.1231 10.0729 Columns 7 through 12 10.0432 10.0256 10.0152 10.0090 10.0053 10.0032 Columns 13 through 18 10.0019 10.0011 10.0007 10.0004 10.0002 10.0001 Columns 19 through 24 10.0001 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Columns 25 through 30 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Columns 31 through 36 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Columns 37 through 42 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Columns 43 through 48 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Columns 49 through 51 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 clear t=[0:2:100]; x=10+exp(-0.2618*t); Q=[-14.4721 10 -5.5279; 8.9443 -10 -8.9443; -5.5279 10 -14.4721]; x=10+Q*exp(-0.2618*t); {Error using * Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'. } x=10+Q.*exp(-0.2618*t); {Matrix dimensions must agree. } x=10+Q[1:].*exp(-0.2618*t); x=10+Q[1:].*exp(-0.2618*t); ↑ {Error: Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters. } x=10+Q[:1].*exp(-0.2618*t); x=10+Q[:1].*exp(-0.2618*t); ↑ {Error: Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters. } x=10+Q.*exp(-0.2618*t); {Matrix dimensions must agree. } x=10+Q(:,1).*exp(-0.2618*t); plot(t,x) x=10+Q(1,:).*exp(-0.2618*t); {Matrix dimensions must agree. } x=10+Q(:,1).*exp(-0.2618*t); plot(t,x) clear x x=10+Q(:,1).*exp(-0.2618*t); clear x Q(:,1) ans = -14.4721 8.9443 -5.5279 x=10+Q(:,1)*exp(-0.2618*t); x=10+Q(1,:)*exp(-0.2618*t); {Error using * Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'. } x=10+Q(:,1)*exp(-0.2618*t); plot(t,x) x=10+Q(1)*exp(-0.2618*t); Q(1) ans = -14.4721 x=10+Q(1)*exp(-0.2618*t)+Q(2)*exp(-0.2618*t)+Q(3)*exp(-0.2618*t); plot(t,x) F=-.2618; x=10+Q(1)*exp(F*t)+Q(2)*exp(F*t)+Q(3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,x); hold on; F=-.2618, y=3; y=10+Q(y+1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y+2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y+3)*exp(F*t); F = -0.2618 F=-.2618; y=3; y=10+Q(y+1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y+2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y+3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,y) F=-0.2; y=3; y=10+Q(y+1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y+2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y+3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,y) hold off plot(t,x) Q(4) ans = 10 Q(3 Q(3 ↑ {Error: Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters. } Q(3) ans = -5.5279 Q(0) {Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. } Q(4) ans = 10 Q(5) ans = -10 Q(6) ans = 10 Q(7) ans = -5.5279 Q(8) ans = -8.9443 Q(9) ans = -14.4721 Q(10) {Index exceeds array bounds. } Q(5) ans = -10 Q(6) ans = 10 F=-0.2; y=3; y=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.2; y=0; x=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); {Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. } F=-0.2; y=1; x=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.2618; y=1; x=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,x) hold on; F=-0.2; y=2; x=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,y) F=-0.2618; y=1; x=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.2; y=2; y=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,y) clear plot F=-0.2618; y=1; x=10+Q(y,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(y,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.2618; z=2; y=10+Q(z,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.2; z=2; y=10+Q(z,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,y) plot(t,x) hold onl {Error using hold (line 83) Unknown command option. } hold on plot(t,y) F=-0.2; z=2; y=10+Q(z,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,3)*exp(F*t); Q(2,1) ans = 8.9443 F=-0.2; z=2; y=10+Q(z,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.2; a=2; z=10+Q(a,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(F*t); F=-0.0382; a=3; z=10+Q(a,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(F*t); plot (t,z) clear plot; plot (t,x) plot (t,z) plot (t,x) hold on plot (t,z) F=-0.2; z=2; y=10+Q(z,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,y) plot(t,x); plot(t,y) plot(t,z) plot(t,x); plot(t,y) plot(t,z) ↑ {Error: Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or unbalanced delimiters, or other syntax error. To construct matrices, use brackets instead of parentheses. } plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) clear plot plot(t,x); hold on; plot(t,y); plot(t,z) plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) hold on plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) F=-0.2; z=2; y=10+Q(z,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(z,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) F=-0.0382; a=3; z=10+Q(a,1)*exp(F*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(F*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(F*t); plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) hold on; plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) F=-0.0382; z=10+Q(a,1)*exp(-.2618*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(-.2*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(-.0382*t); a=1; z=10+Q(a,1)*exp(-.2618*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(-.2*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(-.0382*t); a=1; x=10+Q(a,1)*exp(-.2618*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(-.2*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(-.0382*t); a=2; y=10+Q(a,1)*exp(-.2618*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(-.2*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(-.0382*t); a=3; z=10+Q(a,1)*exp(-.2618*t)+Q(a,2)*exp(-.2*t)+Q(a,3)*exp(-.0382*t); hold on; plot(t,x); plot(t,y); plot(t,z) plot(t,x,'b:s'); plot(t,y,'r:p'); plot(t,z,'g,t') {Error using plot Error in color/linetype argument. } plot(t,x,'b:s'); plot(t,y,'r:p'); plot(t,z,'g,o') {Error using plot Error in color/linetype argument. } plot(t,x,'b:s'); plot(t,y,'r:p'); plot(t,z,'-o') t.label("time") {Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type. } t.label('time') {Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type. } x.label('time') {Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type. } xlabel('time') xlabel('Time') ylabel('Amount of salt') xlabel('Time (seconds)') xlabel('Time (min)') plot(t,x,'b:s'); plot(t,y,'r:p'); plot(t,z,'-o') xlabel('Time (min)') ylabel('Amount of salt') hold on; plot(t,x,'b:s'); plot(t,y,'r:p'); plot(t,z,'-o') xlabel('Time (min)') ylabel('Amount of salt')