@bookinbook{Cicero-Catiline, author = {Cicero}, booktitle = {Against Catiline}, entrysubtype = {classical}, publisher = {Perseus Digital Library}, title = {First Oration Against Catiline}, year = {1908} } @bookinbook{Cicero-DeRePublica, author = {Cicero}, booktitle = {De Re Publica}, entrysubtype = {classical}, publisher = {Loeb Classical Library}, title = {The Republic I}, year = {1928} } @bookinbook{Dio, author = {Cassius Dio}, entrysubtype = {classical}, publisher = {Loeb Classical Library}, title = {Book LI}, year = {1916} } @inbook{Flower-Sulla, author = {Harriet I. Flower}, booktitle = {Roman Republics}, isbn = {9780691152585}, pages = {117-134}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, title = {AN ALTERNATIVE TO A CRISIS: Sulla’s New Republic}, year = {2010} } @bookinbook{LivyII, author = {Livy}, booktitle = {History of Rome}, entrysubtype = {classical}, publisher = {Harvard University Press}, title = {Book II}, year = {1919} } @bookinbook{Plutarch-Sulla, author = {Plutarch}, booktitle = {The Parallel Lives}, entrysubtype = {classical}, publisher = {Loeb Classical Library}, title = {The Life of Sulla}, year = {1916} } @inbook{RomanRevolution, author = {Ronald Syme}, booktitle = {The Roman Revolution}, pages = {98-103}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {The Consul Antionius}, year = {2002} } @inbook{Sallust-Catiline, author = {Sallust}, booktitle = {The Conspiracy of Catiline}, entrysubtype = {classical}, year = {1919} }