path: root/OLD/ee4363/mp2
diff options
authorRossTheRoss <mstrapp@protonmail.com>2021-01-17 12:57:21 -0600
committerRossTheRoss <mstrapp@protonmail.com>2021-01-17 12:57:21 -0600
commitdde37c31a72f4773e95faf8223ef450440bdb62c (patch)
treee238837d1d2f364b95483f6281960f9483078c1a /OLD/ee4363/mp2
parentIDK (diff)
get rid of that trash
Diffstat (limited to 'OLD/ee4363/mp2')
5 files changed, 1524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea9fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/mipspipe_mp2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Incomplete behavioral model of MIPS pipeline
+module mipspipe_mp2 (clock);
+ // in_out
+ input clock;
+ // Instruction opcodes
+ parameter LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ = 6'b000100, nop = 32'b00000_100000, ALUop = 6'b0;
+ reg [31:0] PC, Regs[0:31], IMemory[0:1023], DMemory[0:1023], // instruction and data memories
+ wire [4:0] IDEXrs, IDEXrt, EXMEMrd, MEMWBrd, MEMWBrt, IFIDrt, IFIDrs; // hold register fields
+ wire [5:0] EXMEMop, MEMWBop, IDEXop, IFIDop; // hold opcodes
+ wire [31:0] Ain, Bin; // ALU inputs
+ // declare the bypass signals
+ wire bypassAfromMEM, bypassAfromALUinWB, bypassBfromMEM, bypassBfromALUinWB, bypassAfromLWinWB, bypassBfromLWinWB, bypassIDEXAfromWB, bypassIDEXBfromWB, STALL;
+ // Define fields of pipeline latches
+ assign IDEXrs = IDEXIR[25:21]; // rs field
+ assign IDEXrt = IDEXIR[20:16]; // rt field
+ assign EXMEMrd = EXMEMIR[15:11]; // rd field
+ assign MEMWBrd = MEMWBIR[15:11]; // rd field
+ assign MEMWBrt = MEMWBIR[20:16]; // rt field -- for loads
+ assign EXMEMop = EXMEMIR[31:26]; // opcode
+ assign MEMWBop = MEMWBIR[31:26]; // opcode
+ assign IDEXop = IDEXIR[31:26]; // opcode
+ assign IFIDrs = IFIDIR[25:21];
+ assign IFIDrt = IFIDIR[20:16];
+ assign IFIDop = IFIDIR[31:26];
+ // The bypass to input A from the MEM stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassAfromMEM = (IDEXrs == EXMEMrd) & (IDEXrs!=0) & (EXMEMop==ALUop);
+ // The bypass to input B from the MEM stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassBfromMEM = 0;
+ // The bypass to input A from the WB stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassAfromALUinWB = 0;
+ // The bypass to input B from the WB stage for an ALU operation
+ assign bypassBfromALUinWB = 0;
+ // The bypass to input A from the WB stage for an LW operation
+ assign bypassAfromLWinWB = (IDEXrs == MEMWBIR[20:16]) & (IDEXrs!=0) & (MEMWBop==LW);
+ // The bypass to input B from the WB stage for an LW operation
+ assign bypassBfromLWinWB = 0;
+ //Stall to bypass A or B if need b (I'm not sorry)
+ assign bypassIDEXAfromWB = ((MEMWBIR != nop) & (IFIDIR != nop) & (IFIDrs == MEMWBrt) & (MEMWBop == LW)) |
+ ((MEMWBop == ALUop) & (MEMWBrd == IFIDrs));
+ assign bypassIDEXBfromWB = ((MEMWBIR != nop) & (IFIDIR != nop) & (IFIDrt == MEMWBrt) & (MEMWBop == LW)) |
+ ((MEMWBop == ALUop) & (MEMWBrd == IFIDrt));
+ // The A input to the ALU is bypassed from MEM if there is a bypass there,
+ // Otherwise from WB if there is a bypass there, and otherwise comes from the IDEX register
+ assign Ain = bypassAfromMEM? EXMEMALUOut : (bypassAfromALUinWB | bypassAfromLWinWB)? MEMWBValue : IDEXA;
+ // The B input to the ALU is bypassed from MEM if there is a bypass there,
+ // Otherwise from WB if there is a bypass there, and otherwise comes from the IDEX register
+ // Ripped off of above just replacing "A" with "B"
+ assign Bin = bypassBfromMEM? EXMEMALUOut : (bypassBfromALUinWB | bypassBfromLWinWB)? MEMWBValue : IDEXB;
+ reg [5:0] i; // used to initialize latches
+ reg [10:0] j,k; // used to initialize memories
+ // Make the Big Stall
+ assign STALL = (IDEXop == LW) &&
+ //All of this is anded with the above (Lisp would be proud)
+ (((IFIDop == LW) && (IFIDrs == IDEXrt)) |
+ ((IFIDop == ALUop) && ((IFIDrs == IDEXrt) | (IFIDrt == IDEXrt))) |
+ ((IFIDop == SW) && ((IFIDrs == IDEXrt) | (IFIDrt == IDEXrt))));
+ initial begin
+ PC = 0;
+ IFIDIR = nop;
+ IDEXIR = nop;
+ EXMEMIR = nop;
+ MEMWBIR = nop; // no-ops in pipeline latches
+ for (i = 0;i<=31;i = i+1) Regs[i] = i; // initialize latches
+ IMemory[0] = 32'h00412820; // ADD $5, $2, $1
+ IMemory[1] = 32'h8ca30004; // LW $3, 4($5)
+ IMemory[2] = 32'haca70005; // SW $7, 5($5)
+ // Hazard 1: ADD might not have written to $5 before SW reads from $5 (Type 2: Read after Write)
+ IMemory[3] = 32'h00602020; // ADD $4, $3, $0
+ // Hazard 2: ADD might read $3 before LW writes to $3 (Type 3: Write after read)
+ IMemory[4] = 32'h01093020; // ADD $6, $8, $9
+ IMemory[5] = 32'hac06000c; // SW $6, $12($0)
+ // Hazard 3: ADD and SW are trying to access the same register (Type 1: Write after Write)
+ IMemory[6] = 32'h00c05020; // ADD $10, $6, $0
+ // Hazard 4: ADD reads from $6 and is written to (twice) immediately beforehand (Type 2: Read after Write)
+ IMemory[7] = 32'h8c0b0010; // LW $11, 32($0)
+ IMemory[8] = 32'h00000020; // ADD $0, $0, $0
+ IMemory[9] = 32'h002b6020; // ADD $12, $1, $11
+ // Hazard 5: LW might not have written to $11 before the last ADD reads from $11 (Type 2: Read after Write)
+ for (j=10; j<=1023; j=j+1) IMemory[j] = nop;
+ DMemory[0] = 32'h00000000;
+ DMemory[1] = 32'hffffffff;
+ DMemory[2] = 32'h00000000;
+ DMemory[3] = 32'h00000000;
+ DMemory[4] = 32'hfffffffe;
+ for (k=5; k<=1023; k=k+1) DMemory[k] = 0;
+ end
+ always @ (posedge clock) begin
+ if (~STALL) begin
+ // FETCH: Fetch instruction & update PC
+ IFIDIR <= IMemory[PC>>2];
+ PC <= PC + 4;
+ // DECODE: Read registers
+ if (~bypassIDEXAfromWB) begin
+ IDEXA <= Regs[IFIDIR[25:21]];
+ end
+ else begin
+ IDEXA <= MEMWBValue;
+ end
+ if (~bypassIDEXBfromWB) begin
+ IDEXB <= Regs[IFIDIR[20:16]];
+ end
+ else begin
+ IDEXB <= MEMWBValue;
+ end
+ end
+ else begin //IF (STALL)
+ IDEXIR <= nop;
+ end
+ // EX: Address calculation or ALU operation
+ if ((IDEXop==LW) |(IDEXop==SW)) // address calculation & copy B
+ EXMEMALUOut <= Ain +{{16{IDEXIR[15]}}, IDEXIR[15:0]};
+ else if (IDEXop==ALUop) begin
+ case (IDEXIR[5:0]) // R-type instruction
+ 32: EXMEMALUOut <= Ain + Bin; // add operation
+ default: ; // other R-type operations: subtract, SLT, etc.
+ endcase
+ end
+ EXMEMB <= Bin; // pass along the IR & B register
+ // MEM
+ if (EXMEMop==ALUop) MEMWBValue <= EXMEMALUOut; // pass along ALU result
+ else if (EXMEMop == LW) MEMWBValue <= DMemory[EXMEMALUOut>>2];
+ else if (EXMEMop == SW) DMemory[EXMEMALUOut>>2] <=EXMEMB; // store
+ MEMWBIR <= EXMEMIR; // pass along IR
+ // WB
+ if ((MEMWBop==ALUop) & (MEMWBrd != 0)) // update latches if ALU operation and destination not 0
+ Regs[MEMWBrd] <= MEMWBValue; // ALU operation
+ else if ((MEMWBop == LW)& (MEMWBrt != 0)) // Update latches if load and destination not 0
+ Regs[MEMWBrt] <= MEMWBValue;
+ end
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp2/out b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..689fc48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/out
@@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
+#! /usr/bin/vvp
+:ivl_version "10.3 (stable)";
+:ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL";
+:vpi_time_precision + 0;
+:vpi_module "system";
+:vpi_module "vhdl_sys";
+:vpi_module "v2005_math";
+:vpi_module "va_math";
+S_0x5566537b5770 .scope module, "test_mipspipe" "test_mipspipe" 2 8;
+ .timescale 0 0;
+v0x5566537e7d40_0 .var "clock", 0 0;
+v0x5566537e7de0_0 .var "clock_cycle", 3 0;
+E_0x55665379cec0 .event negedge, v0x5566537e79a0_0;
+S_0x556653785590 .scope module, "u_mipspipe_mp2" "mipspipe_mp2" 2 14, 3 3 0, S_0x5566537b5770;
+ .timescale 0 0;
+ .port_info 0 /INPUT 1 "clock"
+P_0x55665378c9c0 .param/l "ALUop" 0 3 8, C4<000000>;
+P_0x55665378ca00 .param/l "BEQ" 0 3 8, C4<000100>;
+P_0x55665378ca40 .param/l "LW" 0 3 8, C4<100011>;
+P_0x55665378ca80 .param/l "SW" 0 3 8, C4<101011>;
+P_0x55665378cac0 .param/l "nop" 0 3 8, C4<00000000000000000000000000100000>;
+L_0x5566537934c0 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537e88e0, L_0x5566537f8ba0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x55665375ea40 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537934c0, L_0x5566537f8e30, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x55665375e820 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537f9190, L_0x5566537f93d0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x55665375e930 .functor AND 1, L_0x55665375e820, L_0x5566537f95e0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537933f0 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537f9330, L_0x5566537f98a0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537bfe70 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537933f0, L_0x5566537f9b30, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537bfee0 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537bfe70, L_0x5566537f9d50, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537e8a00 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537f9fb0, L_0x5566537fa0e0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fa3a0 .functor OR 1, L_0x5566537bfee0, L_0x5566537e8a00, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fa780 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fa4b0, L_0x5566537fa5a0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fa990 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fa780, L_0x5566537fa8f0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fac90 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fa990, L_0x5566537faaa0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fb0b0 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fae10, L_0x5566537faf00, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fb1c0 .functor OR 1, L_0x5566537fac90, L_0x5566537fb0b0, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x7fd2876a2138 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fada0 .functor OR 1, L_0x7fd2876a2138, L_0x55665375e930, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x7fd2876a2180 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x7fd2876a22a0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fb740 .functor OR 1, L_0x7fd2876a2180, L_0x7fd2876a22a0, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fbec0 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fb580, L_0x5566537fbce0, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fc470 .functor OR 1, L_0x5566537fc0c0, L_0x5566537fc2b0, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fc580 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fbfd0, L_0x5566537fc470, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fc690 .functor OR 1, L_0x5566537fbec0, L_0x5566537fc580, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fcc60 .functor OR 1, L_0x5566537fc9b0, L_0x5566537fca50, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fcd70 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fc4e0, L_0x5566537fcc60, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fcf40 .functor OR 1, L_0x5566537fc690, L_0x5566537fcd70, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+L_0x5566537fd050 .functor AND 1, L_0x5566537fba20, L_0x5566537fcf40, C4<1>, C4<1>;
+L_0x5566537fd230 .functor BUFT 32, L_0x5566537fb8e0, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>;
+v0x5566537be880_0 .net "Ain", 31 0, L_0x5566537fb4e0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537b0640_0 .net "Bin", 31 0, L_0x5566537fd230; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2160 .array "DMemory", 1023 0, 31 0;
+v0x5566537e2200_0 .var "EXMEMALUOut", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e22e0_0 .var "EXMEMB", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e2410_0 .var "EXMEMIR", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e24f0_0 .net "EXMEMop", 5 0, L_0x5566537e8300; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e25d0_0 .net "EXMEMrd", 4 0, L_0x5566537e7fe0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e26b0_0 .var "IDEXA", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e2790_0 .var "IDEXB", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e2870_0 .var "IDEXIR", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e2950_0 .net "IDEXop", 5 0, L_0x5566537e84d0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2a30_0 .net "IDEXrs", 4 0, L_0x5566537e7ea0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2b10_0 .net "IDEXrt", 4 0, L_0x5566537e7f40; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2bf0_0 .var "IFIDIR", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e2cd0_0 .net "IFIDop", 5 0, L_0x5566537e8840; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2db0_0 .net "IFIDrs", 4 0, L_0x5566537e85c0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2e90_0 .net "IFIDrt", 4 0, L_0x5566537e86c0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e2f70 .array "IMemory", 1023 0, 31 0;
+v0x5566537e3030_0 .var "MEMWBIR", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e3110_0 .var "MEMWBValue", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e31f0_0 .net "MEMWBop", 5 0, L_0x5566537e8430; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e32d0_0 .net "MEMWBrd", 4 0, L_0x5566537e80b0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e33b0_0 .net "MEMWBrt", 4 0, L_0x5566537e81e0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3490_0 .var "PC", 31 0;
+v0x5566537e3570 .array "Regs", 31 0, 31 0;
+v0x5566537e3630_0 .net "STALL", 0 0, L_0x5566537fd050; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e36f0_0 .net *"_s100", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa4b0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2450 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00000000000000000000000000100000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e37b0_0 .net/2u *"_s102", 31 0, L_0x7fd2876a2450; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3890_0 .net *"_s104", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa5a0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3950_0 .net *"_s106", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa780; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3a30_0 .net *"_s108", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa8f0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3af0_0 .net *"_s110", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa990; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2498 .functor BUFT 1, C4<100011>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e3bd0_0 .net/2u *"_s112", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a2498; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3cb0_0 .net *"_s114", 0 0, L_0x5566537faaa0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3d70_0 .net *"_s116", 0 0, L_0x5566537fac90; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a24e0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e3e50_0 .net/2u *"_s118", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a24e0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3f30_0 .net *"_s120", 0 0, L_0x5566537fae10; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e3ff0_0 .net *"_s122", 0 0, L_0x5566537faf00; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e40b0_0 .net *"_s124", 0 0, L_0x5566537fb0b0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4190_0 .net *"_s128", 0 0, L_0x5566537fada0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4270_0 .net *"_s130", 31 0, L_0x5566537fb3f0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4350_0 .net *"_s134", 0 0, L_0x5566537fb740; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4430_0 .net *"_s136", 31 0, L_0x5566537fb8e0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2528 .functor BUFT 1, C4<100011>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e4510_0 .net/2u *"_s140", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a2528; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e45f0_0 .net *"_s142", 0 0, L_0x5566537fba20; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2570 .functor BUFT 1, C4<100011>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e46b0_0 .net/2u *"_s144", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a2570; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4790_0 .net *"_s146", 0 0, L_0x5566537fb580; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4850_0 .net *"_s148", 0 0, L_0x5566537fbce0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4910_0 .net *"_s150", 0 0, L_0x5566537fbec0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a25b8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e49d0_0 .net/2u *"_s152", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a25b8; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4ab0_0 .net *"_s154", 0 0, L_0x5566537fbfd0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4b70_0 .net *"_s156", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc0c0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4c30_0 .net *"_s158", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc2b0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4cf0_0 .net *"_s160", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc470; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4dd0_0 .net *"_s162", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc580; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e4e90_0 .net *"_s164", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc690; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2600 .functor BUFT 1, C4<101011>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e4f70_0 .net/2u *"_s166", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a2600; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5050_0 .net *"_s168", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc4e0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5110_0 .net *"_s170", 0 0, L_0x5566537fc9b0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e51d0_0 .net *"_s172", 0 0, L_0x5566537fca50; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5290_0 .net *"_s174", 0 0, L_0x5566537fcc60; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5370_0 .net *"_s176", 0 0, L_0x5566537fcd70; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5430_0 .net *"_s178", 0 0, L_0x5566537fcf40; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5510_0 .net *"_s22", 0 0, L_0x5566537e88e0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e59e0_0 .net *"_s24", 31 0, L_0x5566537e8a70; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2018 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000000000000000000000000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e5ac0_0 .net *"_s27", 26 0, L_0x7fd2876a2018; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2060 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e5ba0_0 .net/2u *"_s28", 31 0, L_0x7fd2876a2060; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5c80_0 .net *"_s30", 0 0, L_0x5566537f8ba0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5d40_0 .net *"_s32", 0 0, L_0x5566537934c0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a20a8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e5e20_0 .net/2u *"_s34", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a20a8; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5f00_0 .net *"_s36", 0 0, L_0x5566537f8e30; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e5fc0_0 .net *"_s47", 4 0, L_0x5566537f9060; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e60a0_0 .net *"_s48", 0 0, L_0x5566537f9190; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6160_0 .net *"_s50", 31 0, L_0x5566537f9260; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a21c8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000000000000000000000000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e6240_0 .net *"_s53", 26 0, L_0x7fd2876a21c8; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2210 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00000000000000000000000000000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e6320_0 .net/2u *"_s54", 31 0, L_0x7fd2876a2210; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6400_0 .net *"_s56", 0 0, L_0x5566537f93d0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e64c0_0 .net *"_s58", 0 0, L_0x55665375e820; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2258 .functor BUFT 1, C4<100011>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e65a0_0 .net/2u *"_s60", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a2258; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6680_0 .net *"_s62", 0 0, L_0x5566537f95e0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a22e8 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00000000000000000000000000100000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e6740_0 .net/2u *"_s68", 31 0, L_0x7fd2876a22e8; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6820_0 .net *"_s70", 0 0, L_0x5566537f9330; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2330 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00000000000000000000000000100000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e68e0_0 .net/2u *"_s72", 31 0, L_0x7fd2876a2330; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e69c0_0 .net *"_s74", 0 0, L_0x5566537f98a0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6a80_0 .net *"_s76", 0 0, L_0x5566537933f0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6b60_0 .net *"_s78", 0 0, L_0x5566537f9b30; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6c20_0 .net *"_s80", 0 0, L_0x5566537bfe70; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2378 .functor BUFT 1, C4<100011>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e6d00_0 .net/2u *"_s82", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a2378; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6de0_0 .net *"_s84", 0 0, L_0x5566537f9d50; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e6ea0_0 .net *"_s86", 0 0, L_0x5566537bfee0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a23c0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<000000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e6f80_0 .net/2u *"_s88", 5 0, L_0x7fd2876a23c0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e7060_0 .net *"_s90", 0 0, L_0x5566537f9fb0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e7120_0 .net *"_s92", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa0e0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e71e0_0 .net *"_s94", 0 0, L_0x5566537e8a00; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a2408 .functor BUFT 1, C4<00000000000000000000000000100000>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e72c0_0 .net/2u *"_s98", 31 0, L_0x7fd2876a2408; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e73a0_0 .net "bypassAfromALUinWB", 0 0, L_0x7fd2876a2138; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e7460_0 .net "bypassAfromLWinWB", 0 0, L_0x55665375e930; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e7520_0 .net "bypassAfromMEM", 0 0, L_0x55665375ea40; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e75e0_0 .net "bypassBfromALUinWB", 0 0, L_0x7fd2876a2180; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e76a0_0 .net "bypassBfromLWinWB", 0 0, L_0x7fd2876a22a0; 1 drivers
+L_0x7fd2876a20f0 .functor BUFT 1, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>, C4<0>;
+v0x5566537e7760_0 .net "bypassBfromMEM", 0 0, L_0x7fd2876a20f0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e7820_0 .net "bypassIDEXAfromWB", 0 0, L_0x5566537fa3a0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e78e0_0 .net "bypassIDEXBfromWB", 0 0, L_0x5566537fb1c0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e79a0_0 .net "clock", 0 0, v0x5566537e7d40_0; 1 drivers
+v0x5566537e7a60_0 .var "i", 5 0;
+v0x5566537e7b40_0 .var "j", 10 0;
+v0x5566537e7c20_0 .var "k", 10 0;
+E_0x55665379d1b0 .event posedge, v0x5566537e79a0_0;
+L_0x5566537e7ea0 .part v0x5566537e2870_0, 21, 5;
+L_0x5566537e7f40 .part v0x5566537e2870_0, 16, 5;
+L_0x5566537e7fe0 .part v0x5566537e2410_0, 11, 5;
+L_0x5566537e80b0 .part v0x5566537e3030_0, 11, 5;
+L_0x5566537e81e0 .part v0x5566537e3030_0, 16, 5;
+L_0x5566537e8300 .part v0x5566537e2410_0, 26, 6;
+L_0x5566537e8430 .part v0x5566537e3030_0, 26, 6;
+L_0x5566537e84d0 .part v0x5566537e2870_0, 26, 6;
+L_0x5566537e85c0 .part v0x5566537e2bf0_0, 21, 5;
+L_0x5566537e86c0 .part v0x5566537e2bf0_0, 16, 5;
+L_0x5566537e8840 .part v0x5566537e2bf0_0, 26, 6;
+L_0x5566537e88e0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e7ea0, L_0x5566537e7fe0;
+L_0x5566537e8a70 .concat [ 5 27 0 0], L_0x5566537e7ea0, L_0x7fd2876a2018;
+L_0x5566537f8ba0 .cmp/ne 32, L_0x5566537e8a70, L_0x7fd2876a2060;
+L_0x5566537f8e30 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8300, L_0x7fd2876a20a8;
+L_0x5566537f9060 .part v0x5566537e3030_0, 16, 5;
+L_0x5566537f9190 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e7ea0, L_0x5566537f9060;
+L_0x5566537f9260 .concat [ 5 27 0 0], L_0x5566537e7ea0, L_0x7fd2876a21c8;
+L_0x5566537f93d0 .cmp/ne 32, L_0x5566537f9260, L_0x7fd2876a2210;
+L_0x5566537f95e0 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8430, L_0x7fd2876a2258;
+L_0x5566537f9330 .cmp/ne 32, v0x5566537e3030_0, L_0x7fd2876a22e8;
+L_0x5566537f98a0 .cmp/ne 32, v0x5566537e2bf0_0, L_0x7fd2876a2330;
+L_0x5566537f9b30 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e85c0, L_0x5566537e81e0;
+L_0x5566537f9d50 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8430, L_0x7fd2876a2378;
+L_0x5566537f9fb0 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8430, L_0x7fd2876a23c0;
+L_0x5566537fa0e0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e80b0, L_0x5566537e85c0;
+L_0x5566537fa4b0 .cmp/ne 32, v0x5566537e3030_0, L_0x7fd2876a2408;
+L_0x5566537fa5a0 .cmp/ne 32, v0x5566537e2bf0_0, L_0x7fd2876a2450;
+L_0x5566537fa8f0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e86c0, L_0x5566537e81e0;
+L_0x5566537faaa0 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8430, L_0x7fd2876a2498;
+L_0x5566537fae10 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8430, L_0x7fd2876a24e0;
+L_0x5566537faf00 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e80b0, L_0x5566537e86c0;
+L_0x5566537fb3f0 .functor MUXZ 32, v0x5566537e26b0_0, v0x5566537e3110_0, L_0x5566537fada0, C4<>;
+L_0x5566537fb4e0 .functor MUXZ 32, L_0x5566537fb3f0, v0x5566537e2200_0, L_0x55665375ea40, C4<>;
+L_0x5566537fb8e0 .functor MUXZ 32, v0x5566537e2790_0, v0x5566537e3110_0, L_0x5566537fb740, C4<>;
+L_0x5566537fba20 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e84d0, L_0x7fd2876a2528;
+L_0x5566537fb580 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8840, L_0x7fd2876a2570;
+L_0x5566537fbce0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e85c0, L_0x5566537e7f40;
+L_0x5566537fbfd0 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8840, L_0x7fd2876a25b8;
+L_0x5566537fc0c0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e85c0, L_0x5566537e7f40;
+L_0x5566537fc2b0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e86c0, L_0x5566537e7f40;
+L_0x5566537fc4e0 .cmp/eq 6, L_0x5566537e8840, L_0x7fd2876a2600;
+L_0x5566537fc9b0 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e85c0, L_0x5566537e7f40;
+L_0x5566537fca50 .cmp/eq 5, L_0x5566537e86c0, L_0x5566537e7f40;
+ .scope S_0x556653785590;
+T_0 ;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e3490_0, 0, 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e2bf0_0, 0, 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0, 0, 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e2410_0, 0, 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e3030_0, 0, 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 6;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7a60_0, 0, 6;
+T_0.0 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7a60_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %cmpi/u 31, 0, 32;
+ %flag_or 5, 4;
+ %jmp/0xz T_0.1, 5;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7a60_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7a60_0;
+ %pad/u 7;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e3570, 4, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7a60_0;
+ %addi 1, 0, 6;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7a60_0, 0, 6;
+ %jmp T_0.0;
+T_0.1 ;
+ %pushi/vec4 4270112, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 0, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 2359492612, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 1, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 2896625669, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 2, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 6299680, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 3, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 17379360, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 4, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 2886074380, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 5, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 12603424, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 6, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 2349531152, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 7, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 8, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 2842656, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 9, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 10, 0, 11;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7b40_0, 0, 11;
+T_0.2 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7b40_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %cmpi/u 1023, 0, 32;
+ %flag_or 5, 4;
+ %jmp/0xz T_0.3, 5;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7b40_0;
+ %pad/u 12;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7b40_0;
+ %addi 1, 0, 11;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7b40_0, 0, 11;
+ %jmp T_0.2;
+T_0.3 ;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 0, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 4294967295, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 1, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 2, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 3, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 4294967294, 0, 32;
+ %ix/load 4, 4, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4, 0;
+ %pushi/vec4 5, 0, 11;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7c20_0, 0, 11;
+T_0.4 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7c20_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %cmpi/u 1023, 0, 32;
+ %flag_or 5, 4;
+ %jmp/0xz T_0.5, 5;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7c20_0;
+ %pad/u 12;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %store/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7c20_0;
+ %addi 1, 0, 11;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7c20_0, 0, 11;
+ %jmp T_0.4;
+T_0.5 ;
+ %end;
+ .thread T_0;
+ .scope S_0x556653785590;
+T_1 ;
+ %wait E_0x55665379d1b0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3630_0;
+ %inv;
+ %flag_set/vec4 8;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.0, 8;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3490_0;
+ %ix/load 5, 2, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %shiftr 5;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4a v0x5566537e2f70, 4;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2bf0_0, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3490_0;
+ %addi 4, 0, 32;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e3490_0, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7820_0;
+ %inv;
+ %flag_set/vec4 8;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.2, 8;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2bf0_0;
+ %parti/s 5, 21, 6;
+ %pad/u 7;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4a v0x5566537e3570, 4;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e26b0_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.3;
+T_1.2 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3110_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e26b0_0, 0;
+T_1.3 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e78e0_0;
+ %inv;
+ %flag_set/vec4 8;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.4, 8;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2bf0_0;
+ %parti/s 5, 16, 6;
+ %pad/u 7;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4a v0x5566537e3570, 4;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2790_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.5;
+T_1.4 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3110_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2790_0, 0;
+T_1.5 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2bf0_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.1;
+T_1.0 ;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 32;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0, 0;
+T_1.1 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2950_0;
+ %pushi/vec4 35, 0, 6;
+ %cmp/e;
+ %flag_get/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2950_0;
+ %pushi/vec4 43, 0, 6;
+ %cmp/e;
+ %flag_get/vec4 4;
+ %or;
+ %flag_set/vec4 8;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.6, 8;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537be880_0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0;
+ %parti/s 1, 15, 5;
+ %replicate 16;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0;
+ %parti/s 16, 0, 2;
+ %concat/vec4; draw_concat_vec4
+ %add;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2200_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.7;
+T_1.6 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2950_0;
+ %cmpi/e 0, 0, 6;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.8, 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0;
+ %parti/s 6, 0, 2;
+ %dup/vec4;
+ %pushi/vec4 32, 0, 6;
+ %cmp/u;
+ %jmp/1 T_1.10, 6;
+ %jmp T_1.12;
+T_1.10 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537be880_0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537b0640_0;
+ %add;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2200_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.12;
+T_1.12 ;
+ %pop/vec4 1;
+T_1.8 ;
+T_1.7 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2870_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e2410_0, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537b0640_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e22e0_0, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e24f0_0;
+ %cmpi/e 0, 0, 6;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.13, 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2200_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e3110_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.14;
+T_1.13 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e24f0_0;
+ %cmpi/e 35, 0, 6;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.15, 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2200_0;
+ %ix/load 5, 2, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %shiftr 5;
+ %ix/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4a v0x5566537e2160, 4;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e3110_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_1.16;
+T_1.15 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e24f0_0;
+ %cmpi/e 43, 0, 6;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.17, 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e22e0_0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2200_0;
+ %ix/load 4, 2, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %shiftr 4;
+ %ix/vec4 3;
+ %ix/load 4, 0, 0; Constant delay
+ %assign/vec4/a/d v0x5566537e2160, 0, 4;
+T_1.17 ;
+T_1.16 ;
+T_1.14 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e2410_0;
+ %assign/vec4 v0x5566537e3030_0, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e31f0_0;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 6;
+ %cmp/e;
+ %flag_get/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e32d0_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %cmp/e;
+ %flag_get/vec4 4;
+ %inv;
+ %and;
+ %flag_set/vec4 8;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.19, 8;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3110_0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e32d0_0;
+ %pad/u 7;
+ %ix/vec4 3;
+ %ix/load 4, 0, 0; Constant delay
+ %assign/vec4/a/d v0x5566537e3570, 0, 4;
+ %jmp T_1.20;
+T_1.19 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e31f0_0;
+ %pushi/vec4 35, 0, 6;
+ %cmp/e;
+ %flag_get/vec4 4;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e33b0_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 32;
+ %cmp/e;
+ %flag_get/vec4 4;
+ %inv;
+ %and;
+ %flag_set/vec4 8;
+ %jmp/0xz T_1.21, 8;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e3110_0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e33b0_0;
+ %pad/u 7;
+ %ix/vec4 3;
+ %ix/load 4, 0, 0; Constant delay
+ %assign/vec4/a/d v0x5566537e3570, 0, 4;
+T_1.21 ;
+T_1.20 ;
+ %jmp T_1;
+ .thread T_1;
+ .scope S_0x5566537b5770;
+T_2 ;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 1;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7d40_0, 0, 1;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 4;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7de0_0, 0, 4;
+ %delay 160, 0;
+ %vpi_call 2 20 "$finish" {0 0 0};
+ %end;
+ .thread T_2;
+ .scope S_0x5566537b5770;
+T_3 ;
+ %delay 5, 0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7d40_0;
+ %inv;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7d40_0, 0, 1;
+ %jmp T_3;
+ .thread T_3;
+ .scope S_0x5566537b5770;
+T_4 ;
+ %wait E_0x55665379d1b0;
+ %load/vec4 v0x5566537e7de0_0;
+ %addi 1, 0, 4;
+ %store/vec4 v0x5566537e7de0_0, 0, 4;
+ %jmp T_4;
+ .thread T_4;
+ .scope S_0x5566537b5770;
+T_5 ;
+ %wait E_0x55665379cec0;
+ %vpi_call 2 36 "$display", "\012\012clock cycle = %d", v0x5566537e7de0_0, " (time = %1.0t)", $time {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 37 "$display", "IF/ID registers\012\011 IF/ID.PC+4 = %h, IF/ID.IR = %h \012", v0x5566537e3490_0, v0x5566537e2bf0_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 38 "$display", "ID/EX registers\012\011 ID/EX.rs = %d, ID/EX.rt = %d", v0x5566537e2a30_0, v0x5566537e2b10_0, "\012\011 ID/EX.A = %h, ID/EX.B = %h", v0x5566537e26b0_0, v0x5566537e2790_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 39 "$display", "\011 ID/EX.op = %h\012", v0x5566537e2950_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 40 "$display", "EX/MEM registers\012\011 EX/MEM.rs = %d, EX/MEM.rt = %d", v0x5566537e2a30_0, v0x5566537e2b10_0, "\012\011 EX/MEM.ALUOut = %h, EX/MEM.ALUout = %h", v0x5566537e2200_0, v0x5566537e22e0_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 41 "$display", "\011 EX/MEM.op = %h\012", v0x5566537e24f0_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 42 "$display", "MEM/WB registers\012\011 MEM/WB.rd = %d, MEM/WB.rt = %d", v0x5566537e32d0_0, v0x5566537e33b0_0, "\012\011 MEM/WB.value = %h", v0x5566537e3110_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 43 "$display", "\011 EX/MEM.op = %h\012", v0x5566537e31f0_0 {0 0 0};
+ %jmp T_5;
+ .thread T_5;
+ .scope S_0x5566537b5770;
+T_6 ;
+ %vpi_call 2 49 "$dumpfile", "test_mipspipe.vcd" {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 50 "$dumpvars" {0 0 0};
+ %end;
+ .thread T_6;
+# The file index is used to find the file name in the following table.
+:file_names 4;
+ "N/A";
+ "<interactive>";
+ "test_mipspipe_mp2.v";
+ "./mipspipe_mp2.v";
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp2/output.txt b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/output.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cefb5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/output.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+VCD info: dumpfile test_mipspipe.vcd opened for output.
+clock cycle = 1 (time = 10)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000004, IF/ID.IR = 00412820
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = xxxxxxxx, ID/EX.B = xxxxxxxx
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = xxxxxxxx, EX/MEM.ALUout = xxxxxxxx
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = xxxxxxxx
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 2 (time = 20)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000008, IF/ID.IR = 8ca30004
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 2, ID/EX.rt = 1
+ ID/EX.A = 00000002, ID/EX.B = 00000001
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 2, EX/MEM.rt = 1
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = xxxxxxxx, EX/MEM.ALUout = xxxxxxxx
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = xxxxxxxx
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 3 (time = 30)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 0000000c, IF/ID.IR = aca70005
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 5, ID/EX.rt = 3
+ ID/EX.A = 00000005, ID/EX.B = 00000003
+ ID/EX.op = 23
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 5, EX/MEM.rt = 3
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000003, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000001
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = xxxxxxxx
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 4 (time = 40)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000010, IF/ID.IR = 00602020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 5, ID/EX.rt = 7
+ ID/EX.A = 00000005, ID/EX.B = 00000007
+ ID/EX.op = 2b
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 5, EX/MEM.rt = 7
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000007, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000003
+ EX/MEM.op = 23
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 5, MEM/WB.rt = 1
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000003
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 5 (time = 50)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000014, IF/ID.IR = 01093020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 3, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000003, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 3, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 0000000a, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000007
+ EX/MEM.op = 2b
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 3
+ MEM/WB.value = ffffffff
+ EX/MEM.op = 23
+clock cycle = 6 (time = 60)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000018, IF/ID.IR = ac06000c
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 8, ID/EX.rt = 9
+ ID/EX.A = 00000008, ID/EX.B = 00000009
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 8, EX/MEM.rt = 9
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = ffffffff, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 7
+ MEM/WB.value = ffffffff
+ EX/MEM.op = 2b
+clock cycle = 7 (time = 70)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 0000001c, IF/ID.IR = 00c05020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 6
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 00000006
+ ID/EX.op = 2b
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 6
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000011, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000009
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 4, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = ffffffff
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 8 (time = 80)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000020, IF/ID.IR = 8c0b0010
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 6, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000006, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 6, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 0000000c, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000006
+ EX/MEM.op = 2b
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 6, MEM/WB.rt = 9
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000011
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 9 (time = 90)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000024, IF/ID.IR = 00000020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 11
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 0000000b
+ ID/EX.op = 23
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 11
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000006, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 6
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000011
+ EX/MEM.op = 2b
+clock cycle = 10 (time = 100)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000028, IF/ID.IR = 002b6020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000010, EX/MEM.ALUout = 0000000b
+ EX/MEM.op = 23
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 10, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000006
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 11 (time = 110)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 0000002c, IF/ID.IR = 00000020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 1, ID/EX.rt = 11
+ ID/EX.A = 00000001, ID/EX.B = 0000000b
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 1, EX/MEM.rt = 11
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000000, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 11
+ MEM/WB.value = fffffffe
+ EX/MEM.op = 23
+clock cycle = 12 (time = 120)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000030, IF/ID.IR = 00000020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 0000000c, EX/MEM.ALUout = 0000000b
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 13 (time = 130)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000034, IF/ID.IR = 00000020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000000, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 12, MEM/WB.rt = 11
+ MEM/WB.value = 0000000c
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 14 (time = 140)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 00000038, IF/ID.IR = 00000020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000000, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 15 (time = 150)
+IF/ID registers
+ IF/ID.PC+4 = 0000003c, IF/ID.IR = 00000020
+ID/EX registers
+ ID/EX.rs = 0, ID/EX.rt = 0
+ ID/EX.A = 00000000, ID/EX.B = 00000000
+ ID/EX.op = 00
+EX/MEM registers
+ EX/MEM.rs = 0, EX/MEM.rt = 0
+ EX/MEM.ALUOut = 00000000, EX/MEM.ALUout = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+MEM/WB registers
+ MEM/WB.rd = 0, MEM/WB.rt = 0
+ MEM/WB.value = 00000000
+ EX/MEM.op = 00
+clock cycle = 0 (time = 160)
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp2/test_mipspipe.vcd b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/test_mipspipe.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e076d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/test_mipspipe.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+ Fri Dec 18 19:19:39 2020
+ Icarus Verilog
+ 1s
+$scope module test_mipspipe $end
+$var reg 1 ! clock $end
+$var reg 4 " clock_cycle [3:0] $end
+$scope module u_mipspipe_mp2 $end
+$var wire 32 # Bin [31:0] $end
+$var wire 1 $ STALL $end
+$var wire 1 % bypassAfromALUinWB $end
+$var wire 1 & bypassAfromLWinWB $end
+$var wire 1 ' bypassAfromMEM $end
+$var wire 1 ( bypassBfromALUinWB $end
+$var wire 1 ) bypassBfromLWinWB $end
+$var wire 1 * bypassBfromMEM $end
+$var wire 1 + bypassIDEXAfromWB $end
+$var wire 1 , bypassIDEXBfromWB $end
+$var wire 1 ! clock $end
+$var wire 5 - MEMWBrt [4:0] $end
+$var wire 5 . MEMWBrd [4:0] $end
+$var wire 6 / MEMWBop [5:0] $end
+$var wire 5 0 IFIDrt [4:0] $end
+$var wire 5 1 IFIDrs [4:0] $end
+$var wire 6 2 IFIDop [5:0] $end
+$var wire 5 3 IDEXrt [4:0] $end
+$var wire 5 4 IDEXrs [4:0] $end
+$var wire 6 5 IDEXop [5:0] $end
+$var wire 5 6 EXMEMrd [4:0] $end
+$var wire 6 7 EXMEMop [5:0] $end
+$var wire 32 8 Ain [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 9 EXMEMALUOut [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 : EXMEMB [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 ; EXMEMIR [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 < IDEXA [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 = IDEXB [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 > IDEXIR [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 ? IFIDIR [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 @ MEMWBIR [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 A MEMWBValue [31:0] $end
+$var reg 32 B PC [31:0] $end
+$var reg 6 C i [5:0] $end
+$var reg 11 D j [10:0] $end
+$var reg 11 E k [10:0] $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+b10000000000 E
+b10000000000 D
+b100000 C
+b0 B
+bx A
+b100000 @
+b100000 ?
+b100000 >
+bx =
+bx <
+b100000 ;
+bx :
+bx 9
+bx 8
+b0 7
+b0 6
+b0 5
+b0 4
+b0 3
+b0 2
+b0 1
+b0 0
+b0 /
+b0 .
+b0 -
+bx #
+b0 "
+b10 1
+b1 0
+b100 B
+b10000010010100000100000 ?
+b1 "
+b10 8
+b10 4
+b1 3
+b1 #
+b101 1
+b11 0
+b100011 2
+b10000010010100000100000 >
+b1 =
+b10 <
+b1000 B
+b10001100101000110000000000000100 ?
+b10 "
+b11 8
+b101 6
+b101 4
+b11 3
+b100011 5
+b11 #
+b111 0
+b101011 2
+b1 :
+b10000010010100000100000 ;
+b11 9
+b10001100101000110000000000000100 >
+b11 =
+b101 <
+b1100 B
+b10101100101001110000000000000101 ?
+b11 "
+b101 .
+b1 -
+b0 6
+b100011 7
+b101 8
+b111 3
+b101011 5
+b111 #
+b11 1
+b0 0
+b0 2
+b10000010010100000100000 @
+b11 A
+b11 :
+b10001100101000110000000000000100 ;
+b111 9
+b10101100101001110000000000000101 >
+b111 =
+b10000 B
+b11000000010000000100000 ?
+b100 "
+b11111111111111111111111111111111 8
+b0 .
+b11 -
+b100011 /
+b101011 7
+b11 4
+b0 3
+b0 5
+b0 #
+b1000 1
+b1001 0
+b10001100101000110000000000000100 @
+b11111111111111111111111111111111 A
+b111 :
+b10101100101001110000000000000101 ;
+b1010 9
+b11000000010000000100000 >
+b0 =
+b11 <
+b10100 B
+b1000010010011000000100000 ?
+b101 "
+b1000 8
+b111 -
+b101011 /
+b100 6
+b0 7
+b1000 4
+b1001 3
+b1001 #
+b0 1
+b110 0
+b101011 2
+b10101100101001110000000000000101 @
+b0 :
+b11000000010000000100000 ;
+b11111111111111111111111111111111 9
+b1000010010011000000100000 >
+b1001 =
+b1000 <
+b11000 B
+b10101100000001100000000000001100 ?
+b110 "
+b0 8
+b100 .
+b0 -
+b0 /
+b110 6
+b0 4
+b110 3
+b101011 5
+b110 #
+b110 1
+b0 0
+b0 2
+b11000000010000000100000 @
+b1001 :
+b1000010010011000000100000 ;
+b10001 9
+b10101100000001100000000000001100 >
+b110 =
+b0 <
+b11100 B
+b110000000101000000100000 ?
+b111 "
+b110 8
+b110 .
+b1001 -
+b0 6
+b101011 7
+b110 4
+b0 3
+b0 5
+b0 #
+b0 1
+b1011 0
+b100011 2
+b1000010010011000000100000 @
+b10001 A
+b110 :
+b10101100000001100000000000001100 ;
+b1100 9
+b110000000101000000100000 >
+b0 =
+b110 <
+b100000 B
+b10001100000010110000000000010000 ?
+b1000 "
+b0 8
+b0 .
+b110 -
+b101011 /
+b1010 6
+b0 7
+b0 4
+b1011 3
+b100011 5
+b1011 #
+b0 0
+b0 2
+b10101100000001100000000000001100 @
+b0 :
+b110000000101000000100000 ;
+b110 9
+b10001100000010110000000000010000 >
+b1011 =
+b0 <
+b100100 B
+b100000 ?
+b1001 "
+b1010 .
+b0 -
+b0 /
+b0 6
+b100011 7
+b0 3
+b0 5
+b0 #
+b1 1
+b1011 0
+b110000000101000000100000 @
+b110 A
+b1011 :
+b10001100000010110000000000010000 ;
+b10000 9
+b100000 >
+b0 =
+b101000 B
+b1010110110000000100000 ?
+b1010 "
+b1 8
+b0 .
+b1011 -
+b100011 /
+b0 7
+b1 4
+b1011 3
+b1011 #
+b0 1
+b0 0
+b10001100000010110000000000010000 @
+b11111111111111111111111111111110 A
+b0 :
+b100000 ;
+b0 9
+b1010110110000000100000 >
+b1011 =
+b1 <
+b101100 B
+b100000 ?
+b1011 "
+b0 8
+b0 -
+b0 /
+b1100 6
+b0 4
+b0 3
+b0 #
+b100000 @
+b0 A
+b1011 :
+b1010110110000000100000 ;
+b1100 9
+b100000 >
+b0 =
+b0 <
+b110000 B
+b1100 "
+b1100 .
+b1011 -
+b0 6
+b1010110110000000100000 @
+b1100 A
+b0 :
+b100000 ;
+b0 9
+b110100 B
+b1101 "
+b0 .
+b0 -
+b100000 @
+b0 A
+b111000 B
+b1110 "
+b111100 B
+b1111 "
+b1000000 B
+b0 "
diff --git a/OLD/ee4363/mp2/test_mipspipe_mp2.v b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/test_mipspipe_mp2.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f184011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD/ee4363/mp2/test_mipspipe_mp2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Test bench for the mipspipe
+// Boram Lee
+`include "mipspipe_mp2.v"
+module test_mipspipe;
+ reg clock;
+ reg [3:0] clock_cycle;
+// instantiate pipeline module
+ mipspipe_mp2 u_mipspipe_mp2(clock);
+// initialize clock and cycle counter
+ initial begin
+ clock = 0;
+ clock_cycle=4'h0;
+ #160 $finish;
+ end
+// 10 unit clock cycle
+ always
+ #5 clock = ~clock;
+ always @(posedge clock)
+ begin
+ clock_cycle=clock_cycle+1;
+ end
+// display contents of pipeline latches at the end of each clock cycle
+ always @(negedge clock)
+ begin
+ $display("\n\nclock cycle = %d",clock_cycle," (time = %1.0t)",$time);
+ $display("IF/ID registers\n\t IF/ID.PC+4 = %h, IF/ID.IR = %h \n", u_mipspipe_mp2.PC, u_mipspipe_mp2.IFIDIR);
+ $display("ID/EX registers\n\t ID/EX.rs = %d, ID/EX.rt = %d",u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXrs,u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXrt,"\n\t ID/EX.A = %h, ID/EX.B = %h",u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXA,u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXB);
+ $display("\t ID/EX.op = %h\n",u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXop);
+ $display("EX/MEM registers\n\t EX/MEM.rs = %d, EX/MEM.rt = %d",u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXrs,u_mipspipe_mp2.IDEXrt,"\n\t EX/MEM.ALUOut = %h, EX/MEM.ALUout = %h",u_mipspipe_mp2.EXMEMALUOut,u_mipspipe_mp2.EXMEMB);
+ $display("\t EX/MEM.op = %h\n",u_mipspipe_mp2.EXMEMop);
+ $display("MEM/WB registers\n\t MEM/WB.rd = %d, MEM/WB.rt = %d",u_mipspipe_mp2.MEMWBrd,u_mipspipe_mp2.MEMWBrt,"\n\t MEM/WB.value = %h",u_mipspipe_mp2.MEMWBValue);
+ $display("\t EX/MEM.op = %h\n",u_mipspipe_mp2.MEMWBop);
+ end
+// log to a vcd (variable change dump) file
+ initial
+ begin
+ $dumpfile("test_mipspipe.vcd");
+ $dumpvars;
+ end