path: root/ee1301/wk2/lab2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ee1301/wk2/lab2')
5 files changed, 160 insertions, 160 deletions
diff --git a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/bmr.cpp b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/bmr.cpp
index 26fdbae..b86c36c 100644
--- a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/bmr.cpp
+++ b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/bmr.cpp
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-int main () {
- int age,height,weight,chocolate;
- double BMR;
- char sex;
- cout << "Enter weight in pounds:"; cin >> weight;
- cout << "Enter height in inches:"; cin >> height;
- cout << "Enter age in years:"; cin >> age;
- cout << "Enter Sex(M/F)"; cin >> sex;
- if (sex=='F' || sex=='f'){
- BMR = 655 + (4.3 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age);
- cout << "Your BMR is: " << BMR;
- }
- if (sex=='M' || sex=='m'){
- BMR = 66 + (6.3 * weight) + (12.9 * height) - (6.8 * age);
- cout << "Your BMR is: " << BMR;
- }
- chocolate = BMR/230;
- cout << endl << "Number of 230 Calories bars you can have is: " << chocolate << endl;
- return 0;
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+int main () {
+ int age,height,weight,chocolate;
+ double BMR;
+ char sex;
+ cout << "Enter weight in pounds:"; cin >> weight;
+ cout << "Enter height in inches:"; cin >> height;
+ cout << "Enter age in years:"; cin >> age;
+ cout << "Enter Sex(M/F)"; cin >> sex;
+ if (sex=='F' || sex=='f'){
+ BMR = 655 + (4.3 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age);
+ cout << "Your BMR is: " << BMR;
+ }
+ if (sex=='M' || sex=='m'){
+ BMR = 66 + (6.3 * weight) + (12.9 * height) - (6.8 * age);
+ cout << "Your BMR is: " << BMR;
+ }
+ chocolate = BMR/230;
+ cout << endl << "Number of 230 Calories bars you can have is: " << chocolate << endl;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/calc.cpp b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/calc.cpp
index f9925b0..9cb2e03 100644
--- a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/calc.cpp
+++ b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/calc.cpp
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-int main () {
- int a,b;
- char op;
- cout << "Enter an equation: ";
- cin >> a >> op >> b;
- cout << a << op << b << " = ";
- if (op=='+'){ //Addition
- cout << a + b;
- }
- if (op=='-'){ //Subtraction
- cout << a - b;
- }
- if (op=='*'){ //Multiplication
- cout << a * b;
- }
- if (op=='/'){ //Division
- cout << a / b;
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+int main () {
+ int a,b;
+ char op;
+ cout << "Enter an equation: ";
+ cin >> a >> op >> b;
+ cout << a << op << b << " = ";
+ if (op=='+'){ //Addition
+ cout << a + b;
+ }
+ if (op=='-'){ //Subtraction
+ cout << a - b;
+ }
+ if (op=='*'){ //Multiplication
+ cout << a * b;
+ }
+ if (op=='/'){ //Division
+ cout << a / b;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+ }
diff --git a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/greektax.cpp b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/greektax.cpp
index c229e35..fba3918 100644
--- a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/greektax.cpp
+++ b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/greektax.cpp
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-int main () {
- int Income;
- int Tax=0;
- cout << "Enter your income: ";
- cin >> Income;
- if (Income>10000) { //Income under 10000 is not taxed
- int k10=Income-30000;
- if (k10<=0){
- Tax+=((Income-10000)*.1); //Income between 10000 and 30000 is taxed at 10%
- }
- else {
- Tax+=2000;
- }
- if (Income>30000) {
- int k30=Income-70000;
- if (k30<=0){
- Tax+=((Income-30000)*.2); //Income between 30000 and 70000 is taxed at 20%
- }
- else {
- Tax+=8000;
- }
- if (Income>70000) {
- Tax+=((Income-70000)*.3); //Income over 70000 is taxed at 30%
- }
- }
- }
- cout << "You owe " << Tax << " drachmas in tax." << endl;
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
+int main () {
+ int Income;
+ int Tax=0;
+ cout << "Enter your income: ";
+ cin >> Income;
+ if (Income>10000) { //Income under 10000 is not taxed
+ int k10=Income-30000;
+ if (k10<=0){
+ Tax+=((Income-10000)*.1); //Income between 10000 and 30000 is taxed at 10%
+ }
+ else {
+ Tax+=2000;
+ }
+ if (Income>30000) {
+ int k30=Income-70000;
+ if (k30<=0){
+ Tax+=((Income-30000)*.2); //Income between 30000 and 70000 is taxed at 20%
+ }
+ else {
+ Tax+=8000;
+ }
+ if (Income>70000) {
+ Tax+=((Income-70000)*.3); //Income over 70000 is taxed at 30%
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "You owe " << Tax << " drachmas in tax." << endl;
diff --git a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/specrel.cpp b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/specrel.cpp
index ba95469..b925e3c 100644
--- a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/specrel.cpp
+++ b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/specrel.cpp
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-Date: 13 Feb 2019
-Name: Matthew Strapp
-Student ID number: 5449340
-Course number: EE1301
-Term: Spring 2019
-Lab/assignment number: W-Up 1
-Short Program Description: Special Relativity equation tool
-#include <iostream>
-#include <cmath>
-using namespace std;
-int main () {
- double L,v,c;
- c=3e+10;
- cout << "Enter L: "; cin >> L;
- cout << "Enter V: "; cin >> v;
- cout << "Relative Length = " <<
- L * sqrt(1-(v*v)/(c*c)) //Relativistic Equation
- << endl;
- return 0;
+Date: 13 Feb 2019
+Name: Matthew Strapp
+Student ID number: 5449340
+Course number: EE1301
+Term: Spring 2019
+Lab/assignment number: W-Up 1
+Short Program Description: Special Relativity equation tool
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace std;
+int main () {
+ double L,v,c;
+ c=3e+10;
+ cout << "Enter L: "; cin >> L;
+ cout << "Enter V: "; cin >> v;
+ cout << "Relative Length = " <<
+ L * sqrt(1-(v*v)/(c*c)) //Relativistic Equation
+ << endl;
+ return 0;
diff --git a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/strap012_lab2_pay_stub.cpp b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/strap012_lab2_pay_stub.cpp
index f0689d4..d87f156 100644
--- a/ee1301/wk2/lab2/strap012_lab2_pay_stub.cpp
+++ b/ee1301/wk2/lab2/strap012_lab2_pay_stub.cpp
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-Date: 13 Feb 2019
-Name: Matthew Strapp
-Student ID number: 5449340
-Course number: EE1301
-Term: Spring 2019
-Lab/assignment number: Workout
-Short Program Description: Pay Stub Calculator
-#include <iostream>
-#include <iomanip>
-using namespace std;
-int main () {
- int Dependents, Hours;
- int OT = 0, Health = 0, Union =0; //Set values to zero to prevent problems
- double SocSec, State, Fed, GrossPay, NetPay;
- cout << "How many hours did you work this week?: ";
- cin >> Hours;
- if (Hours < 0) {
- cout << "Invalid option!" << endl;
- return 2;
- }
- cout << "How many dependents do you have?: ";
- cin >> Dependents;
- if (Hours > 40) { //Every hour over 40 constitutes as overtime
- OT=Hours-40;
- }
- if (Dependents >= 3 && Hours > 0) { //More than 3 dependents carries a fee
- Health=35;
- }
- GrossPay = Hours * 16.78 + OT * 16.78 * 1.5;
- SocSec = GrossPay * 0.06;
- Fed = GrossPay * 0.14;
- State = GrossPay * .05;
- if (GrossPay>0){
- Union=10;
- }
- NetPay = GrossPay - SocSec - Fed - State - Health - Union;
- cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << endl << "Your gross (before withholdings) pay is $" << GrossPay << "." << endl
- << "Social Security withholding: $" << SocSec << endl
- << "Federal income tax withholding: $" << Fed << endl
- << "State income tax withholding: $" << State << endl
- << "Union Dues: $" << Union << endl
- << "Medical cost: $" << Health << endl
- << "Your net (after witholdings) pay is $" << NetPay << "." << endl;
+Date: 13 Feb 2019
+Name: Matthew Strapp
+Student ID number: 5449340
+Course number: EE1301
+Term: Spring 2019
+Lab/assignment number: Workout
+Short Program Description: Pay Stub Calculator
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+using namespace std;
+int main () {
+ int Dependents, Hours;
+ int OT = 0, Health = 0, Union =0; //Set values to zero to prevent problems
+ double SocSec, State, Fed, GrossPay, NetPay;
+ cout << "How many hours did you work this week?: ";
+ cin >> Hours;
+ if (Hours < 0) {
+ cout << "Invalid option!" << endl;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ cout << "How many dependents do you have?: ";
+ cin >> Dependents;
+ if (Hours > 40) { //Every hour over 40 constitutes as overtime
+ OT=Hours-40;
+ }
+ if (Dependents >= 3 && Hours > 0) { //More than 3 dependents carries a fee
+ Health=35;
+ }
+ GrossPay = Hours * 16.78 + OT * 16.78 * 1.5;
+ SocSec = GrossPay * 0.06;
+ Fed = GrossPay * 0.14;
+ State = GrossPay * .05;
+ if (GrossPay>0){
+ Union=10;
+ }
+ NetPay = GrossPay - SocSec - Fed - State - Health - Union;
+ cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << endl << "Your gross (before withholdings) pay is $" << GrossPay << "." << endl
+ << "Social Security withholding: $" << SocSec << endl
+ << "Federal income tax withholding: $" << Fed << endl
+ << "State income tax withholding: $" << State << endl
+ << "Union Dues: $" << Union << endl
+ << "Medical cost: $" << Health << endl
+ << "Your net (after witholdings) pay is $" << NetPay << "." << endl;