path: root/ee1301
diff options
authorRossTheRoss <msattr@gmail.com>2019-05-09 09:33:14 -0500
committerRossTheRoss <msattr@gmail.com>2019-05-09 09:33:14 -0500
commitd7537237ea35e86560f86ff3fd8645e61c9514b9 (patch)
treee781a6dca8c0c5bc841b3babc37632efd707323a /ee1301
parentE (diff)
E again
Diffstat (limited to 'ee1301')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ee1301/wk7/hw7_directory/strap012_HW7A.cpp b/ee1301/wk7/hw7_directory/strap012_HW7A.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1ff8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee1301/wk7/hw7_directory/strap012_HW7A.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+class houseData {
+ //id,value,bedrooms,bathrooms,sqft,yr_built,zipcode
+ long int id = 0;
+ int price = 0;
+ int bedrooms = 0;
+ int bathrooms = 0;
+ int sqft = 0;
+ int yr_built = 0;
+ int zipcode = 0;
+ houseData *nextZip = nullptr;
+ void printShort();
+ void printRecord();
+ };
+void ProcHeader(ifstream &file);
+houseData* ReadRecord(ifstream &file);
+houseData* Scanlist(houseData* head, int Zipcode);
+void DelRecord(houseData *record);
+void bsort(int list[], int length);
+void swap (int &a, int &b);
+void printAllHousesByZip(houseData* head);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+ houseData* head = nullptr;
+ houseData* tail = nullptr;
+ ifstream fin;
+ if(argc > 1) {
+ fin.open(argv[1]); // Small file to test with
+ } else {
+ //fin.open("./house-info-v4-short.csv"); // Small file to test with
+ fin.open("./house-info-v4.csv"); // Use this file for final
+ }
+ if(fin.is_open()) {
+ ProcHeader(fin); // Just dumps header
+ int numRec = 0;
+ while(!fin.eof()) {
+ houseData* tempHouse = ReadRecord(fin);
+ if(tempHouse != nullptr) {
+ if (head == nullptr) { //Make head of list if one does not exist
+ head=tempHouse;
+ tail=tempHouse;
+ tempHouse=nullptr;
+ } else {
+ tail->nextZip=tempHouse;
+ tail=tempHouse;
+ }
+ //tempHouse->printRecord();
+ //tempHouse->printShort();
+ //initHouseData[numRec] = tempHouse; // DO NOT store data like this!
+ numRec++;
+ if (numRec%1000==0 && numRec!=0) {
+ cout << "Still working...num records processed: " << numRec << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ houseData* currentZipFind = head;
+ int zipSort[1000]; bool newZip=true; int currentUnique=0;
+ for (int i=0; i<999; i++) {zipSort[i]=0;}
+ while(currentZipFind!=nullptr) {
+ for (int i=0; i<999; i++) {
+ //Find a new zipcode to average
+ if (currentZipFind->zipcode==zipSort[i]) {
+ //Only find unique ZIPs
+ newZip=false;
+ break;
+ }
+ newZip=true;
+ }
+ if ( (newZip) ) {
+ zipSort[currentUnique]=currentZipFind->zipcode;
+ //cout << zipSort[currentUnique] << endl;
+ currentUnique++;
+ }
+ currentZipFind = currentZipFind->nextZip;
+ }
+ bsort(zipSort, 1000);
+ houseData* findAvg = head;
+ int costPerZip[1000]={0}, totalPerZip[1000]={0};
+ //Set all of the values to zero
+ for (int i=0; i<999; i++) {costPerZip[i]=0; totalPerZip[i]=0;}
+ while (findAvg!=NULL) {
+ for(int j=0; j<999; j++) {
+ if (zipSort[j]=findAvg->zipcode) {
+ cout << zipSort[j] << " " << findAvg->zipcode << endl;
+ cout << j << endl;
+ costPerZip[j]+=findAvg->price;
+ totalPerZip[j]++;
+ break; //Break for loop
+ }
+ } //end for
+ findAvg=findAvg->nextZip;
+ } //end while
+ for (int k=0; k<999; k++) {
+ if (zipSort[k]!=0) {
+ cout << zipSort[k] << ":average price=" << totalPerZip[k] << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ //printAllHousesByZip(head);
+ //This loop will also have to change in your
+ // final program (see HINT 1).
+ DelRecord(head);
+ fin.close();
+ } else {
+ cout << "File missing!" << endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void ProcHeader(ifstream &file) {
+ int endOfHeader = 0;
+ char curChar;
+ while(!endOfHeader) {
+ curChar = file.get();
+ if (curChar == '\n') {
+ //End of line found
+ endOfHeader = 1;
+ }
+ }
+//This function is the algorithm.
+void bsort(int list[], int length) {
+ for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ for (int j=0; j<length-1; j++) {
+ if (list[j]>list[j+1]) {
+ //This is so the bubble can happen
+ swap(list[j], list[j+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//This function simply swaps two values so the bubbling can commence
+void swap (int &a, int &b) {
+ int temp;
+ temp=a; a=b; b=temp;
+houseData* ReadRecord(ifstream &file) {
+ int b = 0;
+ int endOfHeader = 0;
+ int c = 0;
+ long int tempData[7] = {0};
+ houseData* localHouseData = new houseData();
+ string tempString = " ";
+ while(!endOfHeader) {
+ char curChar;
+ //Get the next character in file
+ curChar = file.get();
+ //Check what the character is
+ if (curChar == EOF) {
+ return nullptr;
+ } else if (curChar == '\n') {
+ //Final symbol of row found: put in array and end loop
+ tempString.append(1,'\0');
+ tempData[c++] = stol(tempString);
+ endOfHeader = 1;
+ } else if (curChar == ',') {
+ //End of current symbol found: put in array
+ tempString.append(1,'\0');
+ tempData[c++] = stol(tempString);
+ tempString.clear();
+ } else {
+ // Append to array
+ tempString.append(1,curChar);
+ b++;
+ }
+ }
+ localHouseData->id = tempData[0];
+ localHouseData->price = tempData[1];
+ localHouseData->bedrooms = tempData[2];
+ localHouseData->bathrooms = tempData[3];
+ localHouseData->sqft = tempData[4];
+ localHouseData->yr_built = tempData[5];
+ localHouseData->zipcode = tempData[6];
+ return localHouseData;
+houseData* Scanlist(houseData* head, int Zipcode) {
+ houseData* previous; houseData* current;
+ previous=head;
+ current=head->nextZip;
+ while ((current!=NULL) && !(current->zipcode >= Zipcode)) {
+ previous=current;
+ current=current->nextZip;
+ }
+ return previous;
+void houseData::printRecord() {
+ cout << "Printing House Record:" << endl;
+ cout << "ID:" << id << endl;
+ cout << "Price:" << price << endl;
+ cout << "Bedrooms:" << bedrooms << endl;
+ cout << "Bathrooms:" << bathrooms << endl;
+ cout << "Square Feet:" << sqft << endl;
+ cout << "Year Built:" << yr_built << endl;
+ cout << "Zipcode:" << zipcode << endl;
+void DelRecord(houseData *record) {
+ houseData* next;
+ while (record!=NULL) {
+ next=record->nextZip;
+ delete record;
+ record = next;
+ }
+void houseData::printShort() {
+ cout << id << "," << zipcode << endl;
+void printAllHousesByZip(houseData* head){
+ cout << endl << "Printing List of All Houses by Zip:" << endl;
+ houseData* current = head;
+ while(current != nullptr) {
+ current->printShort();
+ current = current->nextZip;
+ }