path: root/Lab 2.X
diff options
authorMatt Strapp <msattr@gmail.com>2020-02-05 06:58:31 -0600
committerMatt Strapp <msattr@gmail.com>2020-02-05 06:58:31 -0600
commit6636eabc6570d5361e3ac4c498d141cd7637860d (patch)
tree4c60a2cae3af962937b2aa9522f841fdb6b73638 /Lab 2.X
parentAdd new project (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Lab 2.X')
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/Makefile113
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log0
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log.inxbin0 -> 25 bytes
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/dist/default/debug/memoryfile.xml18
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-default.mk161
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-genesis.properties10
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk69
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk38
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-variables.mk13
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/Package-default.bash73
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/configurations.xml190
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/private/configurations.xml25
-rw-r--r--Lab 2.X/nbproject/project.xml27
13 files changed, 737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/Makefile b/Lab 2.X/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fca8e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be
+# used for execution of your targets. These targets are usually executed
+# before and after some main targets. They are:
+# .build-pre: called before 'build' target
+# .build-post: called after 'build' target
+# .clean-pre: called before 'clean' target
+# .clean-post: called after 'clean' target
+# .clobber-pre: called before 'clobber' target
+# .clobber-post: called after 'clobber' target
+# .all-pre: called before 'all' target
+# .all-post: called after 'all' target
+# .help-pre: called before 'help' target
+# .help-post: called after 'help' target
+# Targets beginning with '.' are not intended to be called on their own.
+# Main targets can be executed directly, and they are:
+# build build a specific configuration
+# clean remove built files from a configuration
+# clobber remove all built files
+# all build all configurations
+# help print help mesage
+# Targets .build-impl, .clean-impl, .clobber-impl, .all-impl, and
+# .help-impl are implemented in nbproject/makefile-impl.mk.
+# Available make variables:
+# CND_BASEDIR base directory for relative paths
+# CND_DISTDIR default top distribution directory (build artifacts)
+# CND_BUILDDIR default top build directory (object files, ...)
+# CONF name of current configuration
+# CND_ARTIFACT_DIR_${CONF} directory of build artifact (current configuration)
+# CND_ARTIFACT_NAME_${CONF} name of build artifact (current configuration)
+# CND_ARTIFACT_PATH_${CONF} path to build artifact (current configuration)
+# CND_PACKAGE_DIR_${CONF} directory of package (current configuration)
+# CND_PACKAGE_NAME_${CONF} name of package (current configuration)
+# CND_PACKAGE_PATH_${CONF} path to package (current configuration)
+# Environment
+# build
+build: .build-post
+# Add your pre 'build' code here...
+.build-post: .build-impl
+# Add your post 'build' code here...
+# clean
+clean: .clean-post
+# Add your pre 'clean' code here...
+# WARNING: the IDE does not call this target since it takes a long time to
+# simply run make. Instead, the IDE removes the configuration directories
+# under build and dist directly without calling make.
+# This target is left here so people can do a clean when running a clean
+# outside the IDE.
+.clean-post: .clean-impl
+# Add your post 'clean' code here...
+# clobber
+clobber: .clobber-post
+# Add your pre 'clobber' code here...
+.clobber-post: .clobber-impl
+# Add your post 'clobber' code here...
+# all
+all: .all-post
+# Add your pre 'all' code here...
+.all-post: .all-impl
+# Add your post 'all' code here...
+# help
+help: .help-post
+# Add your pre 'help' code here...
+.help-post: .help-impl
+# Add your post 'help' code here...
+# include project implementation makefile
+include nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk
+# include project make variables
+include nbproject/Makefile-variables.mk
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log b/Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log.inx b/Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log.inx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87765a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/debug/default/defmplabxtrace.log.inx
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/dist/default/debug/memoryfile.xml b/Lab 2.X/dist/default/debug/memoryfile.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a720f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/dist/default/debug/memoryfile.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <executable name="dist/default/debug/Lab_2.X.debug.elf">
+ <memory name="data">
+ <units>bytes</units>
+ <length>8192</length>
+ <used>34</used>
+ <free>8158</free>
+ </memory>
+ <memory name="program">
+ <units>bytes</units>
+ <length>65274</length>
+ <used>408</used>
+ <free>64866</free>
+ </memory>
+ </executable>
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-default.mk b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-default.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8201bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-default.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
+# has a -pre and a -post target defined where you can add customized code.
+# This makefile implements configuration specific macros and targets.
+# Include project Makefile
+ifeq "${IGNORE_LOCAL}" "TRUE"
+# do not include local makefile. User is passing all local related variables already
+include Makefile
+# Include makefile containing local settings
+ifeq "$(wildcard nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk)" "nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk"
+include nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk
+# Environment
+MKDIR=gnumkdir -p
+RM=rm -f
+# Macros
+ifeq ($(COMPARE_BUILD), true)
+# Object Directory
+# Distribution Directory
+# Source Files Quoted if spaced
+# Object Files Quoted if spaced
+# Object Files
+# Source Files
+############# Tool locations ##########################################
+# If you copy a project from one host to another, the path where the #
+# compiler is installed may be different. #
+# If you open this project with MPLAB X in the new host, this #
+# makefile will be regenerated and the paths will be corrected. #
+# fixDeps replaces a bunch of sed/cat/printf statements that slow down the build
+.build-conf: ${BUILD_SUBPROJECTS}
+ ${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-default.mk dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/Lab_2.X.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX}
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: compile
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: assemble
+${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o: Lab2A.s nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+ @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o.d
+ @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o
+ ${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_AS_PRE) Lab2A.s -o ${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o -c -mcpu=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -D__DEBUG -D__MPLAB_DEBUGGER_SIMULATOR=1 -omf=elf -DXPRJ_default=$(CND_CONF) -legacy-libc -Wa,-MD,"${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o.d",--defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1,--defsym=__MPLAB_DEBUG=1,--defsym=__DEBUG=1,--defsym=__MPLAB_DEBUGGER_SIMULATOR=1,-g,--no-relax$(MP_EXTRA_AS_POST) -mdfp=${DFP_DIR}/xc16
+ @${FIXDEPS} "${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o.d" $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../
+${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o: Lab2A.s nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+ @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o.d
+ @${RM} ${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o
+ ${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_AS_PRE) Lab2A.s -o ${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o -c -mcpu=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -omf=elf -DXPRJ_default=$(CND_CONF) -legacy-libc -Wa,-MD,"${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o.d",--defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1,-g,--no-relax$(MP_EXTRA_AS_POST) -mdfp=${DFP_DIR}/xc16
+ @${FIXDEPS} "${OBJECTDIR}/Lab2A.o.d" $(SILENT) -rsi ${MP_CC_DIR}../
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: assemblePreproc
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Rules for buildStep: link
+dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/Lab_2.X.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX}: ${OBJECTFILES} nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+ @${MKDIR} dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}
+ ${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_LD_PRE) -o dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/Lab_2.X.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX} ${OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED} -mcpu=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -D__DEBUG=__DEBUG -D__MPLAB_DEBUGGER_SIMULATOR=1 -omf=elf -DXPRJ_default=$(CND_CONF) -legacy-libc $(COMPARISON_BUILD) -Wl,,,--defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1,--defsym=__MPLAB_DEBUG=1,--defsym=__DEBUG=1,-D__DEBUG=__DEBUG,--defsym=__MPLAB_DEBUGGER_SIMULATOR=1,$(MP_LINKER_FILE_OPTION),--stack=16,--check-sections,--data-init,--pack-data,--handles,--isr,--no-gc-sections,--fill-upper=0,--stackguard=16,--no-force-link,--smart-io,-Map="${DISTDIR}/${PROJECTNAME}.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map",--report-mem,--memorysummary,dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/memoryfile.xml$(MP_EXTRA_LD_POST) -mdfp=${DFP_DIR}/xc16
+dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/Lab_2.X.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${OUTPUT_SUFFIX}: ${OBJECTFILES} nbproject/Makefile-${CND_CONF}.mk
+ @${MKDIR} dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}
+ ${MP_CC} $(MP_EXTRA_LD_PRE) -o dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/Lab_2.X.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${DEBUGGABLE_SUFFIX} ${OBJECTFILES_QUOTED_IF_SPACED} -mcpu=$(MP_PROCESSOR_OPTION) -omf=elf -DXPRJ_default=$(CND_CONF) -legacy-libc $(COMPARISON_BUILD) -Wl,,,--defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1,$(MP_LINKER_FILE_OPTION),--stack=16,--check-sections,--data-init,--pack-data,--handles,--isr,--no-gc-sections,--fill-upper=0,--stackguard=16,--no-force-link,--smart-io,-Map="${DISTDIR}/${PROJECTNAME}.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map",--report-mem,--memorysummary,dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/memoryfile.xml$(MP_EXTRA_LD_POST) -mdfp=${DFP_DIR}/xc16
+ ${MP_CC_DIR}\\xc16-bin2hex dist/${CND_CONF}/${IMAGE_TYPE}/Lab_2.X.${IMAGE_TYPE}.${DEBUGGABLE_SUFFIX} -a -omf=elf -mdfp=${DFP_DIR}/xc16
+# Subprojects
+# Subprojects
+# Clean Targets
+.clean-conf: ${CLEAN_SUBPROJECTS}
+ ${RM} -r build/default
+ ${RM} -r dist/default
+# Enable dependency checking
+.dep.inc: .depcheck-impl
+DEPFILES=$(shell mplabwildcard ${POSSIBLE_DEPFILES})
+ifneq (${DEPFILES},)
+include ${DEPFILES}
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-genesis.properties b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-genesis.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..114011e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-genesis.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#Tue Feb 04 20:39:57 CST 2020
+default.Pack.dfplocation=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microchip\\MPLABX\\v5.30\\packs\\Microchip\\PIC24F-GA-GB_DFP\\1.1.74
+default.languagetoolchain.dir=C\:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microchip\\xc16\\v1.41\\bin
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d637c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# Edit the Makefile in the project folder instead (../Makefile). Each target
+# has a pre- and a post- target defined where you can add customization code.
+# This makefile implements macros and targets common to all configurations.
+# Building and Cleaning subprojects are done by default, but can be controlled with the SUB
+# macro. If SUB=no, subprojects will not be built or cleaned. The following macro
+# statements set BUILD_SUB-CONF and CLEAN_SUB-CONF to .build-reqprojects-conf
+# and .clean-reqprojects-conf unless SUB has the value 'no'
+# Project Name
+# Active Configuration
+# All Configurations
+# build
+.build-impl: .build-pre
+ ${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} .build-conf
+# clean
+.clean-impl: .clean-pre
+ ${MAKE} -f nbproject/Makefile-${CONF}.mk SUBPROJECTS=${SUBPROJECTS} .clean-conf
+# clobber
+.clobber-impl: .clobber-pre .depcheck-impl
+# all
+.all-impl: .all-pre .depcheck-impl
+# dependency checking support
+# @echo "# This code depends on make tool being used" >.dep.inc
+# @if [ -n "${MAKE_VERSION}" ]; then \
+# echo "DEPFILES=\$$(wildcard \$$(addsuffix .d, \$${OBJECTFILES}))" >>.dep.inc; \
+# echo "ifneq (\$${DEPFILES},)" >>.dep.inc; \
+# echo "include \$${DEPFILES}" >>.dep.inc; \
+# echo "endif" >>.dep.inc; \
+# else \
+# echo ".KEEP_STATE:" >>.dep.inc; \
+# echo ".KEEP_STATE_FILE:.make.state.\$${CONF}" >>.dep.inc; \
+# fi
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..214e7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-local-default.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Generated Makefile - do not edit!
+# This file contains information about the location of compilers and other tools.
+# If you commmit this file into your revision control server, you will be able to
+# to checkout the project and build it from the command line with make. However,
+# if more than one person works on the same project, then this file might show
+# conflicts since different users are bound to have compilers in different places.
+# In that case you might choose to not commit this file and let MPLAB X recreate this file
+# for each user. The disadvantage of not commiting this file is that you must run MPLAB X at
+# least once so the file gets created and the project can be built. Finally, you can also
+# avoid using this file at all if you are only building from the command line with make.
+# You can invoke make with the values of the macros:
+# $ makeMP_CC="/opt/microchip/mplabc30/v3.30c/bin/pic30-gcc" ...
+PATH_TO_IDE_BIN=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/v5.30/mplab_platform/platform/../mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/
+# Adding MPLAB X bin directory to path.
+PATH:=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/v5.30/mplab_platform/platform/../mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/:$(PATH)
+# Path to java used to run MPLAB X when this makefile was created
+MP_JAVA_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.30\sys\java\jre1.8.0_181/bin/"
+OS_CURRENT="$(shell uname -s)"
+MP_CC="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin\xc16-gcc.exe"
+# MP_CPPC is not defined
+# MP_BC is not defined
+MP_AS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin\xc16-as.exe"
+MP_LD="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin\xc16-ld.exe"
+MP_AR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin\xc16-ar.exe"
+DEP_GEN=${MP_JAVA_PATH}java -jar "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/v5.30/mplab_platform/platform/../mplab_ide/modules/../../bin/extractobjectdependencies.jar"
+MP_CC_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin"
+# MP_CPPC_DIR is not defined
+# MP_BC_DIR is not defined
+MP_AS_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin"
+MP_LD_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin"
+MP_AR_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin"
+# MP_BC_DIR is not defined
+DFP_DIR="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microchip/MPLABX/v5.30/packs/Microchip/PIC24F-GA-GB_DFP/1.1.74"
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-variables.mk b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-variables.mk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..358d783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Makefile-variables.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Generated - do not edit!
+# default configuration
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Package-default.bash b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Package-default.bash
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6270138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/Package-default.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+# Generated - do not edit!
+# Macros
+# Functions
+function checkReturnCode
+ rc=$?
+ if [ $rc != 0 ]
+ then
+ exit $rc
+ fi
+function makeDirectory
+# $1 directory path
+# $2 permission (optional)
+ mkdir -p "$1"
+ checkReturnCode
+ if [ "$2" != "" ]
+ then
+ chmod $2 "$1"
+ checkReturnCode
+ fi
+function copyFileToTmpDir
+# $1 from-file path
+# $2 to-file path
+# $3 permission
+ cp "$1" "$2"
+ checkReturnCode
+ if [ "$3" != "" ]
+ then
+ chmod $3 "$2"
+ checkReturnCode
+ fi
+# Setup
+cd "${TOP}"
+mkdir -p ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package
+rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
+mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}
+# Copy files and create directories and links
+cd "${TOP}"
+makeDirectory ${TMPDIR}/lab2.x/bin
+# Generate tar file
+cd "${TOP}"
+rm -f ${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package/lab2.x.tar
+cd ${TMPDIR}
+tar -vcf ../../../../${CND_DISTDIR}/${CND_CONF}/package/lab2.x.tar *
+# Cleanup
+cd "${TOP}"
+rm -rf ${TMPDIR}
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/configurations.xml b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/configurations.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f98ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/configurations.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<configurationDescriptor version="65">
+ <logicalFolder name="root" displayName="root" projectFiles="true">
+ <logicalFolder name="HeaderFiles"
+ displayName="Header Files"
+ projectFiles="true">
+ </logicalFolder>
+ <logicalFolder name="LinkerScript"
+ displayName="Linker Files"
+ projectFiles="true">
+ </logicalFolder>
+ <logicalFolder name="SourceFiles"
+ displayName="Source Files"
+ projectFiles="true">
+ </logicalFolder>
+ <logicalFolder name="ExternalFiles"
+ displayName="Important Files"
+ projectFiles="false">
+ <itemPath>Makefile</itemPath>
+ </logicalFolder>
+ <itemPath>Lab2A.s</itemPath>
+ </logicalFolder>
+ <projectmakefile>Makefile</projectmakefile>
+ <confs>
+ <conf name="default" type="2">
+ <toolsSet>
+ <developmentServer>localhost</developmentServer>
+ <targetDevice>PIC24FJ64GA002</targetDevice>
+ <targetHeader></targetHeader>
+ <targetPluginBoard></targetPluginBoard>
+ <platformTool>Simulator</platformTool>
+ <languageToolchain>XC16</languageToolchain>
+ <languageToolchainVersion>1.41</languageToolchainVersion>
+ <platform>3</platform>
+ </toolsSet>
+ <packs>
+ <pack name="PIC24F-GA-GB_DFP" vendor="Microchip" version="1.1.74"/>
+ </packs>
+ <compileType>
+ <linkerTool>
+ <linkerLibItems>
+ </linkerLibItems>
+ </linkerTool>
+ <archiverTool>
+ </archiverTool>
+ <loading>
+ <useAlternateLoadableFile>false</useAlternateLoadableFile>
+ <parseOnProdLoad>false</parseOnProdLoad>
+ <alternateLoadableFile></alternateLoadableFile>
+ </loading>
+ <subordinates>
+ </subordinates>
+ </compileType>
+ <makeCustomizationType>
+ <makeCustomizationPreStepEnabled>false</makeCustomizationPreStepEnabled>
+ <makeCustomizationPreStep></makeCustomizationPreStep>
+ <makeCustomizationPostStepEnabled>false</makeCustomizationPostStepEnabled>
+ <makeCustomizationPostStep></makeCustomizationPostStep>
+ <makeCustomizationPutChecksumInUserID>false</makeCustomizationPutChecksumInUserID>
+ <makeCustomizationEnableLongLines>false</makeCustomizationEnableLongLines>
+ <makeCustomizationNormalizeHexFile>false</makeCustomizationNormalizeHexFile>
+ </makeCustomizationType>
+ <C30>
+ <property key="code-model" value="default"/>
+ <property key="const-model" value="default"/>
+ <property key="data-model" value="default"/>
+ <property key="disable-instruction-scheduling" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-all-warnings" value="true"/>
+ <property key="enable-ansi-std" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-ansi-warnings" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-fatal-warnings" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-large-arrays" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-omit-frame-pointer" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-procedural-abstraction" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-short-double" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-symbols" value="true"/>
+ <property key="enable-unroll-loops" value="false"/>
+ <property key="extra-include-directories" value=""/>
+ <property key="isolate-each-function" value="false"/>
+ <property key="keep-inline" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-align-arr" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-cnsts-mauxflash" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-data-sects" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-errata" value=""/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-fillupper" value=""/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-large-aggregate" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-mauxflash" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-mpa-lvl" value=""/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-name-text-sec" value=""/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-near-chars" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-no-isr-warn" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-sfr-warn" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-smar-io-lvl" value="1"/>
+ <property key="oXC16gcc-smart-io-fmt" value=""/>
+ <property key="optimization-level" value="0"/>
+ <property key="post-instruction-scheduling" value="default"/>
+ <property key="pre-instruction-scheduling" value="default"/>
+ <property key="preprocessor-macros" value=""/>
+ <property key="scalar-model" value="default"/>
+ <property key="use-cci" value="false"/>
+ <property key="use-iar" value="false"/>
+ </C30>
+ <C30-AR>
+ <property key="additional-options-chop-files" value="false"/>
+ </C30-AR>
+ <C30-AS>
+ <property key="assembler-symbols" value=""/>
+ <property key="expand-macros" value="false"/>
+ <property key="extra-include-directories-for-assembler" value=""/>
+ <property key="extra-include-directories-for-preprocessor" value=""/>
+ <property key="false-conditionals" value="false"/>
+ <property key="keep-locals" value="false"/>
+ <property key="list-assembly" value="false"/>
+ <property key="list-section-info" value="false"/>
+ <property key="list-source" value="false"/>
+ <property key="list-symbols" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16asm-extra-opts" value=""/>
+ <property key="oXC16asm-list-to-file" value="false"/>
+ <property key="omit-debug-dirs" value="false"/>
+ <property key="omit-forms" value="false"/>
+ <property key="preprocessor-macros" value=""/>
+ <property key="relax" value="false"/>
+ <property key="warning-level" value="emit-warnings"/>
+ </C30-AS>
+ <C30-CO>
+ <property key="coverage-enable" value=""/>
+ </C30-CO>
+ <C30-LD>
+ <property key="additional-options-use-response-files" value="false"/>
+ <property key="boot-eeprom" value="no_eeprom"/>
+ <property key="boot-flash" value="no_flash"/>
+ <property key="boot-ram" value="no_ram"/>
+ <property key="boot-write-protect" value="no_write_protect"/>
+ <property key="enable-check-sections" value="false"/>
+ <property key="enable-data-init" value="true"/>
+ <property key="enable-default-isr" value="true"/>
+ <property key="enable-handles" value="true"/>
+ <property key="enable-pack-data" value="true"/>
+ <property key="extra-lib-directories" value=""/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-addr" value=""/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-const" value=""/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-how" value="0"/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-inc-const" value="1"/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-increment" value=""/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-seq" value=""/>
+ <property key="fill-flash-options-what" value="0"/>
+ <property key="general-code-protect" value="no_code_protect"/>
+ <property key="general-write-protect" value="no_write_protect"/>
+ <property key="generate-cross-reference-file" value="false"/>
+ <property key="heap-size" value=""/>
+ <property key="input-libraries" value=""/>
+ <property key="linker-stack" value="true"/>
+ <property key="linker-symbols" value=""/>
+ <property key="map-file" value="${DISTDIR}/${PROJECTNAME}.${IMAGE_TYPE}.map"/>
+ <property key="no-ivt" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16ld-extra-opts" value=""/>
+ <property key="oXC16ld-fill-upper" value="0"/>
+ <property key="oXC16ld-force-link" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16ld-no-smart-io" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16ld-nostdlib" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16ld-stackguard" value="16"/>
+ <property key="preprocessor-macros" value=""/>
+ <property key="remove-unused-sections" value="false"/>
+ <property key="report-memory-usage" value="true"/>
+ <property key="secure-eeprom" value="no_eeprom"/>
+ <property key="secure-flash" value="no_flash"/>
+ <property key="secure-ram" value="no_ram"/>
+ <property key="secure-write-protect" value="no_write_protect"/>
+ <property key="stack-size" value="16"/>
+ <property key="symbol-stripping" value=""/>
+ <property key="trace-symbols" value=""/>
+ <property key="warn-section-align" value="false"/>
+ </C30-LD>
+ <C30Global>
+ <property key="common-include-directories" value=""/>
+ <property key="dual-boot-partition" value="0"/>
+ <property key="fast-math" value="false"/>
+ <property key="generic-16-bit" value="false"/>
+ <property key="legacy-libc" value="true"/>
+ <property key="mpreserve-all" value="false"/>
+ <property key="oXC16glb-macros" value=""/>
+ <property key="output-file-format" value="elf"/>
+ <property key="preserve-all" value="false"/>
+ <property key="preserve-file" value=""/>
+ <property key="relaxed-math" value="false"/>
+ <property key="save-temps" value="false"/>
+ </C30Global>
+ </conf>
+ </confs>
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/private/configurations.xml b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/private/configurations.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a581b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/private/configurations.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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+<configurationDescriptor version="65">
+ <projectmakefile>Makefile</projectmakefile>
+ <defaultConf>0</defaultConf>
+ <confs>
+ <conf name="default" type="2">
+ <platformToolSN></platformToolSN>
+ <languageToolchainDir>C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\xc16\v1.41\bin</languageToolchainDir>
+ <mdbdebugger version="1">
+ <placeholder1>place holder 1</placeholder1>
+ <placeholder2>place holder 2</placeholder2>
+ </mdbdebugger>
+ <runprofile version="6">
+ <args></args>
+ <rundir></rundir>
+ <buildfirst>true</buildfirst>
+ <console-type>0</console-type>
+ <terminal-type>0</terminal-type>
+ <remove-instrumentation>0</remove-instrumentation>
+ <environment>
+ </environment>
+ </runprofile>
+ </conf>
+ </confs>
diff --git a/Lab 2.X/nbproject/project.xml b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/project.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07edd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lab 2.X/nbproject/project.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
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+ <type>com.microchip.mplab.nbide.embedded.makeproject</type>
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+ <name>Lab 2</name>
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+ <project-formatting-style>false</project-formatting-style>
+ </formatting>
+ </data>
+ </configuration>