path: root/misc/papers/resume.tex
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-\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
-%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \textbf{\Huge Matthew Strapp} \\ \vspace{1pt}
- \small (507)-429-1743 $|$ \href{mailto:strap012@umn.edu}{\underline{strap012@umn.edu}} $|$
- % \href{https://linkedin.com/in/...}{\underline{linkedin.com/in/jake}} $|$
- \href{https://cutt.ly/MSGitHub}{\underline{cutt.ly/MSGitHub}}
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubheading
- {University of Minnesota}{Minneapolis, MN}
- {Bachelor of Computer Engineering, Minor in History}{Expected May 2022}
- %\resumeSubSubheading{\textbf{Coursework}}{}
- %\resumeSubItem
- % {Computer Architecture and Machine Organization, Introduction to Operating Systems, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Internet Programming}
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{At-Large Representative} $|$ Minnesota Student Assoication}{April 2020 -- Present}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Elected as one of 20 reperesentatives to represent the entire undergraduate body}
- \resumeItem{Organized back end of a campaign that allowed students to take classes Pass/Fail}
- \resumeItem{Hosted the Academic Affairs Committee meetings over Zoom}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{Differential Current Sensor} $|$ \emph{Circuits and Electronics Lab II}}{January 2021 -- Present}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Collaborated with others designing a circuit that senses current differences via magnetic fields}
- \resumeItem{Used Altium to design a PCB implementing the prototype}
- \resumeItem{Programmed microcontroller to log the voltage differential and convert it with an ADC}
- \resumeItem{Assisted in creating output of corresponding current differential to a screen over I2C}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{HTTP Server} $|$ \emph{Introduction to Operating Systems, in C}}{November -- December 2020}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Developed an HTTP server from scrach that processed simple GET requests}
- \resumeItem{Interfaced with the Linux kernel to create and interface with sockets}
- \resumeItem{Implemented POSIX threads to allow multiple pages to be served}
- \resumeItem{Created a fixed-sized FIFO cache to reduce needed disk I/O and increase speed}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeProjectHeading
- {\textbf{Internet of Things Door} $|$ \emph{Introduction to Computing Systems, in C++}} {March -- May 2019}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Built the framework for a door to operating using a pair of Particle Photon microcontrollers}
- \resumeItem{Configured keypad and motion detector for security, logged with timestamps}
- \resumeItem{Drafted communication using Particle's API to allow the microcontrollers to share states}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListStart
- \resumeSubheading
- {Computer Sales Associate}{October 2018 -- Present}
- {University of Minnesota Bookstores}{Minneapolis, MN}
- \resumeItemListStart
- \resumeItem{Recommended customers devices based on needs and budget}
- \resumeItem{Helped stock shelves and stock computers as shipments arrive}
- \resumeItem{Answered emails and phone calls of various customer queries on products and logistics}
- \resumeItem{Read about the latest products being manufactured and sold to be able to answer questions about them}
- \resumeItemListEnd
- \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
-%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
-\section{Technical Skills}
- \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
- \small{\item{
- \textbf{Software}{: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, \LaTeX, Apache} \\
- \textbf{Programming Languages}{: C/C++, Python, Java, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, MATLAB, Verilog, Assembly} \\
- \textbf{Frameworks}{: Node.js, AJAX, jQuery} \\
- \textbf{Development Environments}{: Linux, Windows, macOS} \\
- \textbf{Developer Tools}{: Git, Docker, Visual Studio Code, Vim} \\
- }}
- \end{itemize}
-\end{document} \ No newline at end of file