path: root/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v
diff options
authorMatt Strapp <matt@mattstrapp.net>2022-05-24 11:18:46 -0500
committerMatt Strapp <matt@mattstrapp.net>2022-05-24 11:19:55 -0500
commit7a73162607544204032aa66cce755daf21edebda (patch)
tree58578e01f15f34a855d99c32898db9d7a1603e67 /ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v
parentdo some stuff (diff)
Signed-off-by: Matt Strapp <matt@mattstrapp.net>
Diffstat (limited to 'ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v b/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea9fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Incomplete behavioral model of MIPS pipeline
+module mipspipe_mp2 (clock);
+ // in_out
+ input clock;
+ // Instruction opcodes
+ parameter LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ = 6'b000100, nop = 32'b00000_100000, ALUop = 6'b0;
+ reg [31:0] PC, Regs[0:31], IMemory[0:1023], DMemory[0:1023], // instruction and data memories
+ wire [4:0] IDEXrs, IDEXrt, EXMEMrd, MEMWBrd, MEMWBrt, IFIDrt, IFIDrs; // hold register fields
+ wire [5:0] EXMEMop, MEMWBop, IDEXop, IFIDop; // hold opcodes
+ wire [31:0] Ain, Bin; // ALU inputs
+ // declare the bypass signals
+ wire bypassAfromMEM, bypassAfromALUinWB, bypassBfromMEM, bypassBfromALUinWB, bypassAfromLWinWB, bypassBfromLWinWB, bypassIDEXAfromWB, bypassIDEXBfromWB, STALL;
+ // Define fields of pipeline latches
+ assign IDEXrs = IDEXIR[25:21]; // rs field
+ assign IDEXrt = IDEXIR[20:16]; // rt field
+ assign EXMEMrd = EXMEMIR[15:11]; // rd field
+ assign MEMWBrd = MEMWBIR[15:11]; // rd field
+ assign MEMWBrt = MEMWBIR[20:16]; // rt field -- for loads
+ assign EXMEMop = EXMEMIR[31:26]; // opcode
+ assign MEMWBop = MEMWBIR[31:26]; // opcode
+ assign IDEXop = IDEXIR[31:26]; // opcode
+ assign IFIDrs = IFIDIR[25:21];
+ assign IFIDrt = IFIDIR[20:16];
+ assign IFIDop = IFIDIR[31:26];
+ // The bypass to input A from the MEM stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassAfromMEM = (IDEXrs == EXMEMrd) & (IDEXrs!=0) & (EXMEMop==ALUop);
+ // The bypass to input B from the MEM stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassBfromMEM = 0;
+ // The bypass to input A from the WB stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassAfromALUinWB = 0;
+ // The bypass to input B from the WB stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassBfromALUinWB = 0;
+ // The bypass to input A from the WB stage for an LW operation
+ assign bypassAfromLWinWB = (IDEXrs == MEMWBIR[20:16]) & (IDEXrs!=0) & (MEMWBop==LW);
+ // The bypass to input B from the WB stage for an LW operation
+ assign bypassBfromLWinWB = 0;
+ //Stall to bypass A or B if need b (I'm not sorry)
+ assign bypassIDEXAfromWB = ((MEMWBIR != nop) & (IFIDIR != nop) & (IFIDrs == MEMWBrt) & (MEMWBop == LW)) |
+ ((MEMWBop == ALUop) & (MEMWBrd == IFIDrs));
+ assign bypassIDEXBfromWB = ((MEMWBIR != nop) & (IFIDIR != nop) & (IFIDrt == MEMWBrt) & (MEMWBop == LW)) |
+ ((MEMWBop == ALUop) & (MEMWBrd == IFIDrt));
+ // The A input to the ALU is bypassed from MEM if there is a bypass there,
+ // Otherwise from WB if there is a bypass there, and otherwise comes from the IDEX register
+ assign Ain = bypassAfromMEM? EXMEMALUOut : (bypassAfromALUinWB | bypassAfromLWinWB)? MEMWBValue : IDEXA;
+ // The B input to the ALU is bypassed from MEM if there is a bypass there,
+ // Otherwise from WB if there is a bypass there, and otherwise comes from the IDEX register
+ // Ripped off of above just replacing "A" with "B"
+ assign Bin = bypassBfromMEM? EXMEMALUOut : (bypassBfromALUinWB | bypassBfromLWinWB)? MEMWBValue : IDEXB;
+ reg [5:0] i; // used to initialize latches
+ reg [10:0] j,k; // used to initialize memories
+ // Make the Big Stall
+ assign STALL = (IDEXop == LW) &&
+ //All of this is anded with the above (Lisp would be proud)
+ (((IFIDop == LW) && (IFIDrs == IDEXrt)) |
+ ((IFIDop == ALUop) && ((IFIDrs == IDEXrt) | (IFIDrt == IDEXrt))) |
+ ((IFIDop == SW) && ((IFIDrs == IDEXrt) | (IFIDrt == IDEXrt))));
+ initial begin
+ PC = 0;
+ IFIDIR = nop;
+ IDEXIR = nop;
+ EXMEMIR = nop;
+ MEMWBIR = nop; // no-ops in pipeline latches
+ for (i = 0;i<=31;i = i+1) Regs[i] = i; // initialize latches
+ IMemory[0] = 32'h00412820; // ADD $5, $2, $1
+ IMemory[1] = 32'h8ca30004; // LW $3, 4($5)
+ IMemory[2] = 32'haca70005; // SW $7, 5($5)
+ // Hazard 1: ADD might not have written to $5 before SW reads from $5 (Type 2: Read after Write)
+ IMemory[3] = 32'h00602020; // ADD $4, $3, $0
+ // Hazard 2: ADD might read $3 before LW writes to $3 (Type 3: Write after read)
+ IMemory[4] = 32'h01093020; // ADD $6, $8, $9
+ IMemory[5] = 32'hac06000c; // SW $6, $12($0)
+ // Hazard 3: ADD and SW are trying to access the same register (Type 1: Write after Write)
+ IMemory[6] = 32'h00c05020; // ADD $10, $6, $0
+ // Hazard 4: ADD reads from $6 and is written to (twice) immediately beforehand (Type 2: Read after Write)
+ IMemory[7] = 32'h8c0b0010; // LW $11, 32($0)
+ IMemory[8] = 32'h00000020; // ADD $0, $0, $0
+ IMemory[9] = 32'h002b6020; // ADD $12, $1, $11
+ // Hazard 5: LW might not have written to $11 before the last ADD reads from $11 (Type 2: Read after Write)
+ for (j=10; j<=1023; j=j+1) IMemory[j] = nop;
+ DMemory[0] = 32'h00000000;
+ DMemory[1] = 32'hffffffff;
+ DMemory[2] = 32'h00000000;
+ DMemory[3] = 32'h00000000;
+ DMemory[4] = 32'hfffffffe;
+ for (k=5; k<=1023; k=k+1) DMemory[k] = 0;
+ end
+ always @ (posedge clock) begin
+ if (~STALL) begin
+ // FETCH: Fetch instruction & update PC
+ IFIDIR <= IMemory[PC>>2];
+ PC <= PC + 4;
+ // DECODE: Read registers
+ if (~bypassIDEXAfromWB) begin
+ IDEXA <= Regs[IFIDIR[25:21]];
+ end
+ else begin
+ IDEXA <= MEMWBValue;
+ end
+ if (~bypassIDEXBfromWB) begin
+ IDEXB <= Regs[IFIDIR[20:16]];
+ end
+ else begin
+ IDEXB <= MEMWBValue;
+ end
+ end
+ else begin //IF (STALL)
+ IDEXIR <= nop;
+ end
+ // EX: Address calculation or ALU operation
+ if ((IDEXop==LW) |(IDEXop==SW)) // address calculation & copy B
+ EXMEMALUOut <= Ain +{{16{IDEXIR[15]}}, IDEXIR[15:0]};
+ else if (IDEXop==ALUop) begin
+ case (IDEXIR[5:0]) // R-type instruction
+ 32: EXMEMALUOut <= Ain + Bin; // add operation
+ default: ; // other R-type operations: subtract, SLT, etc.
+ endcase
+ end
+ EXMEMB <= Bin; // pass along the IR & B register
+ // MEM
+ if (EXMEMop==ALUop) MEMWBValue <= EXMEMALUOut; // pass along ALU result
+ else if (EXMEMop == LW) MEMWBValue <= DMemory[EXMEMALUOut>>2];
+ else if (EXMEMop == SW) DMemory[EXMEMALUOut>>2] <=EXMEMB; // store
+ MEMWBIR <= EXMEMIR; // pass along IR
+ // WB
+ if ((MEMWBop==ALUop) & (MEMWBrd != 0)) // update latches if ALU operation and destination not 0
+ Regs[MEMWBrd] <= MEMWBValue; // ALU operation
+ else if ((MEMWBop == LW)& (MEMWBrt != 0)) // Update latches if load and destination not 0
+ Regs[MEMWBrt] <= MEMWBValue;
+ end