path: root/grades/submission-p1.md
blob: 8e8fa9ecff831b17b827502b1e95da53c9c60792 (plain) (blame)
# Grade: 94/100.

### Late penalty: 0(0 flexible extension days used)

**[70/70] Project compiles:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[2/2] Draw video frames to the screen:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[2/2] Load a font into processing:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[3/3] Draw text characters on top of the screen:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[3/3] Animate falling text characters:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[1/2] Characters stop falling when sitting on a dark object:**<br/>Feedback: characters jitter when stopped<br/><br/>**[1/1] UP and DOWN changes the threshold value:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[1/1] SPACEBAR toggles the debug view:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[1/1] Display video image in grayscale:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[1/1] Display text in color:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[0/2] Horizontally mirror the image:**<br/>Feedback: video is not mirrored<br/><br/>**[1/2] Text characters are selected at random:**<br/>Feedback: characters are chosen sequentially, no random characters appear next to the words<br/><br/>**[2/2] Characters do not fall through thin regions:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[3/3] Characters rise up if sitting on a rising object:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>**[1/3] Sophisticated algorithm used for spelling out words (Detailed in README):**<br/>Feedback: no characters appear mixed in with the words, no readme<br/><br/>**[2/2] The velocity of falling characters vary:**<br/>Feedback: <br/><br/>